《Rejecting Evangeline | ✓》Chapter 17


Picture of Charlotte's wolf, Violet on top

"Evangeline? Please..." Xavier called out, his tone much softer now as he tried to coax me to talk to him. I winced as I felt Brittany burning glare full of distaste and hatred on me, making me instantly move closer to Blake. Never make a Barbie angry, you might as well just go to hell directly. Xavier tried again, "Come on Evangeline, I am your mate, tell me that you feel the mate bond too, I know you do." I whimpered and buried my face deep into Blake's chest, tears falling down my face unendingly. Blake, seemingly having enough, roared in his Alpha voice, "Enough! She's not ready to talk to you Xavier and that is absolutely understandable. You are a pathetic excuse for a mate. Now, we are here for official pack work, please show us to our rooms, it was a long trip. Training starts bright and early tomorrow." Blake rubbed my back reassuringly and gestured me to pick Paws up. Unable to look at anything but the ground, I made my way over to where my puppy was obediently waiting and picked him up. I hugged Paws tightly for comfort, he did not seem to mind the fact that I was practically squeezing the life out of him. Sensing my uneasiness and hurt, Paws simply licked my chin and snuggled into my embrace.

Xavier hung his head in defeat and commanded offhandedly to his Beta, "Alec, please show the Crescent Moon Pack to their rooms." Alec nodded and wordlessly started walking towards the house, leaving us to follow him. Charlotte and Blake walked alongside me, each of their arms wrapped around my shoulder. I felt surrounded by my family as we made our way up the grande stairways of the familiar Moonlight Pack house. Meanwhile, Xavier stayed behind with Brittany.

I felt Blake put a comforting hand on the small of my back, gently leading me on. Once upstairs, Alec directed us one by one to our rooms, pointing to each designated doors. "Evangeline, your room will be this one," he announced, pointing to a very familiar door. I looked at it close, trying to find the little puppy sticker I put on it when I was 5 years old and I gasped when I found it. It faded but still visible, the realization hit me. This was my old room, the same room my parents specially designed just for me. Alec gave me a gentle and knowing smile before disappearing down the hallway into his room.

I put Paws down and took a deep breath before slowly twisting the doorknob, having no clue what lays behind the door. The door creaked opened and revealed my childhood room, exactly as it was years ago. My eyes widened at the sight. Everything was left untouched, nothing was out-of-place. I walked in unsurely with Paws obediently at my heels. I dropped my suitcase by the door before looking around, an overpowering nostalgic feeling and sadness overtaking my emotions. Flashes of memories of my childhood days seemed unending. My teary eyes roamed around the room, recalling memories to my brain as they did, unlocking a part in my brain that I had long buried and forgotten. The happy times at Moonlight Pack that were overshadowed by the bad memories and years of abuse here. My small twin size bed still looked so warm and cozy even after all these years, I remember all the fun I had jumping up and down that bed. I glanced at my bookcase filled with stories that I would spend hours at a time reading. I spotted my old toy box in a corner, the very same toy box that daddy built me for my 6th birthday. A beaten and battered old teddy bear sat on my night side table, mommy gave me that bear when I was just a newborn. I felt overwhelmed as each memory brushed my heart and reminded me more and more of my beloved parents. I miss them.


I can't stay here, the memories are still raw and painful. Everything reminded me too much of my lost parents, I can't stay here. Paws whimpered sensing my sadness and distress. I backed away before rushing out of the room, finding myself unable to breathe properly in there. Suddenly, I abruptly bumped into something hard as I did. I slowly look up and sigh a breath of relief when I realized that it was Blake. He took a hold of my shoulders as I stumbled, effectively steadying me. "Woah there little one! Are you okay? Is something wrong?" he asked me worriedly, noticing immediately my tears. I looked up and quickly wiped my eyes and cracked a fake smile, "Sorry about that, I'm okay...thanks." Blake raised an eyebrow, giving me that "tell me what's honestly wrong look". I sighed, knowing that he won't stop asking until I tell him, "I can't stay in there, it's my old childhood room. Everything holds so many recollections, it's overwhelming to be in there." Blake smiled softly, "Would you like to stay with me instead?" I immediately nodded my head, "Yes, please." Blake let go of my shoulders and took my hand instead, "Let's move all your stuff and Paws' in there alright?" Just like magic, tears that I was holding back disappeared and I no longer felt so sad. Blake always knew exactly what to do to make me feel better, that made me adore him more. Blake helped me unpack mine and Paws things in his room. "All done little one! Do you want to go for a walk? It will do you some good." He said as he stretched his arms. I smiled and bounced on my heels, excited to go out for some much need fresh air, "Yes please!" Blake leaned down and lovingly kissed my nose, "I just can't deal, you are just too cute little one!" he cooed.

We headed downstairs hand in hand, Brittany was crying on the couch when we entered the living room and as soon as she spotted me, she threw a nasty glare my way. Suddenly, the carpeted floor seemed like the most interesting thing in the world for me to look at. Blake growled a warning at her and instantly I felt her menacing glare off me.

