《Ghost World Academia》107-A New Helper!


Inside The Computer Room,

Myra and Marie both are constantly dodging the wind that is cutting through the room. Marie even got hit by the wind and grazed her hand a little. “You okay?” Myra asks Marie while taking cover from Naomi. “I am fine! But if this continues, I won’t be fine for long.” Marie says to Myra while she takes cover on the opposite side of Myra. “Yeah, me neither.” Myra says.

“Come on my little bitches, you can’t hide from me for a long time.” Naomi says. “There!” Naomi sends her hook flying right through a board that Myra was hiding behind. It barely missed Myra. “That was close…” Marie says. “Very…” Myra says with sweat all over her face.

“We are pinned here by her and can’t do much in this situation…” Marie says. “If only we had some kind of-“

Someone blasts a wind throughout the room, “Who?!” Naomi looked surprised at someone’s arrival. A familiar face smiles. “Fucking witch who is a total bitch.” Naomi says as she looks at the familiar figure. “Oh Naomi, you and your jokes.” The familiar voice says. “No way…Felicia?!” Myra looked surprised. “Felicia?! That witch Felicia who helped the Black Jaguars capture The Nine-Tailed Fox.” Marie asks Myra. “If she is here that means…They might be here as well.” Myra says and smiles.

“They? Who are you talking about, Myra?” Marie asks Myra. “Just some good old crazy people.” Myra says with a smile.

Inside the corpse room,

“You know, torturing is not something everyone feels great about.” The sad man walks next to Jau who is on the ground bleeding. “It’s something, some feel disgusted about and some have a meh opinion about it.” The sad man continues. “But someone as strong-willed as you break and finally gives in. That’s the real turn-on about it.”


“GYAAAAA!!!!” Jau screams from pain as something pierces her other leg and she falls to the ground.

“You see people beg for me to spare them, I feel nothing but when they beg me to kill them. That’s when I feel great. I feel like I can finally settle down my boner.” The sad man says to Jau. “You are *pant* Crazy *pant* You need *pant* Help…” Jau says while bleeding out.

“No, no, no, I am totally fine. It’s just the world doesn’t accept people like me. The world doesn’t accept people like me. Like, you know, a corpse fucker if I had to put it correctly.” The sad man says to Jau.

“You *pant* Really are mentally *pant* Unstable…” Jau tries to speak but the pain is too much for her.

“What is unstable about me? Is it because I do what I like? Is it because I tear the corpses apart and put my dick inside their intestines? Is it because of that?” The sad man asks Jau. “Does having an orgy party with corpses make me, I don’t know, abnormal?” The man continued asking Jau.

“If that’s the case, then I am abnormal. Which also means I am unique. W-Which also means, I have the right to do what I want to do.” The man continued to arrogantly speak. “Which is why, I am going to kill you bitches, tear your bodies apart, and fuck your intestines-“

The door to the room suddenly opens.

“What’s this room about?” Another familiar figure enters the room. She is carrying two people with her. Jau chuckles. “You *pant* Finally came here *pant*” Jau loses consciousness.

“Who is this bitch now?” The man asks the person who came in. “Name is Aragi Kaori, hero name Athena, villain name Madman. Ring a bell?” Kaori asks the person as she drops the bodies down on the ground. She also brings Jau and Kronos next to her.


“When did you-“

Kronos unfreezes. “Jau?! Jau?! You okay?!” Kronos asks Jau. “She’s fine. She’s a strong girl.” Athena says as she stretches her arms.

“Heal her, Miya. She needs it.” Athena says. “What about you? Are you sure you don’t need help to take on that fucking monster?” Miya asks Athena. “Listen, currently, the only monster in this room is me. So don’t worry and treat that young ogre, alright? She’s my darling daughter-in-law.” Athena smiles. “Eh?” Miya looks surprised. “Something the matter?” Athena asks Miya. “Nothing…Nothing at all.” Miya felt a little jealous.

“So then, you the guy who messed with my girls?” Athena asks the man. “What if I did?” The man asks Athena. “You will be sorry, you did.” Athena looked serious.

Outside the mansion,

“You made your choice Kirio, you will die here today.” Rogers was about to go for Kirio’s heart that’s when a wind blew in the air and Kirio disappeared in front of Rogers.

“Who…” Clayton slowly opened his eyes and saw a white mecha suit in front of him who slowly walked in front of him. The mecha suit had a black cloak behind it otherwise it was completely white.

“Thank…You…” Kirio said as he fell unconscious. “Take care of him.” A robotic yet familiar voice said to Clayton as the white mecha suit kept Kirio next to Clayton.

“Were you the one who did this to him?” The robotic voice asks Rogers. “What if I did?” Rogers gives an evil smile.

“Alicia, you can leave me if you want because I am going to hit that fucker so hard that he won’t be able to ever get back up.” The robotic voice says. “Ryuga, you know I won’t. I have a contract with you and if I decide to give up on you now, how would I call myself someone worthy of my master.” Another familiar voice spoke from the cloak. “Thank you, Alicia.” Ryuga says.

The mecha robot walks up to Rogers. “Take your best shot, you robotic freak but let me tell you-“


A single punch of doom. That’s all the mecha robot needed. The mecha robot had such great strength behind the punch that it didn’t only make Rogers’s nose bleed but also lay him right on the ground.

“I have some unfinished business. You take care of Kirio.” The mecha robot says as he walks towards the mansion. “Hey…Your Ryuga, right?” Clayton asks the mecha robot. “Maybe.” The mecha robot says. “Hey, be careful out there alright? We will be waiting for the news of your victory.” Clayton says. There was a smile under the robot’s mask, “Yeah, got it.” The man under the mask says as he walks away.

“You have grown stronger…Once again. This time, far stronger than any of us.” Clayton sighs. “I have to just catch up with him or else, how else am I going to find myself to be his contractor.” Clayton smiles.


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