《Rejecting Evangeline | ✓》Chapter 14


Picture of Blake's wolf, Shadow on top.

I woke up this morning for once without the "help" of Charlotte which was very strange considering that she was in charge of waking me up every single morning since I got here. I looked at the clock and leaped out of bed when I realized that I was late to werewolf training. "Oh no! Oh no!" I repeated over and over as I rushed to get ready. I ran into the bathroom like a mad woman to quickly freshen up, my own reflection giving me a fright as I saw my untamed hair resembling a lion's mane and yesterday's coat of mascara running down my face, making me look scarier than Pennywise the clown. Paws watched me sleepily from my bed as I bustled and ran around, struggling to find my training clothes. "What the..." I mumbled when I spotted a neatly folded piece of paper on my dresser as I was rummaging through it. "Who do you think this is from Paws?" I asked my puppy as I carefully opened the paper. Paws crook his head at me and sleepily yawned as if to say that he did not know either and wanted to go back to sleep. I curiously opened the note, not knowing what to expect.

Good morning little one,

There's no training for you today, I hope you enjoyed the extra time of sleep little one. I had to use my Alpha voice on Charlotte for her not to wake you up today. You're welcome ;). Evangeline, to celebrate how sweet you are, here is a game to take you near and far. Put away the training clothes and instead wear the pastel pink floral dress that I placed in your closet. You will also find a pair of light pink colored flats by your door. Paws is coming along too! I placed a cute light pink bow tie for him to wear and a matching leash beside your shoes.

Here is your first clue: Your next clue is in the place where a drink says "Moo!"

- B & S

"Blake and Shadow? What are they planning to do, I wondered as I head towards my closet. The beautiful floral dress was neatly hanging along with Paws bow tie and leash. I took out the dress and admire the soft texture. I quickly got changed into it and twirled around in front of my mirror. "What do you think Paws?" I asked. Paws lifted up his head and gave me a huge puppy grin as if to say that he approved. "Aww, you're so cute Paws! Guess what? You have something to wear too!" I pulled out the bow tie and tied it around Paws neck. Paws was calmly laying on my bed, already dozing off as I adjusted the bow tie. Once I was done, I took a step back to get a good look at him, "Oh Paws! You look absolutely adorable! Like a little gentleman. Looking like that, you could woo a lot of female dogs out there buddy." I squealed with happiness. Paws look totally content with the bow tie, he yawned and curled up in a ball, dozing off. I shook my head giggling as I looked at him fondly, my puppy reminds me of myself sometimes. I shook him gently, urging him to get up, "Come on Paws, we got a scavenger hunt to do! You can nap later bud." Paws opened his eyes and yawned, blinking up at me sleepily. I picked him up and he instantly snuggled into my arms, savoring the warmth.


Together, we headed downstairs, to find our next clue. The first clue was in the place where a drink says "Moo!" so he must have meant milk, and milk was stored in the kitchen, in the fridge. I placed Paws on the floor, before opening the fridge door to see a plate inside with a slice of a lemon meringue pie and a note next to it. I took out the plate and placed it on the round wooden kitchen table before opening the note that contained my next clue.

Great! You figured it out! It wasn't that hard now was it? Welcome to the kitchen little one, this a place where we spent a lot of happy memories. Enjoy your breakfast, I know your sweet tooth would not be able to resist Charlotte's famous lemon meringue pie!

Here is your next clue: Rose is pink and irises are blue. Where they reside is the next clue.

- B & S

Before digging into my breakfast, I poured some dog kibbles into Paws food bowl. A flash a blond fur dashed across the kitchen, heading instantly to his food bowl. I giggled at my silly puppy before sitting down to enjoy my sweet breakfast. The lemon meringue pie was perfectly balanced between sweetness and tartness. It melted in my mouth, like fondue. It was absolute heaven in my mouth. I made a mental note to beg Charlotte to bake more of this pie in the future. My life depended on it.

After indulging the treat, I headed off to the garden where the next clue lies with Paws following my heels. The garden was magical, filled with a variety of colorful flowers of all kinds. A fountain sprouted water from the center of the garden, flowers beds with blossoming flowers surrounded the area, the fresh dewy grass sparkling from the morning rays. A sweet scent filled the air, a smell that I could never get enough of. I walked over to where the pink roses and irises were and picked up the note placed on the rose.

My sweet little one, this is your last clue, find me in the place where we first met.

- Blake & Shadow

I headed outside the gates towards the lush forest that lay ahead. The sun was shining brightly, birds were singing melodies, it was a beautiful day. As I entered the forest, I saw bright red arrows and rose petals formed a path, "Ready to shift?" I asked my wolf, knowing that it will take us less time if I ran in wolf form. "Ready!" Winter barked excitedly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath readying myself for the transformation. As I imagined myself in wolf form, I felt my bones crack and move places and before I knew it, I was on all fours. We shook our soft fur and stretched our legs, prancing around in circles happily with our tail wagging happily.


At first, Paws looked terrified and weary, big chocolate brown eyes stared up in alarm at us. He barked a couple of times at us, scared as we were much bigger than him. However, when we walked slowly towards him and lowered our head to show him we mean no harm and touched noses, he seemed to have calmed down. He caught my scent which was mix with Winter's and recognized it instantaneously, his eyes lighting up as soon as he did. Paws tail started to wag and so did ours. Paws happily barked and seemed happy to have made a new friend, Winter. We gave him a wolfish grin and then signal him to follow us, pointing our nose at the rose petal path. We took off in a run inside of the forest with Paws following behind, his little paws pounding on the forest grounds, echoing in our ears as it mixed with the sound of our own thundering paw steps.

We ran together for a while before finally reaching the near end of the rose petal path. When finally reached the end of the path, Paws was completely exhausted and completely out of breath, while Winter and I were not fatigued in the slightest. We glanced up, in front of me was the precious place where Blake and I first met. The tree stood high and tall and was decorated with bright pastel colored balloons tied to each branch and pale pink rose petals surrounded the tree. A pile of clothes laid near the tree, I shifted back and slipped on the simple pure white knee length dress. "Wow." I breathed as I spun around, the dress swaying in perfect circles as I did. I leaned down and gathered a tired and panting Paws in my arms, adjusting his little bow before kissing him on his little nose before putting him back down. Suddenly, felt arms around me, gently back hugging me. I recognized his scent instantly. "Hey there." his husky voice said. I blushed and turned around melting into his hug. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my smaller body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.

I looked up and gazed into his eyes, getting lost in them. His eyes were blue like the sea, crystal clear blue- shimmering and crashing and churning. Looking into his eyes you could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. His eyes were blue like that warm wool sweater that you put on when the air gets that chill- comfortable, warm, familiar. His eyes were that kind of blue. And today, they shined more than other days, so impossibly blue that it was like he had his own sky inside of him. Blake smiled, "I wanted to do something special for you...I love you, Evangeline. It doesn't matter if you are not my mate and that I'm not yours. I love you, Evangeline, from the moment I saw you under this tree." I blushed even more, "I love you too Blake." Blake sweetly kissed my forehead before letting go and holding me back by the shoulders and gazing deeply into my own light green eyes, that I would describe as a child's water-colour painting, how in their haste to paint all the grass they add too much water to the green and it comes out that subdued shade. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, nervous and excited at the same time. I smiled brightly, my eyes filling up with tears at the sight of finally finding someone that would love me back, "Yes."

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