《M I S D E E D》00.


"Momma said you gotta let me light one of the firecrackers!" Symone told Symere running towards him.

"Mttchtt. You always gotta tell momma some." Symere said grabbing a firecracker.

"Here." He said handing Symone the incense and a firecracker.

She took it from him and proceeded to set it up. She lit it then they both ran back. It was silent for a few seconds. Then it made a loud boom which made Symere jump.

"Aaah yo scary ass! Over here jumpin and shit!" Symone said laughing uncontrollably.

"Mttchtt. Man shut yo ass up for I go tell momma you cussin." Symere said rolling his eyes.

"Okay and? So are you. Don't be mad cuz ya scary." Symone said.

"Aye-." Symere was interrupted by his friend, Jamal.

"Yoooo." Jamal called out to Symere. He was walking up with his brother, Lawan , and two of his cousins.

"Wassup, man." Symere said dappin Jamal up.

"These my cousins Malik and Jay." Jamal said.

Symere gave them a head nod, and they did the same.

"Wassup Lawan." Symere said.

"Sup' Mere." He said back to him.

"Heyyy, Wann." Symone said smiling extra hard and going in for a hug.

"Sup' Monie." Lawan said hugging her back.

"Gon somewhere. He don't want yo lil ass in his face." Symere said pushing Symone away.

"Mttchtt you doin too much." Symone said.

"Ion care. Gon and play wit yo lil friends." Symere said.

"But I wanted to do another firecracker." Symone said.

"Go do one with yo friends." Symere said.

"Mttchtt. You get on my nerves." Symone said walking away.

"You ain't have to that. She wasn't bothering me or num." Lawan said.

"I know, but she was bothering me." Symere said. Lawan shook his head.


"Come on bruh. I got this BIG ass firework for when we done with these ones." Jamal said.

"Bet." Symere said.

Meanwhile with Symone:

"Damn what's wrong with you?" Shamika asked.

"Mere annoying ass." Symone said sitting in the middle of Shamika and Shanique.

"Awnn he got in the way of you and yo boo again?" Shanique said.

"Yeah..." Symone said folding her arms and pouting.

"It's gon be okay. He gon confess his love for you one day." Shanique said rubbing my back.

"Now you know damn well he not gon say something first." Shamika said.

"That's why you should tell him first." Shamika said.

"I can't just tell him. What if he go tell my brother, and he clown me for it? You know how these niggas is." Symone said.

"Lawan not even like that for real." Shanique said.

"You just scary." She said.

"Mttchtt. I knowwww." Symone said.

"We gon be right there just incase he try to clown you or some. We gon beat his ass." Shanika said.

"Right." Shanique agreed.

"Ion know..." Symone said.

"Well let's just go light some fireworks and then see how you feel." Shanique said.

"Okay." Symone said.

"Monie!!!" Symere yelled.

"What??!" Symone yelled back.

"Momma said we got like ten minutes!!!" Symere yelled.

"Ight!" Symone responded.

"Girl you better gon and tell him for y'all go in the house." Shamika said pushing Symone towards the boys.

"No! No! No!" Symone protested.

"Maybe I'll tell him tomma!" Symone said trying to persuade Shamika.

"Nope. Tonight." Shamika said.

"Yup. This has been long awaited." Shanique said.

"Ion wanna tell himmm!" Symone said.

"Tell who what?" Lawan asked.


"Oop-." Shanique said.

"Uhhh." Symone said.

"She needs to talk to ya...privately." Shamika said pushing the two of them somewhere they could be alone.

"So what you had ta tell me?" Lawan asked Symone.

"Well- ya see... what had happened was..." Symone said looking down at ground.

"Hurry up!" Shanique yelled.

"Girl shut up!" Symone yelled back.

"So like I was wondering if you wanted to, ya know, be my nigga cuz I'm feeling you." Symone said looking up at Lawan.

"I mean shitt yeah. Ian kno u felt like that. If I did I would've shot my shot earlier." Lawan said.

A big smile grew on Symone's face. She hugged him in her excitement.

"We gotta go!" Symere yelled.

"Hold on!" Symone yelled back.

"You gon FaceTime me when you get home, so we can go to sleep?" Symone asked. Lawan nodded.

"Okay. I'll be waiting." Symone said. She turned around to go but Lawan pulled her back.

"What? I gotta go." Symone said. Lawan sprung a kiss on Symone. Symone kissed him back surprised.

"Bye, Monie." Lawan said.

"Bye, Wann." Said a blushing Symone before she left.

Symone woke up to the sound of gun shots and screaming from inside the house. Her first instinct was to run to her parent's room, but what she saw was her momma laying dead on the floor and her daddy on his knees being held at gun point. Symone was in shock. She couldn't move.

Somebody covered her mouth from behind and pulled into another room and closed the door. Symone struggled until she saw it was Symere. She calmed down. Symere put his finger to his mouth. Symone nodded.

Symere held up the keys to his car.

"What about deddy and momma?" Symone whispered.

"Now you know how this supposed to go. We can't wait on them, and you saw them in that room." Symere whispered back.

"We can't just leave them to die!" Symone said.

"We ain't got a choice." Symere said.

"But-." Symone said.

"Symone Woods. I'm not finna play about yo life right now. Now let's. Go." Symere said before grabbing Symone's hand and slowly opening the door.

They made their way through the house and got to the backyard. They moved the cover from over the car and got in. As they were driving off, they heard a loud boom. Symone looked back to see the house had blown up in flames. Tears formed in Symone's eyes as she turned back around. Symere kept his eyes on the road trying not to cry as well.

The car was silent apart from Symone's sniffles. All they do is think about everything they just lost...

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