《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Book 6: Chapter 1


I woke up, gasping and panting. I've been a bit under the whether here recently. I felt like absolute rubbish, and the reoccurring nightmares aren't helping. I shrugged it off, curling back into my covers. I miss Harry. Dad won't let him sleep in my room anymore thanks to Nat and Fred. Stupid preverts. I stared at my ceiling, but couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk to Lilly. Earlier this summer, I put her picture beside me bed so I could talk to her. I did this when the nightmares started.

"Again sweetheart?" She whispered, looking at me sympathetically. I nodded, flicking on the lamp. "Sirius needs to remove that ban. Harry isn't sleeping either!" She sighed, looking at James. "Do something!"

"I don't blame him!" James huffed, but then smirked. "After all. He is MY son!" He wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively while Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Yes because they're going to pull something with us watching!"

"Have you seen their snogs?"

"Okaaaayyyyyy. Enough of that please?" I asked, feeling awkward. They laughed, but nodded anyway. "I understand to an extent why Dad is doing it. We're getting older. Obviously, thank you Nat for the support, things are going to change. But still, Harry an I haven't done anything before. What makes him think we would now? I wouldn't mind so much if I knew the reason. Us it a lack of trust? Or is it just one of those things where he's trying to be a dad over a maurader?"

"Dad over maurader. Definitely!" James laughed, shaking his head. Lilly gave him a weird look, making me giggle. "What? Come on! She's like the daughter we never had! What if Harry got her pregnant? You can't tell me you wouldn't be the slightest bit angry?"

"I understand that part. But still. It's affecting their health! The girl is sick!"

"No I'm not! Just allergies. Promise. And I guess it's a good thing. It acts up at night. Harry worries to easily. I don't want him freaking out over nothing!" I waved them off, looking at a picture of Harry on the wall.

"I'm telling me!" He smirked, then walked out of his frame. I groaned, remembering I made a copy of that picture for Harry. Therefore he can tell himself.

"Pretend to be asleep!" James whispered, watching the door. I nodded, curling up. "You don't sleep like that! Pretend your sleeping with Harry!" I automatically changed my position, missing him even more. However, when he came in, he didn't fall for it.

"Heard that! Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked, walking over to the bed. He sat beside me, pulling me onto his lap.

"I'm not sick. It's allergies. Promise. I didn't want you to worry about me! Actually, I feel better? Hm. That's strange." I trailed off, watching Lilly and James exchange a glance. They turned around, whispering back and forth. Harry noticed to and we watched them.

"We think you two are addicted to each other! It can happen with magical people sometimes. It's when two people love each other so much, they develop a bond, for lack of better words, and need each other. Nothing to worry about. But uhm, it's like having withdrawals. It can make you sick." James stated, shrugging his shoulders. I scowled, poking myself. I even scolded myself.

"You mean to tell me your making me feel bad because you miss a boy? Blimey! Harry, will you stay?" I begged, looking back at him.


"I'd love to doll! But Sirius..." He trailed off, making me pout. I nodded in understanding though. Someone groaned from the doorway.

"You can stay! Just make her unsick!" Dad grumbled, walking out the door. "And behave yourselves!"

We nodded happily while I wrapped myself up in Harry. I was already wearing his shirt. It was too hot for shorts, so no pants. But other than that, I'm good. I lay on his chest, but he wasn't wearing a shirt, so I curled my arms up to my chest, leaning sideways. He chuckled, sitting up. He put my pillow behind his back, and pulled me up on his lap. He held me like I was a baby, but that's okay. He rested his cheek on my head, using me as a pillow. I curled into a ball on his lap, yawning. I kissed his cheek, then fell asleep.

********Harry's POV*********

I waited till she fell asleep before sneaking out. Sirius an I decided not to tell Maxie or Gracie that I was meeting Dumbledore. I'm helping him with something apparently. What, I don't know. But I'm supposed to be meeting him any minute. Actually, I think I'm late.

I lay Gracie down as gently as I could. I know she talks to my parents picture all the time, and I know they love her. I turned to them, looking more at Dad than Mum. "Take care of her!" I whispered, walking to the dresser drawer. They smiled at me, nodding.

