《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 111 : Duanmu Shanquan


After that, Shanquan and Yixiong escorted Caihong to the gate. Caihong's car was already there. He got into the car in a flash. In an instant, the vehicle was driving away from their house. They continued to stare at the car, carrying the young man until it was out of sight. Shanquan and Yixiong turned around. They walked very slowly towards the entrance of their house.

"Why didn't Dage tell Caihong to call Miss Diwu to let Miss Lüqiu know that Dage probably won't be there tomorrow?" Yixiong looked at Shanquan with a questioning face.

"I did think about asking Caihong to convey my message to Yingyue. But after thinking about it, I decided not to tell her beforehand. I'll call Yingyue tomorrow to say that. If tonight Yingyue hears that tomorrow I will most likely not be able to go there to take her to see her relative's house in Yueming, I'm afraid she'll end up getting annoyed and can't sleep tonight. She's been sleeping uncomfortably for the past few days. So, I want her to sleep well tonight. I really hope tomorrow morning she will feel refreshed. I don't mind if she gets mad at me tomorrow." Shanquan gave an explanation for his actions.

Yixiong smiled. "So that's Dage's way of thinking."

"Do you think I was wrong?" Shanquan asked.

"I don't know. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your position," Yixiong said.

Shanquan patted Yixiong on the shoulder. "If tomorrow I can't take Miss Lüqiu to visit her relative's house, I ask you to help me take her there."

I have a feeling that tomorrow, perhaps many things will happen. More than today. As the oldest person here, I can't be selfish. I can't just focus on my own business!

Yixiong chuckled. "I think she will refuse to let me take her. Maybe she will still choose to wait for you to come to the apartment. After that, she will go to Yueming together with you. I still clearly remember Dage saying that Miss Lüqiu was reluctant to return to her family."


"We don't know if it's true that Yingyue's relative's house wasn't damaged at all in the fire this morning. So tomorrow, my plan is just to take her there to have a look. Not to send her to live with her relatives. So, she must be willing to come there.""

"Have Dage discussed this plan with her?"

"Of course I have. Don't worry. She's very young indeed. But if circumstances require her to be mature, then she will behave as we expect."

"Okay! Dage, don't worry. I'll take her there."

Shanquan gave a thumbs up.

I'm not sure that she won't be upset. But at least she wouldn't show such extreme annoyance in front of Yixiong.

"But there's something else I want to say." Yixiong was patting Shanquan on the shoulder.

Shanquan stopped walking and turned to Yixiong. "Okay, please say the thing still stuck in your mind."

"Didn't Dage sense something odd?"

"What kind of oddity?"

"When we talk about the things that have happened in the last few days in our lives, Qiuzhen didn't seem surprised."

"I am sure he's surprised. It's just that the way he shows his surprise is not the same as ours. During the few months living with him, you must have noticed that Qiuzhen's facial expression tends to remain flat even though he sees or hears surprising things." Shanquan chuckled.

"I know. But this is different," Yixiong said. "Isn't it possible that he already knew about the things that happened here?"

Ah! Qiuzhen really isn't good at pretending. Yixiong had already guessed it. Maybe the others could also see it.

"I think it's just your feelings. I've known Qiuzhen since he was little. He's always been like that. His face isn't very expressive. So when unexpected things happen, he always responds with a straight face. You better not think too far."

Yixiong still didn't seem convinced by Shanquan's explanation. Although Shanquan felt his words were well-founded, he knew it was not enough to change Yixiong's mind.


He doesn't believe it! I hope this will not turn into a big problem!

Talking about Yuandong people, several stereotypes were attached to people from that region. One of those stereotypes was that the Yuandong people were very expressive. The expressions on their faces of joy or surprise were usually easy to see on their faces. But they rarely show sad or angry facial expressions. But that's just a stereotype. In reality, not all Yuandong people were like that. Qiuzhen was an example of that exception.

"Come on, now let's go inside the house. Tonight we must rest, so tomorrow can do great things with a fit body." Shanquan turned the conversation to something else. That was all he could do at the time.

Arriving inside, they saw Yiren, Zhengyi, and Qiuzhen already in the kitchen. They seemed to be talking excitedly. Yiren and Zhengyi waved their hands while telling Qiuzhen something. Instantly, Shanquan and Yixiong followed their friends into the kitchen.

"What is this?" Yixiong looked at them. "Didn't we already agree that after this, we would all rest? We don't know what will happen tomorrow, so we have to prepare our bodies to stay fit tomorrow."

"We just told about the underground passage we found," said Yiren.

"You never said that you found the hidden room deep under our backyard!" Qiuzhen said.

"Sorry," Yixiong said. "But then we all agreed not to talk about it over the phone. Of course, we'll let you know when you're in the house."

"Right!" Zhengyi said. "Besides, three months ago, we only found a cellar. We thought it was just an ordinary shed or something. Only yesterday, we discovered that there is an underground passage behind the door in the cellar."

"I want to see it," said Qiuzhen. However, just like before, he said that with a straight face.

"Now?" Yiren asked.

"Of course now. We are going to be very busy tomorrow. It's impossible to have time to deal with this underground passage. Moreover, during the day there may be other people visiting here. Aren't you the one who wanted to keep this a secret from outsiders?" Qiuzhen's voice was so firm.

Qiuzhen must be so impatient to tell the things he knows!

"I see," said Shanquan. "Let me accompany you down there. Yiren, you are the one who is going to guard the edge of the hole. Zhengyi and Yixiong, you guys just rest."

"But it's Dage who have to rest now. Tomorrow morning Dage must be present to receive a briefing from the police," said Zhengyi.

"It's okay," Shanquan said. "I'm not too tired yet! My body is still capable of doing a few more things. It won't be long after all."

"Dage, don't push yourself. What if Dage faints again tomorrow," said Yiren.

"Eh? Biaoshu fainted? Where? When?" Qiuzhen asked the series of questions with an astonished look.

"I was just tired at the time. It's okay," said Shanquan. "It's a long story. I'll tell you another time."

"That's right! Dage promised to have a health check-up," said Yixiong.

"You guys take it easy. After this matter is over, I'll go see a doctor."

"If Biaoshu is really unwell. Next time I'll go down to the cellar," Qiuzhen said.

"It's okay. We'll go down there for a while. I'll check something out together. Come on, let's go to that corner now," Shanquan said, pointing to the corner in the backyard.

The five of them then rushed to the hole. After the hole opened, Shanquan prepared to descend. Qiuzhen would come down after Shanquan.

"Remember. After we both got off, Zhengyi and Yixiong had to rest. Only Yiren is on guard at the edge of the hole," said Shanquan.

"Okay, don't worry," said Zhengyi and Yixiong in unison.

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