《Inescapable Escapism (A Psychological Isekai Fantasy)》37. Did they find us?


I looked around in fear as dust rained from the ceiling, my eyes finding the path we’d come through, certain that Sterling’s people were about to burst out, guns blaring, and kill us both.

Mitch’s hand found my arm and he started to pull me towards the archway in the centre of the mural.

“Follow me and keep moving,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder.

I started to look back but he began pulling me forwards even harder.

“Is that them?” I asked stupidly, bringing my free hand up to wipe the dust from my eyes. “Did they find us?”

Mitch started to speak before being interrupted by another, smaller explosion.

“Yes,” he said quietly, once the noise had died down again, “and they didn’t spot the bomb I primed either.”

His tone was grim. He clearly wasn’t happy with that even though it would probably slow them down. I hoped it would, I really didn’t want to meet them. The idea of them alone scared me, I didn’t want to know what they were actually like.

“What do we do?” I asked, my voice rising with panic.

“Keep moving. Hopefully, they’ll get lost down here and we’ll be able to reach the vault without them getting to us first,” Mitch said, slowing down as we reached a fork in the path. “Left. We’ll go left.”

“Why left?” I asked as he continued to pull me onwards.

“It should bring us further under the island. They’d keep it in the centre, most protected,” he told me. “And if not… we’ll circle around.”

I nodded and glanced back at the path we hadn’t taken. It looked the same as the one we rushed down but I still worried. It made sense but it seemed like too big of a risk. If we were wrong, I didn’t want to have to go back. How far would this path go? Would the Sterlings get to the fork before we found out if we were going the right way?

“Ah, stop a second,” Mitch said.

I stopped immediately as he leaned forwards.

“The margarita pizza?” a waitress asked.

I blinked and looked around, my heart still racing.

“Oh, here, please,” I replied, my tone a little breathless.

It sounded like I had been running but luckily neither my mom nor the waitress noticed.

“Would you like any parmesan?”

“No, thank you,” I said, already slipping back into the fantasy.

“Okay, you need to follow my steps perfectly,” Mitch told me.

“Why?” I asked quickly.

Mitch looked down at the floor before looking at me again.

“Some of the stones ahead of us are traps. There are bombs underneath but luckily, the ones we should step on have been worn enough that it should be simple. Do you see?” he asked, leaning to one side so that I could look at the floor past him.

At first, I wasn't sure what he was talking about but then I saw it. Before us, the passageway floor was covered in small square slabs, some of them worn whilst some were still completely flat and untouched.

“Are you sure it’s not a trick?” I asked worriedly.

He considered my words for a moment, his head cocking to one side.

“That was a concern that I had,” he said with a slight nod, “but I don't think it is. It would be a lot of effort to do that and if you look at the slabs that have been well used, it’s not even. Do you see what I mean?”


I looked away from him, squinting at the nearest stone.

I think I understood what he meant. There was a dent in the middle of it but it wasn’t a perfect circle or even properly central.

“I’ve seen enough traps and enough badly concealed traps. Either they’re very good at making this look perfect, which I don’t think they are based on the last few things, or it should be an easy journey. Now, follow me,” he said, starting to step onto the first stone.

My body tensed as I watched him, certain for a moment that I was about to witness his death but nothing happened. He simply continued along the thin passageway, stepping carefully.

“Do you know where to stand?” Mitch said, prompting me out of my paralysis.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot I was meant to be following you,” I replied with an awkward smile.

“Don’t worry, kid. It happens!”

He continued to watch me as I slowly moved forwards, preparing to start my precarious journey across the booby-trapped corridor.

“Are you enjoying your pizza?” my mom’s voice said, cutting through my fantasy.

I was whisked back to reality so abruptly that I almost choked on my mouthful. I swallowed the pizza down, my eyes watering slightly as dizziness threatened to overwhelm me once more.

Nausea wanted to rise within me and the restaurant swam in my vision as I reached shakily for my drink.

“Sorry,” I said, finally managing to gain control of my dizziness. “Yeah, it’s really good.”

