《Odyssey Of Zero: Journey Ablaze》Episode 4: First Day Hero
Morning had struck soon as they both started to awake. Despite Lass pushing the little goddess away from him to the other side of the bed last night it was apparent that they where both quick to come together, as he woke up with her tightly held around his arms.
"Holy-gah!", he said in a frightened voice, dropping down from the bed.
The little goddess being a light sleeper was easy to wake to the noise of his loud drop.
"What happened?!"
"Nothing! Nothing...I just fell accidentally. Sorry for the harsh wake up.”
"Are you alright?", she said as she got up in a hasty manner.
"No. I'm good.", he then started thinking. "How did she manage to wrap around me without even knowing? Damn..."
"Hnn...what time is it anyway?", she said as she stretched.
A simple glance was all that it took for Lass to have his heart drop.
"10:05?! We're late!", he said as he jumped back up.
"Forget it I'm ready! Stay here and watch from the TV ok? And do not get out there by yourself. Based off what I saw last night, it’s basically suicide. Time has me worried enough as it is, can't have you on top of it.”
And with that grabbing his newly acquired sword he jumped off the bed and down the stairs eagerly rushing to the stadium.
"Lass does look kinda cute when he's worried like that", she said to herself, chuckling. "Won't you agree Lilith?", she said as she let out a long sigh, “Huh…wait…that name. Did I just…”, she paused on her own words.
A moment of silence had covered the room as the little goddess vaguely realized that the one she was calling at was anywhere to be found...and then as she got up a small gaze was something to make her worried again.
"What...that's Lass’s...armor? He must have forgotten it! Ah what to do what to do. No this isn't time to stutter! I've got to get the armor to him before he gets injured!", she said as she patted herself in the cheeks.
Dressing with what little she could the goddess was soon to follow the young smith...but had she gotten out of the hotel and into the city square she had but reminded herself about the most important thing.
"I-I...I don't know the city. I'm lost!", she screamed as she tried looking for a phone to look up maps.
Her voice was quick to draw attention from bystanders.
"Ehe-he, Its nothing! I am perfectly fine, sorry!", she said as she blushed and dashed off. "I don't know where I am...what if I never find my way there and he gets hurt because of me or he gets injured so much that I cant heal him or even dies.", she mumbled by herself.
A shadowy figure had been approaching her from behind.
"I heard your voice little lady...are you...lost perhaps?"
"Eh...y-yes.", she scarily let out an answer.
"Well then..in that case.", the figure closed in.
"W-What are you going to do to me?", she said, her face changing to that of a scared child.
"Why help ya of course!", Anya appeared.
"Huh?! Anya? The merchant we saved...you scared me so much."
"Ehe, sorry about that...but I heard your screaming on my way to the arena and I came to help! Plus morning drinking with my buddy is over so I've got plenty of time. Say...what's that you're holding?"
"It's Lass's armor!"
"Hmm...did the suit of armor I got him not fit...or wasn't his style?"
"Well actually...he woke up late with me. So he kinda forgot about it. He told me to sit in the hotel room and watch him from TV if I wanted but...I can't watch him take a beating without this! He can suffer serious injuries!”
"Ah I see...well In that case lets rush! I've got a really good friend from the Reingard royal ranks and I’m sure that she will definitely vow for me so we can go to the participants locker room and deliver it directly...we must hurry up!", Anya said as she finished the drink she had in her hands.
"Did something else happen?", Ikarisa curiously asked.
"Well I was a bit late too so I watched the beginning parts of the tournament from my phone ‘till I got to the stadium...and according to the drafts done Lass is in Phase 1,Round 1!"
"Right! Lets go!", she said as she gasped and started to run alongside Anya.
"Follow me!"
Had they reached the arena they were both stunned to see Lass standing in the middle of the arena and his opponent on the other side...they couldn't make it in time. And thus the announcer started to introduce both of the challengers.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome all to the annual Knight Of Knights tournament! The excitement! The plays! Everything be going on down right here in this very arena! And to skip the rambling and get down to business, here come the first of our competitors! From the illusive rural areas of Insinia, weighing above 1000 pounds with his heavy armor, at 16.86 feet and with strength said to bend mountains we have the towering challenger, Rafgo!"
Having the arena filled with all sorts of beings from all across the lands of Riza they where quick to jump off their seats and cheer for the presented challenger.
"Great just what I needed, another brute. As if my recent mental trauma and possible psychotic episode triggered by one wasn't enough.", he sighed as he looked at the crowd. "Everyone was quick to cheer...this guy must be both a regular and strong. Yet why am I feeling that besides his strength I'm forgetting something…", Lass said as he nibbled on his hastily made sandwich.
