《Gracie》Chapter Four


.. I feel my eyes go wide. Omg why did I say that. I pretend to go back to stirring the sauce.

I look back to see the boys walking in with big smiles on their faces. Then look to see little Gracie sitting there with confusion on her face. Goodness she's so cute ! When Tanner told me about her I was a little skeptical at first but when he showed me her pictures and told me a bit about her life I just felt an instant connection. Nick and I have waited for this moment for ages. We always wanted a daughter after the boys we tried and tried but never conceived and adoption just took way to long. I looked to Gracie and smiled at her and went back to cooking. Phase one of getting her here was complete! Now on to Phase two.

I ask with a smile as i open the cupboard that held the plates then went back to the stove.

I hear a mumbled response.

I get up from my seat and walk towards the open cupboard. I gulp when I see the height of the cupboard to where I'm standing. Hmm how am i gonna do this with out climbing. I look towards Ben or "tanner" as I now know. I see a knowing look cross his face and watch him stand up from his chair and walk towards me. He grabs 4 plates and 4 bowls for what I assumed was for the salad and stacks them into my open arms. Then leaves me to go grab cups. What a jerk! Come on man.

God why are these plates so damn heavy? I thought to my self. I could feel my hands starting to sweat and my arms start to shake. Come on grace you can bring four heavy ass plates across the room to the table come on. I started to walk and tried to make my struggles unnoticeable. I was half way there when it happened my luck ran out. I tripped over my own two feet and *Smash* in an instant I found my self on my stomach on the floor with white glass everywhere I tried getting up only to hear a gentle voice telling me not to move. I could feel strong hands pick me up. I instantly felt the waterworks start everything became blurry. Whyyy me whyyy I thought. They invited me for a nice meal and I just smashed all their plates and bowl like a damn child.


. I could hear the whispers in my ears but I couldn't. No this wasn't okay why didn't I ask for help.

I could feel someone brushing off my back and checking me over for any broken glass. I was passed over into a set of smaller arms which I could only assume was Elizabeth and could feel small pats to my back which slowly turned to bum pats .. wait a minute bum pats... not those I mentally groaned knowing that those are what you do to calm down babies jeez the way I'm crying that's probably what they think I am. I jolt a little as the bum pats continued to show how uncomfortable I was and I could feel her hand move to my back again. I need to compose my self. Come on grace ! I push my self a way from Elizabeth hoping she would get the hint to put me down... she didn't.

she says while wiping the tears that have fallen. I turn to see Ben and Nicolas sweeping up the glass. And instantly start crying again while apologizing.

I suddenly felt arms pull me into a tight hug. . Was all I heard. I could feel my body start to calm down a bit after who knows how long. I could feel a hand rubbing my back and movement going on in the background. I just stayed in this hugging position being consoled by the unknown person. I decided maybe now to pull away and see that it was Elizabeth. I looked up at her and I she gave me a sad smile and I could feel her fingers brush the tears of of my cheeks. She said in a motherly tone that I really wasn't used too, I could feel a flutter in my stomach when she used it. And it made me feel I dunno safe. I was pulled into another warm hug and I could hear her heart beat and then her chest rise more as she spoke.


I pulled away and then took noticed of my surroundings I could see that the pasta was on the table and another set of plates filled the once empty spots. I watched as Ben put the salad on the table he looked up and gave me a tight lipped smile and a nod as to kind tell me everything would be ok. I suddenly felt my self being guided towards the table and to a chair next to ben's. I sat down and tried to gain my control back of the situation. I mentally chastised my self for acting like a child. I need to look grown up I need to show them that I'm an adult. I looked at the table and and could see all the delicious food. I could feel my tummy rumble at the sight. Nicolas and Elizabeth sat down across from us and that's when I knew it was time to feast. I watched and waited my turn as Elizabeth filled her plate.. or what I thought was her plate. I was just about to get my hand on the salad when I suddenly noticed my once empty plate was filled with spaghetti and garlic bread.. pre cut spaghetti .. I looked up in confusion and tried to question but I seen Elizabeth filling what I assume was my old plate with her own meal as the boys had already started eating. I lost my nerve of questioning why my spaghetti was cut up like a parent would do for a child. I decided to just eat I was already embarrassed enough and the last thing I wanted to do was offend anyone.. I mean spaghetti is spaghetti right?

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