《Adventures Of The Powerful, Strong, and Desperate》Chapter 4 Drinking, Spooning, and Sleeping




After everyone's rooms are settled some of the dwarves go off to bed while others stay up at the bar. It is decorated nicely, very rustic, and traditional. It was is a good sized bar not too big or small. We are alone in the inn and bar no one else seems to even be in the town.

"I can have one drink before I take a bath," Allie insists and reaches to grab a pint.

"No, no Allie that's not what you need right now," I butt in and grab the cuff on her wrist.

"What do you mean what I need right now? I'm fine a little shaken, pissed off about the cuff, and sort of beat up but fine," Allie argues.

"Allie what she means is you have three drunk modes. The first crazy happy, the second sad and completely wrecked, and the third pissed off as hell," Alex interjects. "We've seen the first two and we don't want to see the third."

"Fine! I'm gonna go bathe, don't get into trouble while I'm gone," Allie huffs and stomps up to her room.

"Thank Aule chaos averted," I sigh in relief.

"What is the pissed off as hell drunk mode like?" Kili asks curiously.

"You don't want to know," Emily, Alex, Bilbo, and I respond at the same time.

"Well I do actually," Sam pipes up.

"No you don't, trust me. Now I'm going to go have a nice long nap in our fireplace Sam. Have fun but not to much," Emily excuses herself and walks away.

"She's odd," Bofur comments.

"And beautiful," Fili sighs dreamily.

"Wait won't her clothes burn off?" Nori wonders out loud and Sam instantly has her battle axe aimed at his throat.

"EMILY LOCK THE DOOR!" Sam yells and gives Nori a death glare.

"I'm gonna go to my bed," Nori whispers and slowly backs away.

"Yeah and take a cold freaking bath pervert!" Sam orders and straps her ace back onto her back.

"Yes yes!" Nori says frantically and runs to his room.

"I like you. Grace can we keep her?" Alex asks me.

"I'd say so," I agree and smile approvingly.

"Thank you...I guess?" Sam mutters and raises her eyebrow.

"How about a friendly drinking contest?" Fili proposes.


"NO EMILY! Alcohol instantly burns up in your system cheater!" Bilbo shouts cutting off Emily. We hear a loud groan from her room and then silence.

"I agree it might be fun," I say and raise my hand for the bartender.


"A round for us," I order.

"Coming right up." Minutes later the bartender places drinks on the table.


"Alright who's in?" Alex asks.

"Me," Sam volunteers.

"I will," Thorin mutters and shrugs.

"Us too," Fili and Kili chime in.

"Put me in too!" Bilbo suddenly volunteers. I raise an eyebrow at him. He's very outgoing around Sam. I think he's trying to impress her.

"I guess I will also why not?" Bofur says.

"Okay then let's begin," I start and chug mine down followed by everyone else participating.

It went on like that in a rhythm chugging pint after pint. For awhile no one dropped till Bofur stepped out after the fifth glass.

"I'm off to bed gotta sleep this off," Bofur grumbles and wobbles away.

"First one out! Who's next?" Sam teases as we drink another. Sam seems to be surprisingly holding her liquor very well. Which is odd for an elf. But I guess Sam isn't an average elf. None of us three are average elves.

"Not me I did not currently feel even a tidbit drink," Kili slurs and slumps over on the table.

"Well he's out," Fili chuckles.

"Yup," Alex laughs and we down another and another till we are on the tenth glass.

"M-mebbe t-his wes nit a fantastical brain child," Fili mumbles and slumps over next to Kili.

"Alright looks like it's just us five," Alex says to Thorin, Bilbo, Sam and me. We all glare at each other and drink down another glass.

"You're a reeeeeellly pretty elf y'know that? So very pretty! I actually only did this stupid contest to m'press you! M'so dumb," Bilbo rambles hysterically and giggles.

"Really that's so great! You're pretty too! Or handsome I guess little hobbit! You're so cute and polite! I really really really love-your company! You're so funny and tiny! Why are you so tiny? Why are all hobbits so tiny? Why are you such a red head? Why does Alex turn into a Balrog! Why did my mother try to kill me? Why is the sky blue? Why ever cry when you can laugh and smile!" Sam exclaims cheerfully. Wait why did my mother try to kill me? She must have accidentally let that slip out. "Why is the world spinning? Why aren't you smiling let's smile everyone!" Sam yells and jumps onto the table. "Lets smile laugh and dance!" Come on guys dance with me!" Sam squeals and starts dancing randomly.

"She's out," Alex states bluntly.

"What? No the pretty elf!" Bilbo whines.

