《Finally Happy》Chapter 3


Sasuke sat at his desk, staring over at the blonde. It's been almost half an hour and Kakashi still hasn't arrived. Typical day really. Naruto had entered the class, mask on like as if the previous events didn't happen at all. Sasuke felt guilt overcome his heart as he looked at the beautiful blonde. Those cerulean orbs didn't shine with the same light it did 4 years ago. He looked more tired, hopeless and empty.


The thought of Naruto not smiling anymore, it shook his soul. Naruto was the sunshine personified. Destroying that light... It should have been a crime.

Because that was the light that kept Sasuke alive.

Now though, it was disappearing. Fading away with every blow, beating and insult he hurled at the blonde.

And he hated it!

It was his fault and he knew it. He couldn't stop though. The raven needed to distance himself, needed to be away from the sunshine angel. Ever since the 7th grade he realised that he loved Naruto. It scared him. Those dreams, those thoughts of Naruto plagued his mind.

Every single day...

Boys weren't supposed to love other boys right? It's not normal. The thought of loving Naruto scared him. Sasuke was afraid, afraid of what people would think of him, what his parents would think of him but mostly he was afraid Naruto wouldn't love him back. So he distanced himself.

'Maybe being away from him... could make me normal?' Sasuke thought. So he did, but it didn't work...

It just made him fall in love with Naruto more. It made him realise how empty he was without his best friend. Sasuke got pissed. He was trapped and he didn't know what to do. So he did the only thing he could do.

Make his heart believe he hated Naruto.


The bullying then began. He knew he fucked up right then and there. Seeing the betrayal in Naruto's eyes, he knew Naruto would never forgive him.

'But isn't that what I want?' Sasuke thought. It wasn't. He regretted what he had done, but now it was too late. The bullying just spiralled out of control.

And Sasuke was stuck. He couldn't do anything to change it. The whole school thought he hated Naruto and destroying that appearance would fuck the stability he had in his life right now. So he resorted to this. To pretending, to acting while in reality...

He was aching inside.


The sound of the bell awoke Sasuke from his depressing thoughts. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Naruto bend to take his bag. A sliver of his shirt rose up to reveal...

Purple bruises, red bloody scratches, cigarette burns. A mosaic of beatings decorated his back.

'What the fuck?!" Sasuke thought as his eyes widened. 'Where did all those come from?' A wave of anger and rage overcame his mind but he stopped right there.

'I have no right to feel angry at Naruto's abusers. I do the same thing too.' Sasuke realised, feeling guilt overcome him again.

Naruto turned around to look at the bastard, seeing his face contorting into different emotions. Surprise, anger and... guilt? Naruto just shook his head and left the classroom.

"As if that bastard has the capacity to feel any remorse." Naruto quietly said to himself as he got ready to go to the next class.


Going into the gym locker room, Naruto just waited in the corner for everyone to get ready and leave. As if he was going to change in front of everyone. He walked off into a corner where no one could see him and sat, the bruises of last night still aching.


'Damn! I won't be able to do anything. This shit hurts as hell.' Naruto thought. As the gym room became empty, Naruto began to change, unknown to him that a pair of obsidian eyes were looking at him.

Sasuke stood behind the lockers, observing Naruto. Seeing the lean, thin body surprised Sasuke.

'Is the idiot not eating?' Sasuke questioned in his head. But what surprised him the most were again, all the bruises marring Naruto's skin.

Sasuke walked up behind Naruto and grabbed him from the unbruised area of his arm.

"Where did you get all those bruises?" Sasuke asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"What the hell bastard?!" Naruto yelled at his face and pulled his arm away. "Get lost! The hell is wrong with you, watching people change?!" The blonde ran away, fuming but inside, he was trembling.

Sasuke saw...

Sasuke saw all...

He was so screwed.

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