《Rejecting Evangeline | ✓》Chapter 13


Picture of Paws on top.

"Evangeline?" called out Charlotte as she barged into my room. I was cozying reading a novel on my bed, wrapped up in a soft fleece blanket with a mug filled with lukewarm hot chocolate on my bedside table. It was a perfect way to spend my Sunday morning. I stopped reading my book, Behind Ellie's Smile, and looked up at her curiously, "Yeah?" A grin appeared on Charlotte's face, "I have a surprise for you!" she said mysteriously while wiggling her eyebrows. I looked at her curiously, crocking my head to the side, "What is it?" Charlotte laughed, "It wouldn't be a surprise anymore if I told you silly billy! Now get dressed in something casual and wear comfortable shoes!" I nodded my head, deciding to just do as I was told rather than ask any more questions, "Alright, see you in a bit then Charmander." Charlotte beamed, "See you Eevee!" and with that, she skipped out of my room. I giggled at our Pokemon themed nicknames before placing my book on my bedside table and making my way in front of my closet. "Mmm, something casual...what should I wear?" I thought to myself. "Evangeline, how about the baby blue sundress and pair that with white Vans?" suggested Winter. I grinned, "Perfect! Thank you, Winter! You're the best!" I slipped on the dress, shoes and tied a matching light blue ribbon in my hair. "What kind of makeup look should I do?" I asked Winter. My wolf thought about it for a while before answering, "Something natural...just put on a coat of black mascara, baby pink lipstick and a dust of rosy blush." I smiled and did my makeup just like Winter told me to do. Having a wolf at a time like these is just wonderful. It's like having a constant best friend at all times, day and night. "You look beautiful Evangeline." Winter complimented happily as I twirled like a princess in front of my mirror. I smiled, "It's all thanks to you, Winter! You really are the little fashionista."

Once I was ready, I made my way downstairs and was greeted enthusiastically by Charlotte and Maxwell. "Hey guys, where is everyone else?" I asked as I noticed that the pack house was unusually quiet, too quiet that it was abnormal. They looked at each other, seeming to communicate only using their eyes before Charlotte broke the silence and replied, "Um... they are all busy, you know, doing pack work and training..." I looked at her suspiciously, "I thought the pack had a day off today..." Charlotte laughed nervously, fiddling with the hem of her hoodie, "Um, well, maybe they just wanted to work extra hard!" I nodded my head, deciding not to question her further, she looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown, "Okay... anyway, what's your surprise?" Maxwell smiled at me, "You'll just have to see Evangeline. You'll find out soon, don't worry." That only made me more curious. Charlotte grinned and grabbed my head, guiding me outside, towards the car, "Get in the car Evangeline!" I obeyed her and did as I was told, slipping into the back seat. Maxwell got in the driver's seat while Charlotte got in the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" I asked them, hoping that they will finally give me at least a clue to where we were headed. "Stop asking questions, Evangeline! You just have to wait and see!" answered Maxwell, cackling evilly. I grew worried, "What the heck was that laugh? Oh goodness, please don't tell me that you are here to take me to hell..." Charlotte turned around to face me and placed a blindfold in my hand. "Nonsense Eevee, now put that on and no peeking!" Charlotte ordered. I rolled my eyes but put on the blindfold anyways, letting the darkness take over my vision. "Can you see anything?" Charlotte asked. I snorted, "Yes, I can see my dark future that awaits." Maxwell and Charlottes' peals of laughter filled my ears, "Jeez Eevee, your sense of humor is on point." A thought popped into my mind, "Am I being kidnapped?" I wondered out loud. Maxwell and Charlotte laughed, "Why would we ever kidnap you silly billy?" questioned Charlotte. I shrugged and decided to stay quiet for the rest of the car ride, my brain going over every possible thing that the surprise could be.


I felt the car come to a halt and I heard someone open my passenger door. "Can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked, tugging on the tied bow behind my head, tired of the darkness and wanting to see the world in all its glory again. Charlotte took my hand and helped me out, "Not yet, but soon I promise. Patience Eevee." I felt Maxwell and Charlotte each take one of my hand and lead me somewhere. "If I hurt myself or fall, I will blame both of you," I warned while walking blindly, the only thing guiding me was light tugs of hands. "Don't worry Evangeline, just trust us, we got you," answered Maxwell, chuckling at my grumpiness. We continue to walk for a while until I felt Maxwell and Charlotte come to a stop and drop my hands. "Guys? Are we there?" I questioned, reaching around blindly. Charlotte giggled, "Yep! Let me take off your blindfold now." I felt the knot loosen before lights entered my world once again, it felt heavenly before the rays of the hot summer sun hit me. "Arrggghh, why is it so bright," I groaned, shielding my eyes from the blinding brightness. I suddenly heard a lot of laughers and I curiously opened my eyes slowly, letting my eyes get gradually used to the brightness. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I gasped at the sight in front of me.

"Happy Birthday Evangeline!"

