《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Chapter 8


It's been about a month since Mystery Man and I started texting. It's nice to have someone to chat with, John and I are barely home at the same time. If I'm not at college, I'm working at the Diner or doing school work.

We both get along really easily and have a lot in common. It's nice to have a friend I only really know through texts, he doesn't expect anything and neither do I.

Currently sitting with The Prestige playing in the back ground, we're discussing which celebrity we'd screw if they wanted us and why. Don't ask how we got to this topic, I don't know.

MM -

Natasha - lol. Yeah and she's sexy. Mine would easily be Jason Stratham. Body like in the Transporter movies too.

MM -

Natasha - Yes, we are. We just hide it better haha. He was trying to prove himself a bit I guess. I never really thought about it. So, what do you have planned this weekend?

MM -

Natasha - I'll actually be going to a club Saturday, it's one of my girlfriends birthday. Let me think of on the selfie idea first.

I hear the front door open but barely notice it.

I wish I had....

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