My mom’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at me but she just nodded and continued to eat her pesto linguine.

I chewed in silence for a moment, not wanting to return to Spinalonga so soon. I was probably still trying to transverse the trapped corridor and I didn’t want to go back to that. What if I got really dizzy and stumbled, blowing us both up?

No, I had to stay in reality for a little longer.

I didn’t mind too much though. The pizza was incredible and the garlic mayonnaise was just how I remembered it. It was so creamy and tangy and garlicky, better than I’d ever found anywhere else. I already knew that it was going to make my breath stink but I didn’t care.

My phone buzzed in my pocket again and I fought the urge to react in any way. I really wanted to check it. Intrigue was eating at me even though I knew it was probably just Phoebe. She was probably just hiding in the bathroom to text me about her latest difficulties in France.

I felt so bad for her but it was also kind of funny. I think she was having a good time which made me feel better about finding it entertaining. She loved the food and she said she was getting on really well with her cousins so that helped, I think.

“How’s your food?” I asked, suddenly realising that I hadn’t asked my mom about hers.

“It’s lovely, thank you. The pesto isn’t as salty as it was last time,” she said, her nose scrunching delicately.

I almost rolled my eyes at her.

She had complained so much last time we had come to Tony’s that the pesto have been unbearably salty however she had still finished almost all of her pasta so it couldn’t have been that bad. She’d even told the waitress that it has been delicious so I think she just wanted something to complain about, which she did a lot.

“I’m glad,” I said politely.


I felt myself reach out for the fantasy subconsciously, dipping gently back into that world for just long enough to get a glimpse of where I was.

My leg was stretched out, my foot was poised over a stone on the other side of the corridor, but I was too short. I’d have to jump slightly to reach it. Dizziness started to crowd my mind and I withdrew quickly, not wanting for it to hit just as I jumped.

It was too dangerous. I couldn’t risk it.

“I’m just going to run to the bathroom,” I decided, placing the crust of the pizza slice I had just finished on the plate in front of me.

I’d eaten most of the pizza, more than I normally would, without really realising. My mom had noticed though. I saw her glance at my plate as I slid out of the booth, her lips pursing slightly.

I ignored it though, slipping down the corridor that ran next to the kitchen. I waited until I’d locked the door to the cubicle behind me before pulling out my phone.

It wasn’t a message from Phoebe, like I’d expected, it was from Duncan. My eyebrows drew together even as my lips lifted into a smile.

Hey, are you about? read the first text.

Sorry, I know you’re in Scotland. Are you around to talk?

I bit my lip before texting back, Yeah, I’m out for dinner with my mom but I’m here. Is everything okay?

I used the toilet whilst waiting for him to reply. Anxiety churned within me as I waited though. I knew that it was probably nothing, he was just bored or drunk or something, but still, I wasn’t sure what he was going to say.

I saw him start to type before stopping a few times as I opened the cubicle door and washed my hands.

Yeah, it’s all fine. I’m just at a house party and wish you were here. I always have the best time with you.

I paused, glancing towards the door before looking back at my phone and reading the message again.

He was so sweet but I suspected it was just because he was drunk. I mean, he was sweet when he was sober too but it wasn’t like this. I wasn’t sure how to reply. I kind of did wish I was there though, instead of sitting in Tony’s with my mom, but I wasn’t sure how to tell him. I didn’t want to say something cringy that he might misinterpret.

My fingers hovered over the screen as my brain worked furiously to try and find something I could say to him.

I do too, I typed before hitting send quickly, before I could change my mind.

It didn’t feel like enough. I wanted to say more.

Who’s throwing the party? I added.

He started typing immediately.

Ella. I’m hiding in the garden because she won’t stop trying to get me to play drinking games with her, he’d written.

I snorted softly at that mental picture.

Why don’t you want to? I typed before pausing and chewing my lip as I deliberated whether or not to add something else. She’s clearly into you.

