《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 116 : Nangong Yiren


Shanquan looked at his friends one by one. "If everything is clear and you have no other questions, we're leaving now!"

Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

They went back into the house. By then, Caihong had finished speaking to Jingkang. The young man smiled when he saw them. Jingkang's expression did not show any significant change. Most likely the things they were talking about weren't that serious.

"Don't forget the things that Songfei left us," said Shanquan.

"Take it easy," Zhengyi said. He lifted the blue bag that Shanquan had previously prepared.

Except for Yixiong, Jingkang, and Zhuge, they all then left the house and went straight to the car. The car drove away quickly from their home. There were five people in the vehicle, including Caihong, the driver.

"Where are we going?" Yiren felt a little surprised when the car that Caihong was driving slid out of their housing complex. They already knew the place where the police had gathered was not far from their house. So, supposedly, Caihong didn't have to drive to a place too far from home.

Perhaps Caihong chose to take a detour. The people-watching over us definitely aren't stupid.

"The police asked us to go to the mall near the station." Caihong smiled. He seemed to be able to read what was in Yiren's mind.

Oh! The police may have prepared another vehicle there.

"What a coincidence. I haven't been there in a long time," Qiuzhen said.

"Do you often go to the mall?" Caihong's voice sounded really curious.

"Of course. The mall is a suitable place to get inspiration," said Yiren.

"Even Dage passed out inside the restroom over there," Zhengyi said.

Shanquan laughed. Then he said thoughtfully. "When this problem is solved, please remind me to see a doctor."

"Of course, Dage. Like you said before, all of us must have a health check," said Zhengyi.

The mall was not far from their house. In no time, they were there. As Yiren predicted, the mall was only a transit place. In the car park located underground, they changed vehicles. The police had provided a van, complete with the driver at the site. All of them, including Caihong, then took the car to the house where the police were monitoring the case.

Exactly as they had spoken before. It was very close to their house. The car entered the housing complex through a gate that led to the road behind their housing complex. The vehicle stopped in front of the house, which was directly behind their house. They didn't come down in front of the house. The driver put the car into the garage in the house. After the garage door closed, they all got out of the car and into the house.

There were many people in the house. They were all in civilian clothes. But from their movements, Yiren could guess that they were all policemen.


"There are a lot of police here," said Zhengyi. "If I don't know this is a house, I may think it is a police station."

"Then, this is indeed not an ordinary case," said Shanquan.

"Biaoshu is right. Therefore, we also don't expect that the police will explain as clearly as possible what really happened. We are here to provide information, not to get clarity. The police have no obligation to explain this case to us," Qiuzhen said.

The house was much bigger than theirs. The width of the land was the same but much longer inward. Yiren had walked to the back of the house. He saw that the area of the house's backyard was only half the size of their backyard. Because the building area of the house was much larger, there was more room in the house. Currently, they were sitting in a room that functioned as a living room.

"A moment!" Shanquan poked Caihong. "I want to call Yingyue first." According to their agreement, Shanquan would not call Yingyue from their own home. He was worried that their phone lines were being monitored by the criminals.

"Okay!" Said Caihong. He then spoke to a policeman who was there. The police allowed them to borrow a phone there. One policeman led Caihong and Shanquan into a room. About ten minutes later, Shanquan and Caihong were again sitting beside them.

"What did Miss Lüqiu say?" Zhengyi asked.

"She's a bit upset," said Shanquan. "But I managed to calm her down."

"She's still very young. Dage will have to be patient." Zhengyi laughed.

"What the hell did Dage tell him?" Yiren asked.

"Not much. Apart from saying that I can't go there and sending Yixiong to replace me to take her to her relatives' house this afternoon, I'm just saying about where I am right now. Then also the fact that we must transit to the mall before going here."

"Are Dage sure that today, Xiongge can escort Miss Lüqiu?" Yiren asked. "I'm afraid there's not enough time."

"After we get home, Yixiong can go right away," said Shanquan.

"The past few days, the unexpected has always happened. Everything that we had planned in advance has gone haywire. So in these few hours, something might happen. Of course, I didn't expect that anything unexpected would happen. But we must be prepared for all possibilities," said Yiren.

"I know what you mean," said Shanquan. "I also told Miss Lüqiu earlier that there is always the possibility of a change of plans."

The door to one room opened. From behind the door came a familiar figure. One policeman also came out of the room. The policeman then guided the man into another room.