"You did good Son!" Dad whispered, Mum looked like she was going to cry. I nodded, watching Gracie as I put my shirt on. She used it to sleep in last week. I think she's got maybe thirty of my shirts in there. She still has the one Ms. Figg gave her from when I was eleven. She's so tiny. I walked over to her, kissing her forehead.

"I'll be back soon!" I nodded at my parents before walking out the door. I skipped down the steps quietly to see Dumbledore and Sirius on the couch. The turned to me with a smile. "Sorry. I was, er, busy."

"I assume you were with Ms. Gracelyn?" Dumbledore chuckled, giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes, but nodded anyway. No point in lying. His face was suddenly grave. "How is she?"

"Oh fine. Wilder than ever!" I chuckled, shaking my head. Just yesterday she ordered a bunch of stuff from Fred, George, and Nat. Nat made sure she had it within the hour. She then used it to mess with Sirius. The twins find it hilarious when 'sissy' makes Daddy scared. Fred and Nat made up this new thing, something comes up out of the toilet and bites your arse, first thing she used.

"And how are you Harry?" I came out of dream land to answer. I shoved my hands in my pocket, shrugging.

"I'm fine." I took a seat beside Sirius, then noticed his hand. "Er, Professor, what happened to-"

"Don't mean to be rude but we must get going. That's another story for another time. Coming Harry?" I nodded, following him to the door.

"We'll meet you there Sir!" Sirius nodded and then took off, bounding up the stairs. "Oh! Harry, got your cloak?" He stopped on the top step, looking back at me. I nodded, pulling it out of the bag. It was kind of awkward when we left. Like really awkward. And I feel bad for the last time we actually spoke to each other. I ruined a lot of stuff. But he seemed calm so might as well go with it.


"Keep your wand at the ready!" He commanded, completely out of the blue. He sounded kind of happy though.

"But, we aren't at school?" Way to state the obvious Harry. Gracie would probably face palm right now. I chuckled at the thought. Last time she did that, she smacked her nose and gave herself a nosebleed. Nat, Ginny, and the guys absolutely loved that. We all thought Hermione was going to pass out. Dumbledore brought me back to earth again.

"If, though I don't think there will be, is an attack I give you full permission to use any counter jinx, curses, or spells that come to mind. Understood?" I nodded, knowing full well I won't be attacked standing next to him. We stopped at the end of the street. "You haven't passed your apparition test yet."

"Don't you have to be seventeen?" I asked, looking at him. I think he's loosing it. Though, I'm not sure. I still want to know why his hand looks like it's been burnt to a crisp.

"You do. So we're going to be using side along apparition. Left arm please. Hold tight!" I followed instructions, but I forgot what it felt like. I can't bloody breathe! Shit! I landed, gulping a bunch of deep breaths at once. "Are you alright?" He chuckled, sounding pretty amused. I waved him off, continuing to breathe for a minute. When I could, around up straight, waiting.

"I prefer brooms!" I said, staying calm. He laughed, pulling his cloak up. He nodded for me to follow him, so I did. He made small talk for a minute, which irritated me. Obviously he wants something.

"So tell me," here it comes! "has your scar been hurting recently? What about Gracie's?"

"No. Not that I know of. If so she hasn't said anything. Why is that though? Shouldn't it hurt all the time? I mean, he has all this power now." I trailed off, repeating Gracie's question from yesterday. Dumbledore looked pretty pleased though.

"It appears he's understanding the dangers you seeing into his mind is creating. There are things he will not want you to see, so, he's using occulomency against you!"

I scoffed, shaking me head. "Good. I don't miss any of it. Nightmares, weird and seriously creepy visions. We're good with out them." I grumbled, stopping behind him. He nodded, watching me for a minute. "Don't worry. I can control my temper now that he isn't in my head all the time. Plus Gracie has been helping me with occulomency."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh has she?"

"Yeah, well, I mean it's not like she's a master at it, but she's pretty good at keeping stuff out. Used to she could get in my head in a matter of seconds, but she helped me come up with a way to keep them chained up and stuff." I shrugged, smiling to myself. He was right, she's stronger than any of us thought. Her magic is strong according to Moody. He says she's definite auror material. Says I could be if I wanted to be. Says I'm already over qualified, but that we could be the best team in the business. "So uh, what are we doing here?"