I grimaced as soon as I pressed send, immediately regretting it. It felt so awkward, so uncomfortable. Duncan and I didn’t talk about things like that, it always made things weird between us.

I started to type an apology and change the subject but he was already typing.

Yeah, I know but I’ve told her a bunch of times that I’m not into her. What else can I do?

I smiled softly and considered what to write. I kind of wanted to know why he wasn’t into her. I mean, she was pretty and popular. I know that there’s more to relationships and liking a person than that but still!

I think just keep telling her? Surely she’ll get bored and move on soon? I sent instead.

I hope so.

The door swung open and I looked up in fear for a moment, half expecting to see my mom walking through the door, but it was just some random woman.

I should go back to my mom, I typed.

That’s fair, Duncan replied quickly. I should probably go find another hiding place anyway, I’ve been out here too long. Text me later?

I paused before typing back, Sure.

Slipping my phone into my pocket once more, I left the bathroom and returned to the table. I tried hard not to look guilty even though I did feel a little bad for spending so long in the bathroom texting Duncan. My mom had even finished her pasta whilst I’d been gone.

“You certainly took your time,” she remarked as I slipped into the booth again.

“Yeah, sorry. There was a queue,” I lied, the words coming easily.

“Well, I’m not surprised. The bathroom here is too small. I don’t understand why they’d only have two cubicles,” she said snootily.

“Are you finished with your plates?” a waitress asked, stopping by our table.

“Yes, that was delicious,” my mother replied, her tone overly positive again.

“Oh, fantastic. Can I interest either of you in the dessert menu?” she asked.

I saw my mum hesitate before glancing at me.

“What do you think?”

I was taken aback. She didn't normally ask for my opinion on stuff like that, she usually just decided that we didn’t want dessert because it wasn’t healthy.

“Umm… I’d like to see the menu?” I said unsurely.

I mean, there was no harm in just looking. I didn’t have to actually have a dessert. I knew that, if I did, she’d probably comment on it. But I was still tempted.

Also, I didn’t care as much as I maybe should have. If she did start talking about it or saying that I’d need to go swimming again tomorrow or something like that, I could just disappear back to Crete.

Once I’d thought about Crete again, I couldn’t help but disappear there.

We were in a different place from where we had been last time. We must have crossed the corridor without incident because now, I was padding rapidly down a different corridor.

It was much wider than the last one though, more cavernous. There were even sconces for lanterns embedded in the walls. Most of them held the rotten remains of wooden torches but that told me we must be close to the treasure.

I sucked in a deep breath, almost too distracted by examining the space around me to notice the dizziness that gripped me. Not quite though, I still did stumble slightly.

“You alright, kid?” Mitch asked, glancing over his shoulder at me.

“Yeah, sorry. Must have caught my foot on a rock or something,” I lied.

He glanced at the ground, where there were no stones, before looking up at me.

“I think we’re almost there, should be just around this… ah.”

He broke off and slowed to a stop.

I did the same, glancing between Mitch and the archway at the end of the corridor that he was staring at.

“What?” I asked before glancing back over my shoulder at the passageway behind us.

There had been no more noise. The Sterlings must have been following us but I couldn’t hear them. Mitch seemed too relaxed too. He was rushing but he didn’t seem panicked or anything.

“That’s going to be it,” he said.

“How do you know?”

“Just a feeling. There are going to be some traps though, I know it. Wait here.”

I waited, watching as he moved forwards slowly, examining the wall and floor as he did.

He seemed to see something interesting because he crouched down. I had to fight the urge to edge towards him or ask him what he was looking at. I didn’t want to distract him if it was something dangerous but I assumed it would be.

“There we go. The desserts are on the back page and the specials are on the board,” the waitress said with a smile.

I hesitated, half tempted to ignore her and stay in Crete but it felt so rude.

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile as my mom took a menu too.

My eyes scanned the desserts before darting towards the specials board. The chocolate brownie sounded good but so did the cannelloni. I wasn’t sure which one I wanted but I didn’t even really think about it, I just blinked back to Crete.