"You're out too," Thorin adds.

"Darn," Bilbo mutters and promptly faints.

"I'm gonna go dance with Emily in our room! She needs to smile," Sam cheers, jumps off the table and dashes for her and Emily's shared room.


"She's an obnoxiously happy drunk ain't she?" Alex asks and I nod in agreement.

"Guess it's just us," Thorin growls narrowing his eyes at Alex and I.

"Yeah I guess it is," Alex snaps and grips her glass tightly.

"One...two...three!" then we drain our glasses. Thorin instantly falls backwards out of his chair.

"FINALLY Y-yu-oure on the floor? no out you're out!" Alex stammers and shakes a bit. "Oh no," Alex mumbles then falls down herself. Smiling triumphant I stand up and puff my chest in pride.

"I win."




"EMILY!?!" Sam screams and bursts into the room. I groan and blink repeatedly to steady my gaze. Sitting up slowly careful not to hit my head on the top of the fireplace and turn my head to see Sam dancing around the room.

"Sam I wasn't done with my nap," I complain and stretch my arms.

"First of all your hair is flaring red and second of all you don't smile enough! I am very very happy right now and I don't even care anymore!" Sam announces.

"Sam go home you're drunk," I mumble and lay back down in the fire.

"I can't go home! My mother burned it to ash!" Sam explains while laughing maniacally. Wait what!?! Sam hops onto the bed and starts jumping up and down.

"Sam! What did you just say!?" I ask jumping from the fireplace and pulling on my clothes.

"What did I just say? I don't know? Never frown Emily someone could be falling in love with your smile!"

"Sam get your shit together!" I demand and grab her arm to stop her frantic jumping. A small tapping comes from our window but I ignore it, I'm to consumed by the issue at hand.



"Emily someone's at the window! I'll greet them!" Sam offers, runs to the window and throws it open. "HI FRIENDS! PLE-" Sam's voice is cut off when a black sack is thrown over her head and she's dragged out of the window.

"Sam!" I screech for the fiftieth time and rush to the window. She's being roughly dragged off by someone. I can't see who though it's to dark. I would flame the person but Sam's too close. Looking back I think about going to get help but there's no time. So I leap out of the window and run after her.




I take long baths. It gives me time to think about...everything.

Every time it seems I should die I come back, even the times I want to stay dead.

That and I an very dirty, I have to wash off dirt, dried blood, leaves, pine needles, and orc blood.

Now I'm just slowly and carefully fixing my stitches that got torn. I know I should be getting Oin to help but I really need some time to myself right now.




After I helped Fili, Kili, Alex, and Bilbo to bed I went to retrieve Thorin but he was already gone. He must have made his way himself.

A wooden spoon lies on the table and I grab it. It's Bomburs and I should return it to him. Strolling down the hall clutching the spoon I check each room to make sure everyone is safe. I stop outside Allie and my door because I hear something out of the ordinary.




"Allie?" a voice asks outside the bathroom door.

"Yes? Who is it?" I say in a wavering voice. The stitches sting and my neck is bruising.

That's when the door busts open and Thorin stumbles in. I screech and my wings instantly break out and I yank them in front of me.

"THORIN GET OUT! DON'T LOOK! STOP LOOKING! STOP THORIN GET THE HELL OUT!" I yell. Grace is in the room within seconds wielding a...wooden spoon? "GRACE YOU TOO? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE A SPOON?!?!"

"You're dead dwarf! I'm gonna SPOON YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT!" Grace shouts and tackles a very drunk Thorin to the ground.

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUT! I DON'T HAVE CLOTHES ON!" I squeal and tug my wings closer. Grace hunches over Thorin and raises her deadly wooden spoon.

"You will never see again!" Grace growls and stabs the spoon downward.

"GRACE NO BOTH OF YOU STOP!" I persist and jump on Graces back.

"Allie let me spoon his eyes out!" Grace demands.

"No I can't let you!"

"Why not!?!"

"For obvious reasons Grace!"

"What's go-" Kili stops short and goes completely pale. Grace is on top of Thorin a wooden spoon raised while I'm very naked and on top of Grace holding her wrist to keep her from spooning Thorins eyes out.

"GET OUT!" Grace and I scream at the same time.

"DON'T LOOK! STOP LOOKING!" I repeat my earlier rant.

"You're trying to spoon my uncle's eyes out!" Kili shouts.

"HE SAW ALLIE NAKED!" Grace yells.

"SO DID I JUST NOW-shit!" Kili bites back then runs from the room.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!" Grace declares.

"Whats happening?" Fili asks walking in.


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