《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 115 : Nangong Yiren


Zhuge was the surname of one strategist who lived in ancient times when their ancestors still lived in the old world. According to the saga, Zhuge, who was this strategist, was a very genius person. Not everyone with the surname Zhuge was indeed a genius, but that's the impression people get when they hear the name "Zhuge."

"I'm not smart, Sir," Zhuge Qiuwei laughed politely. It was obvious that he had guessed what the people there had in mind. Maybe he was used to such situations.

"You can drive a car, can't you?" Shanquan asked Caihong.

"Of course, I can, Uncle," replied Caihong firmly. "Why would Uncle ask like that?"

"If you don't mind, later, after this, you're the one driving the car. Let your driver rest here for a few hours."

"Okay, Uncle! I will." Caihong nodded.

A beeper sounded. Caihong took the pager from his shirt pocket.

"Ouch!" He shouted when he read the message displayed on the pager screen.

"What's wrong? Do you suddenly have a business you need to attend to?" Shanquan raised his eyebrows.

"No, Uncle. But there are some documents I need to sign quickly," said Caihong.

"Didn't you say you've delegated everything earlier?" Zhengyi tilted his head.

"That's right, Uncle. But there are always unexpected things like this."

"So what? Should you go now?" Yixiong's voice sounded a little worried.

"No, Uncle. My assistant will come here with the documents."

"Then that's fine. There's no need to rush. We still have a long way to go." Yiren was relieved.

"That means everything is still under control." Shanquan nodded with a smile.

Done eating, Shanquan and his friends took turns showering. Except for those who were taking a shower, everyone was sitting in the living room watching television. Every now and then, they talk or comment on the television programs they watch.

Meanwhile, Caihong waited for his assistant to arrive. But this time is not the same as yesterday. Caihong had to wait quite a while.

"Your assistant took so long," Zhengyi said.

"They have to wait for the documents to come first, Uncle," replied Caihong.

"They don't have the documents?" Yiren asked.

"The document was sent to my parents' house. So, earlier, when I got the news via pager, the document was on its way from my parents' house to the painting exhibition. My parents' house is far from here, so it did take a while. As soon as the documents arrive at the exhibition venue, my assistant will immediately bring them here."


Caihong explained the situation. Zhengyi and Yiren nodded when they heard that. After waiting for some time, Caihong's assistant finally appeared. Like yesterday, he came on a motorbike.

"Who's the other person?" Zhengyi asked when he saw that Caihong's assistant had not come alone.

"They are both my assistants, Uncle," replied Caihong.

The two assistants of Caihong looked in stark contrast. One person wore a blue shirt, while the other wore a red one.

Caihong then signed the documents they brought with them. The documents clearly have nothing to do with painting exhibition activities. As Caihong had explained during their meeting a few days ago, apart from painting, Caihong also had other activities. Activities that were related to commercial business activities.

"After this, you must fax these documents directly to them. After that, send some of these originals to that place." Caihong gave his assistants additional instructions.

"Okay, Sir!" Caihong's assistant, who was wearing a red shirt, nodded respectfully. Since the two arrived, only the person in the red shirt was always talking. Caihong's other assistant, wearing a blue shirt, was silent.

"What we have to send there are the documents in this red folder, Sir!" The assistant in the red shirt opened his mouth again. He tried to confirm Caihong's point.

"You're right. All these documents, you fax over there. But only the documents in this red folder that you have to send there. Remember, you have to send it by special express mail."

"Okay, Sir! We'll do our best!" Finally, Caihong's assistant, the one wearing a blue shirt, opened his mouth.

Yiren was surprised. That person's voice and accent were very similar to Shanquan's. Yiren, Zhengyi, and Yixiong looked at each other. Qiuzhen and Shanquan were not there. At that moment, Qiuzhen was taking a shower in the bathroom while Shanquan had finished bathing. He was changing clothes in his bedroom.