“Ah, there it is. Somehow this gas trap is still primed. How about that, huh?” Mitch said lightly. “The last one was a mess but this one is still intact.”

I opened my mouth to reply but my mom spoke at that exact minute.

“Well, I don’t want anything,” she said pointedly to me.

Frustration rushed through me, both at her tone and because I was being pulled back from Crete, making my tone snappier than I meant.

“I’m going to have the cannelloni,” I decided.

Confusion washed over my mother’s face and I wasn’t sure if it was because she just expected me to go along with what she wanted and not have dessert or if it was because of my tone. Guilt churned in my stomach. I didn’t mean to snap at her, I just really wanted to know what Mitch was going to do about the gas trap and I really wanted to be there when we saw the treasure.

“Are you sure?” she asked, trying to sound concerned even though her tone was cold. “I know you swam for a while today but you still ate most of your pizza. I understand you’re on your holidays but that’s not an excuse for gluttony.”

“I know. I’m still going to have it though,” I replied, refusing to react at all.

She seemed surprised which made victory roar within me even though it was such a small win. I think she knew that I wasn’t going to back down though because she glanced down at the menu again before speaking.

“Well, I might have to join you in that case,” she said with a tight smile.

“That sounds good.”

I felt my hands moving in the fantasy as Mitch handed me something and I started to lift it towards my face.

“Did you decide on a dessert?” the waitress asked as she returned.

“Yes, I’m going to have the cannelloni, please,” I said quickly, just in case my mom had planned to say that we didn’t want dessert.

It wouldn’t surprise me, she’d done that before.

“Great, one cannelloni with cookie dough cream. And, what can I get for you?” she said, looking at my mom.

My mom made a show of looking at the menu, deliberating whether or not she truly did want dessert before sighing.

“I’ll have the lemon sorbet,” she said finally.

“Great. I’ll bring that over soon,” the waitress replied.

I handed her my menu and disappeared back to Crete.

For a moment, I was confused by the thing on my face. It took me far too long to realise that I was now wearing a gas mask again. It covered my mouth and eyes, wrapping tightly around my head, making my breath sound far too loud to my own ears.

“Got it?” Mitch said, looking at me expectantly.

I stared at him with wide eyes as I frantically tried to search my memory and work out what he had said but I came back blank.

“Can you repeat that?” I asked, worried that he might refuse or tell me off.

“Of course. Follow what I do and if there is any gas, try and just breathe normally. I assume that it’ll be fine and that the gas will be gone by now but if I tell you to do anything, just do it, okay?” he said.

I nodded quickly, my eyes darting past him towards the corridor.

“It’ll be okay,” he promised.

I nodded again, fear starting to edge into me again, but Mitch simply turned and started down the passageway carefully.

I tried my best to follow his journey exactly but I felt clumsy. Whilst Mitch’s steps were sure, mine were sheepish. I felt like a baby deer, unused to walking. It was embarrassing. We were just walking down a corridor, not anything more strenuous or difficult, but I still felt like I was doing something wrong.

Maybe it was because I was horrifically aware that, at any moment, I could make the wrong step and probably poisonous gas would be sprayed at us. I knew that we were wearing gas masks but I still worried it would kill us both.

“There you go,” the waitress said, shattering my concentration and pulling me back to reality.

I blinked a few times to chase away the dizziness as I stared at the cannelloni that had been placed before me. It looked spectacular. The stack of three golden biscuits were baked to perfection with chocolate chip studded cream at each end. They were cold to the touch and so absolutely delicious that I wasn’t even tempted to return to the fantasy where I continued to edge nervously down the corridor.

It wasn’t until I had finished all three, ignoring the looks from my mother, that I returned to Spinalonga.

My timing was perfect somehow. Just as I blinked back into the daydream, we reached the end of the corridor. I watched as Mitch checked the archway and the entrance of the room beyond before he turned back towards me.

Most of his face was concealed by the gas mask but I saw wild excitement dancing in his eyes.

“I was right.”

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