"You guys..." Emotions overcame me as I looked at the scene in front of me. A picnic was set up, the classic red and white checked blanket was spread out on the lush freshly cut grass. A variety of sandwiches, fruits and a huge jug of lemonade were placed on it but best of all my friends, Blake, Caleb, Toby, Jake, Tae, Sydney, and Jamie were all sitting on it. "I don't know what to say..." I chocked on my words, tearing up at the sight. Charlotte, Jamie, and Sydney all ran over and gave me a group hug which was soon joined by the guys. Once the group hug ended, Charlotte turned to me, happy tears in her eyes as well and exclaimed, "I can't believe you forgot your own birthday Evangeline." I smiled at her through my tears, "I haven't celebrated my birthday in such a long time. As that time passed I have forgotten...but this...this is amazing! How did you guys know?" Blake can closer and wiped away a tear before bopping me lovingly on the nose, "I have my ways little one." I smiled genuinely, "Thank you guys, thank you so much for this surprise. I am so grateful and thankful." Jamie smiled, "Of course we could never forget your special day! Now, come on! I am pretty sure you're dying to try the food we prepared!" Everyone cheered, settling down to enjoy the picnic, chatting amongst ourselves. Waves of laughter filled the air, you could feel our happiness from a mile away.

At the end of the day, our stomachs were all stuffed to their max capacity. Filling a werewolves stomach is near impossible, ours were like a bottomless pit, but that day, no one could eat another bite the feast prepared. We played a match of soccer, took loads of pictures and played a game of tag. By the end of it all, we were all tired and ready to head home. "Let's head home, the cake and presents are waiting," suggested Blake. Everyone agreed and helped pack up the picnic and load up the cars.


I saw the pack house come to view as we drove up the driveway, "We are here!" I cheered as I opened the car door and stretched my limbs before getting out. I followed the others lead and entered the house. Paws immediately came bounding over, barking with his tail wagging a hundred miles per hour at the sight of us. I giggled and picked him up, lovingly holding him close to me, "I missed you, little doodle puppy." I followed everyone into the kitchen with Paws cuddled contently in my arms.

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear Evangeline

Happy Birthday to You.

I smiled as everyone started singing before my eyes fell on the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. It was a pure fluffy white cake with Dumbo, my favorite childhood Disney character made out of fondant sitting on top of it and seventeen brightly lit candles surrounding the big-eared elephant. It was simple and perfect. "Wow...it's beautiful." The girls beamed, "We made it ourselves!" said Jamie. "We are glad you like it!" exclaimed Sydney with a bright smile. "I don't like it...I love it! Thank you." I told them, touched by the homemade cake they put in the effort to make. I placed Paws down before taking standing in front of the cake, my eyes glazing over with tears, I had the best friends ever.

"What are you waiting for little one? Make a wish and blow out your candles!" Blake smiled as he placed a warm hand on the small of my back. I closed my eyes and made a wish before blowing out the flames. Everyone clapped and cheered. "Now, who wants cake?!" exclaimed Jamie. A chorus of "me" and "I do" filled the room. After everyone was served a slice of cake, we all settled down in the spacious living room. The cake tasted delicious, creamy and fluffy."Happy birthday Evangeline, I love you," Winter said, barking joyously. "Thank you, Winter, I love you more," I replied to my wolf, the only one that has been there with me since day one, Winter was more than just my wolf at this point. Over the years together, we have learned to completely trust each other and rely on each other, forming a strong friendship that was unbreakable and special.

Once everyone was done and the plates were washed and cleared away, Blake announced, "Time for presents!" before handing me a messily wrapped present. I giggled and said teasingly, "I see that wrapping gifts is your specialty." Blake playfully growled, "Shush little one, I tried my best. Just open it!" I tore away the paper to reveal a photo album book. I opened the book and each page was filled with pictures of all of us. Looking at each picture, flipping each page was like walking down memory lane. "I love it, Blake! Thank you so much. This means a lot." I thanked him for the heartfelt and meaningful gift, hugging it close to my chest. Afterwards, I opened, present after present, some made me laugh like the prank kit Tae got for me and others made me cry in happiness like the video Jamie made for me of our funny and best moments these past months. I was so grateful for each of their gifts, it was all so overwhelming as it has been a while since anyone bothered to celebrate my 17th birthday.

Paws yawned as he settled on my lap as my favorite movie, Goblin started. We decided to have a cozy movie night in the living room, it was a perfect way to end the day. When the credits rolled on the screen, it was late into the night and as I looked around the room, everyone was dozing off. "I think it's time for bed guys," Blake said as he let out a yawn. Seeing him yawn made me yawn, "I agree, I'm pretty tired now. This is the best birthday present that anyone could have ever given me, thank you all for such a wonderful day. I'll never forget it. Goodnight friends." I told with a sleepy but genuine smile to which everyone returned. I gave them all a good night hug, thanking them once again. I gently picked up my sleeping puppy, his bright milk chocolate-colored eyes shielded from the world as he slept soundly, before heading upstairs to my room.

I went to my room and softly placed Paws on my bed, careful not to disturb the puppy before quickly doing my night-time routine. I slipped into bed, pulling Paws close to me, sharing my warmth with him. He instantly snuggled up to me, relishing my body heat and let out a content sigh. I gently caressed his fluffy golden head, "That best birthday day ever. I am so thankful, it was heartwarming. Oh my, can we just talk about the cake? It was so good, I am so tempted to ask the girls to make a cake every single day and..." I stopped talking, interrupted abruptly when Paws suddenly placed a paw over my mouth as if to say to stop talking and go to sleep. "Alright, alright, I get it! I'm sleeping now you doodle puppy." I chuckled before closing my eyes letting sleep overtook me. "Goodnight Paws," I whispered before letting myself fall unconscious and oblivious to the real world.

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