His eyes widened for a minute. "Oh yes, about that. As you know, we're a member short for staff." He rolled his eyes. "So, we're here to convince an old colleague of mine to come out of retirement."

"And I can help with that how?" I asked, amused all of a sudden. Who'd of thought Dumbledore would need help with persuasion? Not me. He gave me a quiet, vague answer, to which I didn't respond to. We walked up the steps and pounded on the door, but made sure to keep it quiet. We made more small talk while we waited. About the new minister and how Madam Bones went missing. Then I remembered the pamphlet Gracie an I spent an hour reading and laughing at. Maxie didn't like it though and made us stop. She's been reaching the twins all sorts of escapes and stuff. Sirius just put extra protection on the house. Not that they could see it anyway. Dumbledore is the secret keeper.

"What are inferi?"

He grunted. "Corpses. Dead bodies that have been bewitched to do a dark wizard's bidding. Inferior haven't been seen for a long time, however, not since Voldemort was last powerful." He pause for a moment, looking sad. "He killed enough people to make an army of them, of course." I then looked around, noticing the bad shape of the house. "Wand out and follow me!" He whispered, walking into the house.

"Lumos!" He continued, lighting his wand. I wanted to do the same, but it's too risky. When we got inside, stuff was trashed. More than rubbish. Blimey, it's worse than the mess I made of Professor's office! A grandfather clock was broken on the floor, a piano on its side, I think that's a broken chandelier, fragments of glass and china scattered everywhere, pillows slashed up with out stuffing. Finally, Dumbledore pointed his wand at the walls.

I groaned. "That's sick!"

"Not pretty is it? Yes, something horrible has happened. Or maybe," He trailed off, moving closer to the blood spattered wall. I'd say the poor bloke it dead! Look at this mess! He moved away from the wall, and towards a chair.

"You think he's still here?" Dumbledore nodded soundlessly, then swooped, poking the chair with a wand. My jaw dropped as a man yelped, transforming out of the shape of the chair.

"Good evening Horace!" My crazy headmaster smiled happily, standing over to the side.

"There was no need to be so rough!" The man grumbled, rubbing his stomach. "It hurt!" He sniffed. Acting like a baby. I rolled my eyes, watching them. He was short. He barely reached Dumbledore's head. "What gave it away?"

"My dear Horace!" Dumbledore smirked, that amused twinkle in his eye. "If the death eaters had been here, there would have been a dark mark over the house!" I chuckled why Horace face palmed. He started muttering over his breath.

"Wouldn't have time anyway. Was just finishing up when you came in!" He sighed, making his mustache do this weird flutter thing. Dumbledore chuckled this time, shaking his head.

"Would you like my assistance clearing up?"

"Please!" They moved back to back, waving their wands in a sweeping motion. They looked identical. Except one was talk and skinny and one short, bald, and a bit pudgy. Everything replaced and repaired itself easily, leaving me speechless.

"What kind of blood was that?" I asked, watching it disappear. Both of them laughed before answering simultaneously.

"Dragon." He finally looked at me, but then eyes widened. Brilliant. Another one. Why can't they all be like Gracie or McGonagall an act like I'm a normal student? McGonagall, even Snape isn't afraid to give me a detention. I like it better that way. Dumbledore introduced us, but I wasn't listening. I was looking around, and let me tell you, this is a spoiled man. It actually looked like a lady's house. A grumpy rich one at that. Kind of like Petunia would have when she gets old! I heard him make a reference to Dumbledore's hand and whipped around, hoping to hear the story. But I didn't. Slughorn and I both noticed the ring on Dumbledore's hand. It seemed to mean more to him than me.

"Tell me. All of this, for the death eaters benefit of mine?"

Horace grunted. "What would they want with a broken down buffer like me?"

"To use your talents for torture, coercion and murder. Tell me they haven't been recruiting." The headmaster challenged, but Slughorn grunted again.

"Haven't given them a chance. I've been moving around. Hiding. And I tell you, I'm too old for this!" He snapped, glaring at Dumbledore.

"Ingenious. The hiding part that is. However, you wouldn't have to run at Hogwarts."

Slughorn blew up. Ranting a bit that is. Then he made a comment about Umbridge being an idiotic woman and how he never liked her. I laughed, but stopped when they started staring at me. "Sorry. But I never liked her either. Neither did Gracie." Both nodded, but Slughorn's eyes widened.