"And on this side, standing at just 5.74 feet and weighing at only 180 pounds, the small town rising star Lass Reiden!"
The crowd was small on the reaction as Lass was yet to be known or recognized by anyone in the whole world.
"He could’ve added to the hype…but insignificance doesn’t allow for that, huh? Be it the awkward situation or the guy in front of me this is already killing me...", he mumbled through his bites.
"Well then its time for the battle to-hold up a second! Village boy! You can't be eating in the arena!"
"So you're telling me that I can be wielding all sorts of lethal weapons in what's made to be a public space...but my hastily made egg sandwich is out of the question?"
"Exactly! However because this is clearly your first time here, and I suppose your first time in the big city, I will forgive you! But the sandwich will be confiscated!", the announcer said as he grabbed Lass's sandwich.
"Hey what the hell?! I bought that!"
"Too late! Fight!", he said a he gulped down Lass's sandwich whole.
"That was my last few pocket change god dammit! What the fu-gyah!", he tried to speak, before getting smacked by the giant enemy.
"Little boy. I will crush!"
"D-Damn...that speed. Dammit! My armor! That's what's missing. But why the hell am I still alive after that? But my Obsulyte…this didn’t hurt as much?", he said in surprise as he hurried to get up.
"Wow what a hit! Can this really be the end in an instant?!", the announcer spoke in anticipation.
As Rafgo was smacking the ground trying to pulverize Lass the crowd cheered him on and on.
"Damn! This idiotic brute's strength makes up for his non existent brain...one hit like this and I'm in trouble.", he said, barely evading the troll's attack.
"Human weak! Crush, crush, crush!", he screamed as he ripped entire parts of the arena ground, lodging them at Lass.
"Shit-gyah!", he let out a grown as he failed to evade, getting hit by a massive rock.
"Woah a direct hit! What a show! Will the village boy even be able to get up?! Is this really over?!"
"Damn...this...didn't hurt as bad? I should have been dead. Never thought this was possible. Regardless...how am I supposed to stand up against this?", he said as he crawled back up.
Just when he thought it was about to be over, something echoed in his head. A voice unknown yet familiar started to speak. Not the one he was used to. Not "him". But someone entirely new.
"Draw the sword...it's the only way."
"Wha-who is this?"
"Don't dwell on that. Draw the sword."
"Ah! What the hell?", he said as he got electrocuted by grabbing his sword.
"Relax. Let go of your fears...or they will consume you. Breathe..."
"Thanks for telling me to space out with this thing standing in front of me."
"Oh for the love of-Guardian or not you ruined the moment. Just listen to the voice in your head and draw the damn sword already!"
A conversation done in an instant was all it took for Lass to get back on his feet.
"Wow! He is already back on his feet! The newbie seems to be determined for the win!", the announcer excitedly yelled.
"Crush!", Rafgo screamed as he ran at Lass.
Patting the blade and refusing to draw it Lass had taken a newly crafted stance waiting to counter it. However, this time he heard a voice again. Not the one he didn't know about. But "his" voice.
"I've had just about enough. This pathetic being, ends here."
"No...I'll do this on my own. That's final."
"Seriously? Fine. Suit yourself."
"And here it comes! The fatal blow-eh?!", the announcer cut his words in surprise.
To the crowds surprise Rafgo’s ground shuttering fist was stopped in an instant. Lass had firmly placed his small in size hand and completely blocked the flow of the punch.
"Hmm. Now is my turn.", Lass said as he grabbed and threw Rafgo above his head.
"What?!", Rafgo yelled in surprise.
"Disappear.", he said as he slashed Rafgo upwards, jumping and chasing after him. "Checkmate!", he screamed as he finished him off with a powerful punch, directly in the middle of Rafgos face.
Lass's punch was enough to not only knock out and send the troll flying but to create a powerful gust of wind going its way. And he much like the crowd where stunned at the results.
"What the...oh right! We have a winner!"
Breaking the silence and announcing the victor the announcer was quick to make the entire stadium roar in the cries of glory.
"Great job village boy! You can now go ahead and relax with our deluxe locker rooms till the matches of phase one are complete! We will await with excitement, the next match of this rising star!"
Giving nothing but a nod and heading to the locker rooms he was surprised to see two familiar faces awaiting him.
"Told ya! After a bit of morning drinking my friend is quick on favors!", said Anya as she smiled.
"I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Any wounds? Do you need healing?!", Ikarisa said, rushing to hug Lass.
