《Roommates》Part 2


"Wow! You've kept your room tidy I see" Steve said laughing. "Well, tidy room, tidy mind" I replied. I put my things down in the corner and then went and sat on my bed. I had painted and decorated my room myself. I liked doing things like that to keep my mind off of everything. Dad and Steve came and sat either side of me. I looked between them with worried eyes. "Okay guys, you are seriously worrying me". I tired to laugh the nervousness off but I couldn't. "Um y/n" Dad started. He reached for my hands and held them. I looked down at them. He'd never done that before. "I...well we...have to go away on a mission" Dad stuttered. "That's okay. Everyone else can look after me" I said looking at him. "The...the thing is...all of us are going. The whole gang" he added. What? Did he just say the whole of the Avengers were going? "Pardon?" I asked. "All of us in the tower are going" Steve said. I removed my hands from Dads and got up. "Um...that's okay. I know how to cook, clean and everything else so I should be fine". "That's the thing, you're not staying here" Dad said. My face dropped. "But Mum will still be here right?" I asked starting to panic a little inside. "No, she will be staying at Stark Industries" Steve said. "So where am I going then?" I asked. "You will be staying with Peter Parker". "PETER PARKER!" I shouted.

I didn't know much about Peter. Only that he was a nerd and on the academic decathlon team with me. Additionally, he was very secretive. I had never really spoken to him so why the hell was I going stay with him. "I don't know anything about him! Why him? Why not MJ?" I said getting angry. "We've known May for years and I trust her darling" Dad said standing up. "Who the fuck is May?" "LANGUAGE!" Dad shouted. "You are going to stay with May and Peter and that is final!" Dad angrily said. "I HATE YOU!" I shouted. I grabbed my things and stormed out of my room. Does he really expect me to stay with someone I don't even know that well?


"DID YOU ALL KNOW?" I shouted to everyone as I entered the kitchen. Thor, the god of thunder and son of Odin, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Bruce and Bucky were eating their tea. No one responded. "Oh god, you did didn't you?" I cried. "Y/n, please, we were told not to tell you" Vision began. "So you're just going to let me go off and stay with a stranger then hm?" I asked them. "I'm sure going to miss your pancakes y/n" Thor said. I glared at him. "Not the time Thor" Wanda said glaring at him too. I continued out the door and went to walk out of the gate but Happy stopped me. "Happy, please let me go" I cried. "I'm sorry y/n, but your father has ordered me not to". "FOR FUCK SAKE!" I screamed while kicking the gate. I felt a metal arm around me. It was Bucky pulling me off. "When do you leave?" I asked him. "In two days". "Two days! And you are only telling me this now!". I'm never normally like this when a mission has been assigned but this was different. All of them were going and I was scared that they will not all come back. "Please don't go Buck" I cried into his chest after I had calmed down. "Please don't go".

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