We walked out of the pack house and headed towards the lush green forest hand in hand. "So, Evangeline, how are you feeling?" Blake asked concern tinted his voice. I looked up and smiled sadly, "Honestly? I wish I never came back. I can never forgive the Moonlight pack for what they did. But, I am more than happy to help the Crescent Moon pack in whatever way possible even if it means coming back here. After all, you guys did so much for me." Blake squeezed my hand, "You're such a sweetheart, the Crescent Moon pack is lucky to have you as a member. I'm sorry for obliging you to come back though." I shook my head, "No, you have nothing to be sorry for Blake. I'm happy to help if it means returning a favor the Crescent Moon pack owes." Blake smiled, "Little one, did I ever mention how much I adore you?" I smiled brightly, "Only about a million times." Blake then bent down to my height and peppered my face with butterfly kisses making me giggle with happiness. All the sorrow earlier disappearing completely.


By the time we arrived back the pack house, the night was falling upon us. "I'm hungry!" exclaimed Blake, holding his rumbling stomach. I giggled, "You're always hungry Blakey. I assume dinner time must be soon." Alec walked up to us, "Hey, it's dinner time and the rest of the pack are waiting for you two. The dining room is this way. Follow me." Blake and I followed close behind, not wanting to get lost in the huge Moonlight Pack mansion. Soon we arrived in front of huge double doors. Alec pushed open both doors to reveal a long table where both the Moonlight pack and the little group of the Crescent Moon pack were seated. Placed on the table was a variety of food such as cheesy mac and cheese, mouth-watering steak, grilled cheese sandwiches, cooked vegetables and crispy french fries.

We took the remaining seats, placed fortunately next to each other. As soon as our butts touched the seat, everyone started eating. "Where did you guys go?" asked Charlotte as she cut her steak. "We took a walk in the forest to talk and to get some fresh air," answered Blake. "Where is Paws?" I asked, looking around for my little puppy, who would usually be by my feet begging me for scraps of my food. "I fed Paws for you earlier and took him out for a short walk. He should be in yours and Blake's room now, I placed him on the bed and last that I saw him, he was fast asleep. That cutie pie waited for you by the front door for a long time, I had to practically drag him away." replied Jamie. "Aww...he's adorable. Thank you for taking care of him Jamie!" I told her cheerfully. I turned to Charlotte and questioned her, "So, what did you do this evening Charmander?" Charlotte smiled, "Maxwell and I watched Mean Girls and The Notebook!" Blake chuckled, "Dude, how did she get you to watch a chick flick?" he asked a blushing Maxwell. "Hey! I couldn't resist Char's puppy dog eyes and plus I have to admit the movies were not bad." Blake shook his head, a smile plastered on his face, "We are so whipped dude." Charlotte and I shared a look and we both started giggling, knowing very well that we had them tightly wrapped around our little pinky finger. During dinner, I felt Xavier and Alec eyes on me despite being on the other end of the table. I purposely avoided their fixated gaze, making sure never to turn my head in their directions.

After dinner, our little pack gathered up in the spacious living room for a short pack meeting. "When do we start training them Blake?" questioned Jake. "Bright and early tomorrow so make sure to rest well," answered Blake. "Are we going to slit up and individually train our own group?" asked Jamie. "We are going to spilt-up in pairs, one of the main reason being that I don't want to let Evangeline on her own and I am sure Jake and Maxwell aren't comfortable with leaving their mates alone to train other wolves," replied Blake. Maxwell and Jake nodded their head vigorously in agreement. "Any other questions?" asked Blake. Everyone shook their heads. "Alright then, good night guys. Sleep well and be ready bright and early tomorrow." Blake finished and wrapped up the meeting. Everyone got up and head towards their designated rooms leaving Blake and me behind.

"You coming little one?" asked Blake with a soft smile. I lifted up my hands high, silently pleading him with my eyes to carry me. I was too sleepy to walk up the flight of stairs. Blake chuckled and carefully picked me up and placed me on his hips, just like how one would carry a baby. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, koala hugging him, "You ready?" asked Blake once I got comfortable. "Mmm yes," I replied before placing my head on the crock of his neck. Blake used his hand that that's wrapped securely around my waist to gently stroke my hair as he started walking up the stairs, "We have lots to do tomorrow little one." I just hummed in agreement.

Blake placed me gently on the bed and I fell back on the soft mattress, instantly cuddling to a fast asleep Paws, "Hey little one, put this on and then you can go to sleep okay?" I opened my eyes halfway, nodded my head sleepily before letting my puppy go. I took the plain white shirt from Blake, "Turn around cheeky." Blake chuckled and did as he was told. "Alright you can turn around now," I told him after I changed into his shirt which looked more like a dress on me as it reached knee length. I took off my shoes before slipping into bed, snuggling Paws once again. I watched as Blake smiled and grabbed my clothes and tossed them in the hamper in the bathroom before coming back to the bedroom. He took off his own shoes, shirt, and pants and exchange it for his sleepwear which consisted of only a pair of light grey sweatpants. My eyes opened wider at the sight of his solid chocolate bar abs. "Like what you see little one?" Blake smirked. I gulped and looked away bashfully, a crimson red blush appearing on my cheeks, "Maybe..." I mumbled shyly. Blake chuckled an walked towards me, "It's okay to look, baby, cause I am all yours." I smiled, "I know and I am all yours." I carefully placed Paws on my other side before Blake got into bed and pulled me and against his bare and muscular chest. He held me close and tight, making me feel safe. Blake pulled the blanket over the both of us and turned off the lights. I turned to face him and smiled sleepily, "Goodnight Blake, I adore you." Blake softly kissed my forehead, "Night little one, I adore you more."

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