"What's your name?" Zhengyi asked the person in the blue shirt.

Caihong chuckled. It seemed that he also realized what attracted Zhengyi to his employee.

"My name is Duanmu Jingkang," said the person.

"Hah?!" Yiren shouted.

"Dage, come here now!" Yixiong shouted from the living room. His voice startled everyone present. Shanquan seemed to hear the scream. He opened the door right away.


"What are you shouting about?" Shanquan asked as he walked into the living room.

"This kid's voice and accent are exactly like yours," Yixiong said.

"Even he is also a Duanmu," said Yiren.

Shanquan looked closely at Caihong's assistant, Jingkang. "Where do you come from?"

"I was born in this city. Both my parents live here. But my paternal grandparents are from Yuandong. From childhood until five years ago, I lived with them in a small town in Yuandong," said Jingkang.

"Is your current assistant very busy right now?" Shanquan asked while pointing at Jingkang.

"Actually, he's not that busy, Uncle. Do you need his help?" Caihong lowered his voice.

"How about we borrow him for a bit?" Shanquan said.

Dage is so weird. Obviously, this guy is at work.

Yiren shook his head. Sometimes Shanquan's actions were unexpected.

"Go ahead, Uncle! I don't mind."

Yiren raised his eyebrows. Caihong's short answer was beyond his expectation.

"Now you go back and do everything I say," Caihong said to his assistant in the red shirt.

"Yes, Sir!" said the young man in red.

"And you," Caihong patted Jingkang on the shoulder, "today, on duty here!"

"Yes, Sir!" Jingkang replied excitedly. Maybe he's happy that he didn't have to work today.

It was eight o'clock on the wall. They're all ready. While waiting to hear from the police, they chatted. Shanquan and his friends asked Jingkang many questions. At exactly eight o'clock, the pager in Caihong's shirt pocket rang again. Caihong read the message written on the pager's display straight away.

"Come on, let's go now!" Caihong said in a loud voice. He seemed very excited. He happily let the driver sleep in their house. Yiren suspected it was actually Caihong's parents who insisted that Caihong use a driver. They were the ones who didn't want Caihong to bring his own car. This made sense because, in the past, Caihong was often reckless when driving a car. The opportunity to bring a car like this was precisely what Caihong had been waiting for.

The driver was resting in the bedroom. He had swallowed the medicine they gave him. If his condition had not improved by the afternoon, Caihong would take him to see a doctor.

Before leaving, Caihong took the opportunity to speak to Jingkang. Witnessing that, Shanquan remembered something. He then asked his friends to go to the terrace in the backyard.

"What's wrong, Dage?" Yixiong asked.

"I told you last night that you should go to Caihong's apartment to take Yingyue to visit her relative's house in Yuehming."

"That's right, Dage. What time should I go there?"

"I think we should modify the plan. Right now, there's the driver and Caihong's assistant. We can't just leave the two of them here."

"I see. So I have to postpone my departure. At least until you guys get back here after giving the police information."

"Right. That's what I meant. I don't know how long we'll have to be there. But I'll try to make things go faster."

"Okay, Dage," said Yixiong. "But what about Miss Lüqiu? Isn't she waiting for one of us to arrive?"

"I'll call her later."

Shanquan turned to the others. "Remember. We must not say anything that will involve Miss Lüqiu."

"Caihong already knows?" Qiuzhen whispered.

"Caihong doesn't know about the kidnapping that Miss Lüqiu witnessed. So he won't say anything about it." Shanquan also whispered.

"Is there anything else?" Zhengyi leaned forward.

"Of course there is. Don't forget about the secret passage in our backyard. We can't reveal that either."

Everyone nodded. Yiren didn't really understand why they had to keep the existence of the secret passage a secret. After all, they would soon be out of there. So, it was no longer possible for them to use the secret passageway to commute to and from the station. However, since the other friends agreed with Shanquan's thoughts, it was impossible for Yiren to have a different opinion either.

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