《Moon Child》29. Joint Pack Party


"Are you staying over the Alpha's house for dinner tonight," my grandpa asked. It was a common occurrence lately. Liam and I were practically inseparable these days. After I shifted on my birthday, Sahria stayed hidden, but she did provide some unseen perks. I healed faster by myself, I ran faster, all of my senses were incredibly enhanced, and even my demi-goddess powers came easier. The week following was intense training with Aria to test my limits. It was like a week straight of mental and CrossFit training. I was slightly taller, leaner, and even had a slightly more muscular build.

"Kind of. There's a party tonight that Liam is taking me to," I admitted. There was no reason to hide it from my grandparents, they were pretty cool with everything because they knew Aria was watching over me.

"Okay, be safe," he said. Mya came over and to get dressed with me. I wore a simple outfit of a cropped blue button-up blouse, skinny jeans, and ankle boots. Mya wore a cute crop top, an a-shaped skirt and blue jean jacket. Liam showed up and drove us to the party. The sun was done for the day, but the house was alive and electric when we pulled up.

"Who's party is this?" I asked as I got out of the car. Liam was quick to put his arm around me, and I didn't complain these days.

"Our neighboring pack invited the people from high school to their party. It's like a joint party that they have every year. Mainly it's for the potential mate and good connections," Liam explained. We went inside and Mya's mate was there in an instant to sweep her to the dance floor. Liam moved us into the kitchen where he got himself a drink. He handed me a virgin drink.


"No alcohol?" I asked curiously.

"Aria said no alcohol around a different pack," Liam muttered. I sighed but drank my drink anyway.

"Hey, aren't you that girl?" Someone asked, from behind me. I turned to see a guy with dark eyes and hair. He was fairly built. I opened myself to read his thoughts.

This is the girl everyone has been talking about. The Alpha's mate who dominates him. She fits the description of the girl Harvey saw in the clearing.

I smiled easily trying to be friendly. If I was going to figure this out, I needed to figure out who Harvey was.

"Yeah, I'm Liam's mate," I said. "Hey, my friend Harvey said he'd be here tonight. Do you know where I could find him?" I asked. I felt Liam's hand on my back.

Just wait. I need to figure something out, I said through mindlink to Liam. It was nice to finally be able to do that since Sahria appeared.

"Oh yeah, he's around here somewhere. Last I saw he was in the dining room on the couch," the guy said. I thanked him before heading to the dining room with Liam hot on my heels.

I need to handle this. Someone saw me shift in the clearing. Give me some space, I mindlinked to Liam. He sighed before stopping and going back to the kitchen. I went through everyone's thoughts and quickly found Harvey. I approached him unwavering. When he felt my presence, he turned and looked at me with wide eyes.

Shit! It's that white wolf. What is she doing here? Harvey thought to himself. I smiled at him easily.

"Harvey right? Could I talk to you in private for a moment?" I asked. He was quick to shake his head.


"No way! You're a freak!" He said quickly. My smile dropped and I got serious.

"You're making a scene. Follow without talking," I said using the persuasion power Aria taught me. His eyes were still wide but his mouth shut. I turned and went out to the backyard, knowing he would follow. When I was far enough out to not be disturbed, I stopped and turned to face Harvey.

"Now, you will answer my questions truthfully and quietly," I continued with my persuasion power. "What did you see the day I shifted?" I asked.

"Well, you shifted and almost tore the Alpha Family apart. The woman who was with you used magic or something to subdue you then she healed the entire Alpha Family. Who was she? Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"Who have you told?" I asked.

"Everyone I know. Our Alpha knows as well," he answered.

"What was his opinion?" I continued.

"He believes you to be a very powerful weapon. He wants you," Harvey answered against his will. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. This wasn't good.

"Okay, you will go inside and forget I even came to this party. You will forget our conversation and the power I had over you," I said, using as much power as I could. He turned and walked back inside without another word.

We have to leave, I mind-linked to Liam and Maya.

Carson said he would take me home. You guys go ahead, Maya responded.

Meet me in the front, Liam replied to me. I walked around the house without going inside so I wouldn't be seen. Liam was already waiting for me out front.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Let's get in the car first," I said. He opened the passenger door for me before getting in the driver's side.

"What is going on?" He asked. I sighed, already trying to think of ways to fix the situation.

"That Harvey guy saw me shift in the woods and saw Sahria hurt you guys. He told everyone. Their Alpha views me as a powerful weapon now," I explained.

"How did Aria not sense him?" He asked confused.

"Sahria is extremely dangerous. All of Aria's attention was focused on her," I answered. "This pack may not know everything, but they know too much. It may not be a problem yet, but something tells me that it will be," I said.

"Let's go brainstorm with my mom. She may know what to do," he said before starting the car.

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