"The hell you apologize for? It was clearly my mistake for leaving in a hurry and forgetting the armor in the first! And why are you here?! Didn't I-", Lass's words where cut short from one swift look at the frightened face of the Ikarisa.
"No. I'm fine...", he said as he took a deep breath.
"Daw, so cute!", Anya said with a smirk on her face.
"Shut it, mutt.", Lass said angrily at Anya.
"Hey I'm not the one worrying for your health, am I? Though if I were in your possition, I'd also happily accept a cute lookin' little shorty like that running around me in circles!”
"I-I just...admire him...", Ikarisa said silently, “This presence…he’s also here. I’m so happy!”, she whispered.
"Sure you do, I admire him as well now! That was a really exciting battle! Much like when you saved me and my sister!", Anya gave Lass a thumbs up.
"Oh right...Lass, what was that?", Ikarisa asked.
"Wish I had an answer myself. I simply touched the sword Anya gave me, then some psychosis took over me. I felt a small bolt of electricity coming from it and it zapped me. Then all the rest happened..."
"Perhaps it was an overflow? Where I come from Wolven people do tend to exhort massive amounts of Obsulyte with basically every move. Hell, you could have a wolf's tail and ears like me but haven't showed it yet!"
"You should be the one answering the questions than adding to the pile...you where the one who gave to me.", Lass said.
”Wait…Wolven?”, Ikarisa asked.
”Basically, welcome to Riza. Some genetic mutations occurred, blah blah, now we have Wolvens, Calicos, Draganovs and all that.”
”Hey, it’s how we go by!”, Anya folded her arms.
”My ass. Those are just the generalizations, Wolven also contains numerous other ‘species’ and it’s the same with everything else. I swear to god, everyone is identified with a new species every day nowadays. Really want to feel special on account of being not, huh?”
”Look…to be fair, you have a point. Can’t even publish an ID nowadays without someone getting ticket off at the species section…”, Anya sighed.
”Never-mind that. We have way larger issues than this and right now, you’re adding more questions to the pile than were answering.”
"Well then, let's get some questions out of the way like I said we would! Ehm. I'm Anya Golver! Greatest merchant in all of Riza! My favorite pastime to help out with the business is exploring dark demon filled ruins...the relics inside might just strike the jackpot! So uh...I don't really...know much about that sword."
"Golver? Anya Golver? As in the daughter of Gado Golver, the leader of the Merchant Guild and the head of the Trading Union?"
"Yep that's me! Everyone's favorite wolfy merchant with prices of a steal in both seller and buyer!", Anya said with a business smile across her face. "Tho I'd rather not bring my father into this. Or anything else...", Anya said silently.
"This is certainly interesting. I was supplied with all sorts of minerals with my father from your company. In depth knowledge of almost anything we purchased."
"Art of the trade. The more you're trying to sell something, the more you end up researching on it to promote it properly."
"So you don’t know anything about this sword? Like at all?"
"All I know is that I got my ass kicked trying to rip it off Kaci on one of my regular loot runs. That and the fact that it's emitting substantially high amounts of Obsulyte? Or some sort of demon aura? Haven't figured that out completely."
"What?!", Lass and Ikarisa both yelled in surprise.
"You mean to tell me that you gave me a sword with one of the most dangerous substances in the god damn world on purpose?! Are you trying to kill me?! Who knows what the hell this thing has been through or who it was wielded by...if mortals come into contact with it then....then...", Lass said in remorse.
"Hey chill! Like I said I didn't have time to research it properly. The reason I said that is because my favorite pastime is revolved around testing and researching, so it did feel somewhat familiar to my specimens. That being said I did give it to you because for one, even with the naked eye this thing seemed extremely valuable besides the rust it gathered which was a fitting for rescuing me and my lil' sister!"
"And two?", Lass folded his arms.
"I may or may not have been threatened by a telepathic voice to give you the sword else shit was going to go south.", Anya said silently, hoping Lass would gloss over her words. "But hey all's well that ends well right?"
"I hate you.", said Lass.
A small pause and awkward silence came, as Lass had stopped for just a moment just gazing at the sheathed blade...something inside of him spoke of familiarity overwhelmed by a sense of regret and fear.
"Well anyway. You did use the powers of it and you managed to come out unscathed so...does that mean you are...compatible with whatever powers it's got?", said Ikarisa.
"Hmm about that. I really love exploring the Dark Archives that are hidden away! And according to all my research on it upon my return, there isn't any way someone could obtain such powers in such a manner. In other words, the sword cannot give powers but it can help manipulate already existing ones."
"So you mean to tell me...I could use these powers all along? But..."
