《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 118 : Duanmu Shanquan


Shanquan ran out of the restaurant to chase the girl who was standing right in front of the place. Just like a few days ago when Shanquan ran into the mall, even now, Shanquan didn't know for sure why he had to chase the girl. As if there was a strange force pushing his feet to keep moving towards the mysterious girl.

Shanquan was one hundred percent sure that the girl was a complete stranger he didn't know. The girl's resemblance to the person Shanquan had known decades ago shouldn't have made him behave like a person who lost his mind. There was something else that made Shanquan act like that. A thing that Shanquan didn't know how to explain.

Have I gone crazy? This is really weird!

When Shanquan started running outside, the girl had just disappeared from his sight. So Shanquan should still be able to see her when he reached the diner's front door. The girl was walking to the right. Shanquan saw that on the right, a group of people was sauntering while looking at the rows of shops on their right and left. Thinking that the girl might be in the crowd, Shanquan ran there in a flash.

After mingling with the people, it turned out that Shanquan could not see the girl there. He shook his head several times. He was surprised and amazed at how quickly the girl disappeared. It occurred to his mind that the girl might go to one shop there. Or it could be that she walked so fast that when he arrived at the crowd, the girl had moved to another place.

Shanquan paused for a moment. He was in doubt. If he checked the shops in the corridor one by one, and it turned out that from the start, the girl did not enter one of these shops but walked to another part of the mall, the distance between her and him would be even further.


Nearby was a bench. Shanquan stepped over to the bench. Instantly, he threw his ass on the surface of the seat. He needed some time to think. He knew he couldn't think too long. The more time he took, the more likely she was to walk away from where he was sitting.

Trying to find someone that way was actually nothing new to Shanquan. Decades earlier, when he was very young, Shanquan had also done this a number of times. Shanquan was well aware that it was a very ridiculous thing. But then, and actually, until now, he didn't know what steps he should take when he was in such a situation. The only thing that relieved Shanquan was the fact that no one knew about the silliness he was doing. If anyone found out, Shanquan didn't know how to react to people's laughter when they realized the stupidity he was doing.

It did not take long for Shanquan to decide that he had to leave the bench. What he had in mind was that he had to see the main part of the mall. He got up promptly and walked away from the bench. Shanquan walked to the middle of the front of the mall. The part where he could see the main hall on the ground floor.

As usual, the mall was very crowded. Shanquan's eyes worked hard to find the girl's figure. It was really not a simple job. He stood on the fifth floor. Because the distance was quite far from the ground floor, so it was difficult to be able to see clearly. Moreover, basically, Shanquan's eyesight was not very good either. For nearly three minutes, he did not move from there to observe the people on the ground floor. Until finally, Shanquan's eyes landed on someone's figure.


Ah! There she is!

The figure was similar to the girl he was chasing. He wore a dark yellow shirt, so it was quite conspicuous in the midst of the crowded mall visitors. Shanquan did not remember what the girl was wearing when she stood in front of the restaurant where Shanquan and his friends ordered food. So he couldn't be sure she was the girl he was after.

Indeed, it was one of Shanquan's shortcomings. He could remember people's faces and voices, even though he had not seen or heard that person's voice in years. But he had difficulty remembering the style or color of the clothes someone was wearing. Even five minutes after he saw the people, Shanquan usually couldn't tell the color or style of their clothes. Unless he had really focused on the clothes of the people before.

The first time Shanquan realized this was when he was twenty-five years old. At that time, he happened to witness a fight that took place in a mall near his residence. He was only there to take a walk. No intention of shopping. That was not a simple thing because the fight turned out to be more than just an ordinary fistfight. One of the two fighting people then fell to the floor below the floor where they were fighting. The other person ran away as soon as his friend fell.

The police, who arrived shortly afterward, immediately examined all witnesses, including Shanquan. There was no CCTV camera installed at the mall, so the statements from witnesses were significant. That's when Shanquan failed to provide information that was actually trivial. He could not mention the type, style, and color of the clothes worn by the perpetrator. Even though Shanquan stood very close to the scene. Less than six meters.

Recalling the incident, Shanquan was shaking his head. Shanquan realized this was not the right time to daydream. He turned his attention back to what he was currently dealing with.

Shanquan ran towards the escalator to go downstairs straight away. He didn't come down using the elevator because usually going down by elevator would take longer. Using the escalator, he could walk down ahead of others. Shanquan was not young anymore. What's more, he was hungry now. So, going down to the ground floor while running like that really drained his stamina. When Shanquan stepped on the ground floor, he was really panting. But there was no time to rest. Shanquan speedily ran to where he saw the girl standing last time.

He couldn't move quickly and freely on this ground floor because there were so many people. His eyes darted in all directions to look for the figure he had seen earlier. Because his eyes were not looking forward, Shanquan then bumped into someone.

Shanquan felt a stinging sensation on the tip of the index finger in the palm of his right hand. The person who had just collided with him seemed to be carrying quite a sharp object. That person, without saying anything, quickly walked away from Shanquan. Shanquan had a desire to chase after that person, but then he remembered his original purpose. He looked around again to find the girl he had seen earlier.

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