"Where is the girl? Figured you'd go all out Albus!"

"The girl was sleeping. And Harry is only here on the way through. I'm taking him into hiding. Gracie's father will bring her when he wakes up. I'm sorry to say I had to disturb her by bringing Harry." He chuckled, winking at me. Horace smirked a bit, turning back to me again.

"That a boy! Just like your father!" He chuckled, shaking his head. Suddenly, Dumbledore stood up. "Are you leaving?" Way to sound desperate Sir. I shook my head, knowing he's not done yet. I was right. He went to the bathroom, leaving us alone.

"He's not lying you know. I didn't even know we were stopping here. I thought we were headed straight to the Weasley's." I sighed, walking over to a bunch of pictures. He stared at me for a while.

"You look just like your father. Except the eyes. You have your mother's eyes." I nodded, hearing it a thousand times. "You're not really supposed to have favorites of course, being a teacher and all, but how one couldn't favor your mother was beyond me. So smart, vivacious. Charming. The best I ever taught. I always told her she should have been in my house. Cheeky answers is what I got too!"

"What house were you over?" I asked, glad to hear something good here recently.

"Slytherin!" I made a face. "Don't go holding that against me now! You'll be a Gryffindor like her. Runs in families. Except for Sirius Black. Had the whole lot but him. I had Regulas, but I would have liked the set. He was talented. Of course his daughter would be just as talented. I hear she's, like Lilly?" He whispered the last part, tearing up. I nodded, smiling.

"An exact replica. Sometimes the teachers slip and call her Lilly. She's got that same personality, but with her Dad's wild side. The biggest heart you'll ever see!" I continued, bragging a bit.

"A looker too! From the pictures that is?" He winked, ruffling my hair. I nodded eagerly.

"Wait till you see her in person!" I chuckled, shaking my head. "She's smart, outgoing, brave, incredibly strong, funny, charming, she's one of those people who will walk up and say hi with out a second thought. So sweet. She'd rather die than see anyone else get hurt."

"So I hear." He nodded, watching me with a smile. "You see these?" I nodded. "All of this from students. I get tickets to the Holyhead Harpies games from their lead player, I get..." He went on and on before I interrupted him.

"How do they know where to to find you if the death eaters don't?"

He looked quite sad. "They don't. I haven't spoke to anyone in a year."

"Hogwarts would be safer. You wouldn't have to hide." I stated, trying to stay calm. He brought up the Order. "You don't have to join. Most of the teachers don't. And only Quirrell died. He deserved it though, working with Voldemort." The man started squawking around like a bird, but I ignored him. "I reckon the staff and students are the safest people, with Dumbledore and all. After all, he is the only one Tom ever feared." I continued, watching him stare into space for a minute.

"I suppose it's true he's never picked a fight with Dumbledore." He paused again. "And I can't ignore Amelia's death. Especially with all of her connections and protection from the ministry..."

"Hello!" Dumbledore came back with something in his hands.

"Hello Albus. In there a long time, weren't you? Upset stomach?"

"No. I was reading a muggle magazine. You don't mind if I keep it do you?" Horace shook his head. "Very well. Thank you! Come on Harry!" I jumped up happily, following him towards the door. Slughorn however looked disappointed.

"You're leaving?"

"I think I know a lost cause when I see one!" Dumbledore sighed, opening the door. I was confused though, and I heard Slughorn talking to himself behind me. "It would have been nice to have you back! But alas, I understand." Dumbledore nodded. Horace continued to stutter.

"Bye!" I waved as we got ready to walk out the door. We made it as far as the first step before he came after us.

"Alright! I'll do it!" He yelled exasperatedly. I snickered, shaking my head. Point Dumbledore I suppose. "But I expect a raise!" He slammed the door while I looked at a triumphant Dumbledore. He winked, then we apparated to the burrow. It was just dawn. The Professor and I said our goodbyes, apparently I'm taking lessons from him, along with Gracie. But separately. For what? Who knows. But anyway. I walked to the door and walked inside, seeing Hedwig and my stuff. I smiled, shaking my head. I then walked into the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Mum, is Harry here?" Ginny called, sounding like she was crying. Wonder what that's about?

"What? I don't think so, why?"

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