"Lass? Is everything ok?"
"I said I'm fine.", Lass said as he tried to avoid showing his worries. "That old bastard...his death's on me isn't it?", he silently whispered. "Anyway. What are you doing now?", he said looking at Anya.
"Ok, so. The power signatures from this sword where entirely different that all my other demon corrosion filled items in stock! Still connected through some way tho. So I thought of experimenting a bit!", said Anya as she scanned the sword.
"Experiment how?"
"You'll draw the blade on the next match, obliterate anyone you're up against and help me gather combat data on it!"
"So in common folk language, 'you'll be my lab rat'?"
"More or less, yea you got the point!"
The last words coming out of Anya's mouth where enough to set Lass into a fit of rage.
"Uh oh...Lass wait!”, Ikarisa tried to calm him down.
"So you mean...to tell me. You picked a random stranger, at a random time and gave him an extremely dangerous weapon just like that. And now you want them to risk their lives for some of your hastily planned, bullshit experiments?!", Lass screamed at Anya.
"Sounds about right so far."
"You reckless moron! What do you mean 'sounds about right'?!What if that someone wasn't me? A serial killer?! Some weak bastard not able to survive the power surge?!"
"Ehe...now that you mentioned that...", Anya said with a worried face.
"You idiotic mutt...fine.", said Lass as he facepalmed and collected himself. "Nobody got hurt. So at least we don't have to look back on the catastrophes this could have caused."
"Nobody hurt except the giant Enmity you pummeled near death!", said Anya with excitement.
"Hey I'm not the one handing dangerous weapons to everyone! I could have even not known how to control it!", said Lass trying to defend himself.
"Oh but you did anyway.", said Anya with a smug.
"Why you little shit!", said Lass as he grabbed on Anya.
"A new challenger!",Anya giggled.
"What?",Lass got confused.
"Bring it! Got some combat experience on my own thanks to dungeons!", said Anya as she released herself from Lass's grip and took a fighting stance.
To both their surprise before the fight could even break out the most unusual person stepped it to end it.
"Enough! Lass! Anya! Both of you stop this nonsense at once!
"Huh? Risa?", said Lass in surprise.
"Don't give me that "Risa" now, Lass! Listen, I know Anya's plan is beyond risky but we have the means to back it up and it's really our only bet on finding out about what powers you have and what the sword's backstory is! You will go ahead and do the testing just as planned and shall anything happen I'll step in and heal any injuries you get! So please..."
"Fine. We will do it your way.", Lass calmed himself down, surprised by Ikarisa’s actions.
"I'll let you know all the details after the match.", Anya took out her tablet.
"You better...and don't think this is over!", he angrily said.
"Was hoping myself it'd drag on.", said Anya chuckling.
"Unbelievable...", said Lass as he facepalmed.
Before another word could be said and another fight could break out they where all stopped yet again by the loud calls of the announcer.
"Next match will be the small town boy, Lass, versus Victoria’s own dragon lance master and army officer, Kalimo!", yelled the announcer.
"I'm off." said Lass as he turned around and walked towards the arena.
"We'll be cheering you on, big guy!", Anya cheered.
"Do your best!", Ikarisa cheered him on.
And so, despite the circumstances, the games continued as the crowd got more and more excited over what the results of the upcoming match would be. Be it the underdog story or the rising talent, everyone wanted a piece…
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The Hero’s party was attacked by a large group of powerful devils. The party will no doubt be annihilated if this were to go on. One member of the party, the strongest mage, Rakku, decided to stop the enemies in their tracks. 「Leave it to me here and go!」 「But……」 「Hey, I’ll catch up immediately, alright?」 Rakku mindlessly defeated the enemies, over and over again. Using his special skill, Learning, Rakku learned the devils’ magic. As he studied and utilised the devils’ abilities such as Drain Touch, he continued fighting, without rest nor sleep. The devils got stronger and stronger, but Rakku grew rapidly as well. Rakku battled for 10 years, until no devils came at him. Rakku returned to the capital, and was surprised to discover that his own name had become the currency, and a gigantic statue of him, albeit fairly beautified, was made. Due to him relentlessly absorbing the vitality of the devils, he had become young again. An appearance unfitting of his age. Godly abilities. 「I stand out too much」 Rakku concealed his true identity, and decided to pretend being a novice adventurer by disguising himself as a F-rank warrior despite being an S-rank mage. His adventure in this now peaceful (?) world starts now! Thank you for reading Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita novel @ ReadWebNovels.net Read Daily Updated Light Novel, Web Novel, Chinese Novel, Japanese And Korean Novel Online.
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