《Roommates》Part 1


Now, being a Stark was not easy. Especially when everyone knows who your father is. Yes, I'm Tony Stark's daughter. My name is Y/n Stark and I live at Avengers Tower with the rest of the gang. My father wanted me home schooled but I wanted to lead a normal life. Well as normal as it can be. So I attended Midtown School of Science and Technology. My father wasn't happy about that, but my mother was happy. Oh and by the way, my mother is Pepper Potts. She is the CEO of Stark Industries which my father wants me to take over one day. Not a chance. They are always busy doing their jobs so I tend to keep myself to myself and study. I'm the type of person that likes to be on their own. I have one friend called MJ. We are basically like twins because we do everything together and we both like to keep ourselves to ourselves. We like the same things and best of all, she doesn't care that my Dad is Tony Stark. Everyone else at school does but that doesn't bother me. I'm not there to be liked. I'm there to learn. I always feel out of place at home because everyone has a power and I don't. I'm just a normal kid who has a superhero father and lives with superheroes but doesn't have a superpower myself.

Happy always picks MJ and I up from school and drops us home. "Thanks Mr Hogan. See you tomorrow" MJ goes everyday. "No problem" Happy replies. Happy is my Dad's right hand man. He does everything for us all. Chauffeur's us all around and he is sorting everything out so we can redecorate the tower. Not sure why, it looks perfectly fine to me.

I got in from school one day and was on my way to my room when I saw Natasha and Wanda practising in the training room. I walked in and sat down. "Ah, looks like someone had a bad day" Wanda goes. "It's school, everyday's a bad day" I chuckle. Wanda and Natasha were the only women in the Avengers and since Mum was away a lot, I always talked to them if I had a problem or needed to blow off steam. "What's the obsession with Dad?" I asked. That question always came out of my mouth. "He's Iron Man and people look up to him. To all of us" Natasha said. "I know but why him?" I said while twiddling my thumbs. "He created us. He created the Avengers" Wanda said. "No Nick Fury did" I responded. "Yes but your Dad made it happen when Loki brought the Chitauri to Earth" Natasha added. "I know I know" I said. "It doesn't bother me but it always brings up questions in my mind" I added. "I know it does y/n" Wanda said sympathetically. "Right, I better go and study, we have a competition coming up" I said picking my things up. "For the academic decathlon?" Wanda asked. I nodded. "Well chop chop!" Natasha laughed. I laughed too.


I was on the academic decathlon team along side Liz, the most popular girl in school, Flash, who was the school bully, MJ and Ned and Peter who were the schools nerds. I enjoyed it and I was always good with numbers. I suppose I get that from my father. Speaking of him, "Ah there you are y/n" he said as he was walking towards me. "How was the mission?" I asked him while giving him a hug. He had just come back from Berlin. "Great thank you! Oh and I have brought you a present too!" He beamed. I looked at him confusingly. "YOU CAN COME NOW" Dad shouted. I was still confused but suddenly the door opened and Steve walked through. "STEVE!" I shouted while dropping my things and running to him. "Hey kid. How are you?" He asked. "Better for seeing you" I responded. "Hey!" Dad said. I looked at him and poked my tongue out. Steve was like a second father to me. He always had my back and whenever Dad was assigned a individual mission, Steve always looked after me. Recently, he had been hiding and helping his friend Bucky. Dad and him got into a disagreement but after 6 months, they finally rekindled their friendship. "It's been weird without you" I said pulling away from him. "It's been weird without your sarcastic comments" he replied. I smacked his arm. "Anyway y/n, Steve and I need to talk to you" Dad said. I looked at them both. "Can we go to your room?" Dad asked me. "Of course" I responded while walking with them to my room. What was going on?

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