《Daybreak Palace: Legends of the Guiding Threads》27: Planning and Palace


Densooth arrived at nightfall, this time with his arms full of papers. “I had not expected things to arrive at a conclusion this quickly,” he noted as he set things down in an organized manner.

“There isn’t time to waste by being indecisive,” Tianna replied.

“You must be Jerath,” Densooth continued and held out his hand to introduce himself.

“I am,” Jerath replied, “And you’ve seen me before. You were at my trial.”

“True, but we never officially met,” Densooth pointed out, “I am Densooth, the Queen’s advisor.”

Jerath eyed Densooth with deep suspicion. “I know,” he replied curtly.

“You said we would need to attend or host an event to announce our engagement,” Tianna broke in quickly before things could get any more tense, “How would that work?”

Densooth immediately turned his attention to her. “Time is of the essence, so waiting for an appropriate event to appear is going to take too long. Instead, I recommend hosting something at the palace. Not only is it the best place to announce an engagement, it will help solidify your position as heir.”

“Because not just anyone can use the palace?” Tianna guessed.

“Precisely,” Densooth affirmed, “As you are an amateur in hosting such things I recommend hiring professionals to assist you. I recommend the Belleas Company.”

“Soral is also known for planning parties,” Jerath pointed out with a scowl, “After what happened in Belleas last time I don’t want to leave things in their hands again.”

“The Toll family who control the Belleas Company are valuable connections to have, even if they are sworn away from politics,” Densooth explained, “This could be a chance to repair the damage from what happened in Belleas from both sides. Besides, Soral’s parties are known to be something more like rambunctious festivals. That isn’t the sort of thing you need right now.”


“I am fine with giving Belleas a second chance,” Tianna told Jerath.

“Alright,” Jerath gave in, “but I won’t be giving them a third one.”

Tianna glanced down at the papers Densooth had brought with him. “By the way, what did you bring all of those papers for?” she asked.

“This is important research material I collected about the powerful nobles and royalty in Althaedor. I thought it would be best for you to know more about those you would be inviting,” Densooth explained, “It includes the nobles from the capital where the palace resides, as well royalty from the many countries that surround it.”

“Isn’t inviting those from the capital city enough? They are the ones who will be dealing directly with them once I become Queen,” Tianna questioned.

“It depends on the Queen,” Densooth admitted, “With the current state of things I thought you could use this opportunity to find allies among royalty outside the capital. Most have forgotten with time, but the ancient law states that the Queen has the right to interfere with all of Althaedor, and all of Althaedor has the right to support their Queen. That includes the entire world, not just one city.”

“A succession dispute like this has never happened before,” Jerath muttered.

“Actually, it has,” Densooth corrected, “Most of the records were destroyed, but two neighboring kingdoms started a war over their support of a different princess. The war became so fierce and bloody that, in the end, neither princess was chosen. It was quite lucky that the Queen had three daughters.”

“What happened to those kingdoms?” Tianna asked.

“They were unable to set aside their bitter feelings and were exiled from the capital. The ground where those kingdoms once stood has been renamed the Warlord Territories. It is now a dangerous place of constant war.”


“They never stopped fighting?” Tianna asked in shock.

“There are no records to confirm that, but it is one of the more popular theories about the warlord territories,” Densooth concluded.

“That was all just a theory?” Jerath demanded.

“Yes, and a warning. Succession is not something to be taken lightly. Even if Velcorna is a wicked woman with few supporters outside the capital, she has strong influence inside.”

“So I must invite Velcorna as well so I don’t start needless conflict?” Tianna guessed.

“It is up to you, but it will allow you to see who your enemies are,” Densooth advised.

“Princess or not, it won’t be that simple for us to just use the palace,” Jerath broke in.

“You are correct,” Densooth agreed, “If you agree to proceed down this path you must be prepared to stay in the palace, but this time you will have more power there.”

“So this whole plan of yours was a trap,” Jerath growled.

Densooth sighed and met Jerath’s ferocious gaze. “I understand you mistrust of me, but if Tianna wishes to be Queen she can’t keep hiding behind Ruena. It has always been customary for royalty to reside in a palace. I am trying to make sure that once she does, she has the power to control the palace as she should.”

“Couldn’t that wait until after she becomes Queen?” Jerath argued.

“It could, but then it would be harder for her to make the other residents of the palace recognize her. She needs them on her side before she becomes Queen,” Densooth replied calmly.

Jerath looked to Tianna to see what she thought of the idea. “You don’t have to listen to him.”

“No,” Tianna told Jerath, “I want to go through with this. He’s right. The longer I hide the harder it will be for me to progress any further. I will do it.”

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