"The police also called him?" Yiren muttered.


"Who is he anyway?" asked Qiuzhen.

"He's our new landlord," Zhengyi said.

"That nephew of our old landlord who just passed away?" asked Qiuzhen.

"Right! That's the person," said Yiren.

Before their landlord died, the nephew did not live in that city. So Shanquan and his friends had never met that person before. That was why Qiuzhen, who had just returned from another city, had only had the opportunity to see that person this time.

"The police have spoken to him. I think we'll get a little extra time to occupy our house," Shanquan said. He smiled.

"Obviously, this is not an ordinary kidnapping case. Maybe even after Shinnshiow is released, the police won't necessarily close the case immediately. So there is a possibility we can stay in the house a little longer," Zhengyi said.

"You mean, he's going to let us live for free in that house?" asked Qiuzhen.

"If it isn't for free, maybe not at the new price he unilaterally set last month," Shanquan said.

Two policemen then approached them. One policeman said that he would take Songfei's belongings that they were currently carrying. He said they would only identify and document the items. Soon after that, the police would return the items. Shanquan instantly gave the blue bag they were carrying to the policeman. The policeman then walked into one room, holding the bag.

The other policeman said that Shanquan and his friends would take turns giving statements. Shanquan got the first turn. After that, it was Zhengyi's turn. Qiuzhen would provide information after Zhengyi. Shanquan promptly stood up and walked after the policeman.

"So I'm the last one? Why?" Yiren asked. "The order of summons based on what? Qiuzhen hasn't even lived here all this time?"

"I don't know. The police have their own consideration. Maybe, according to the police, Qiuzhen can add some things we don't know," Zhengyi said.

Caihong just smiled.

Ah! Yesterday he had already given a statement to the police.

Shanquan was only in there for a short time. Maybe only about ten minutes. Zhengyi was longer than Shanquan. He was likely telling them about the incident where people were following Shinnshiow and him.

"You've been inside for a long time," said Yiren to Zhengyi when Zhengyi was back sitting beside him.

"They asked quite a bit of detail. So I had to explain."

"Did you also tell them about your friend?"

"Of course not. If I tell them that, it's going to be a long and complicated thing." Zhengyi laughed.

Qiuzhen was in there a long time. Yiren couldn't guess what kind of information the police got from him. After almost half an hour, Qiuzhen finally came out of the room. His face looked normal. Gently, Shanquan patted Qiuzhen's shoulder. Yiren looked at his two friends.

Maybe there are things that Qiuzhen actually knows. And Dage realized that too! Was there a case in Yuezhao related to the issue that occurred here?

Soon after, one policeman called out to Yiren in a friendly manner. He wasn't the cop who had told them who should make a statement first. The policeman asked Yiren into the room to give the statement. With firm steps, Yiren stepped into the room.

There were three policemen in the room. They said they were recording the statement-taking process. The police asked Yiren to tell the things he knew. When Yiren opened his mouth, several times, the police interrupted his story. They asked Yiren to skip some parts. Apparently, the police thought there were parts of Yiren's statement that were unrelated to the case they were facing. Yiren realized that the police might have a point. Sometimes, when he was telling something, it was not uncommon for Yiren to digress by telling other less relevant things.

"Sorry, Mr. Nangong." One policeman cut Yiren's sentence politely. "I don't think the argument between the two people you witnessed when you stopped by a shop to buy something had anything to do with this case. I think you'd better move on to the next thing." It was the umpteenth time that the police had to ask Yiren to focus more on matters directly related to the case they were working on.

In fact, the conversation between those two people is crucial. It is to guess the background of the kidnapping incident. But if the police think it's useless. I can't do anything either.

"You've been in there a long time." Zhengyi widened his eyes at Yiren when Yiren had left the room.

"Am I longer than Qiuzhen?" Yiren was a little surprised. Time passed quickly without Yiren knowing.

"A little longer, Uncle," Caihong smiled. "But if it's necessary, that's fine."

About two minutes later, another policeman came up to them. He asked Shanquan and Caihong to follow him. The police would talk about what Shanquan should do when he received the next call from the kidnapper. As for Caihong, Yiren didn't know what the police wanted from the young man. The room they entered was not the same as the room where they had previously given a statement.

About fifteen minutes later, the two men came out of the room. Shanquan and Caihong's faces looked very serious. Yiren couldn't imagine what the police had said to the two of them.

Either way, I'm sure things are getting more and more complicated.

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