《Cunning, Magic, and Fur (Furry Reincarnation Isekai Gamelit-RPG)》Chapter 4 - Conversation with an Elf


Neither of them spoke or made any sounds towards each other. Trevor just stared in disbelief and shock, while the elf looked at him up and down as if seizing him up. He then remembered his currently naked physique and quickly covered his crotch with his hands and tail.

The elf chuckled. "At least you have some sense. As, promiscuous, as your species is, I never expected to find a foxkin in this state."

Trevor didn't know how to respond to that, at least in a way that would put him in a better light. He just glared at her and looked above her head to the info he's become used to seeing.

Name: Shiar Radmila / Species: Alfei (Osuran) / Level: 137

At the sight of her level, Trevor tried, and failed, to hide his reaction as he took a few steps back in surprise. Any notion of fighting was erased, seeing as he had no chance of winning. He quickly composed himself, folding his arms over his chest while keeping his tail covering his dignified jewels.

"I am not yer normal foxkin. Been havin' some bad luck now recently."

He had already decided not telling others about his real origins. The best case would be they become confused and don't believe him, not that he would complain. Even he himself had a hard time believing it.

"Sorry to hear that." the elf frowned and nodded her head in sympathy.

"Thank ye, finely." He wanted to get out of the river and properly cover himself, but some small, deviant part of his mind wanted to stay like this a bit longer.

"I do have to agree, you are strange. It's not just your accent, I've never heard the name MacFerris before."

That made him freeze. He definitely had not revealed his name, and there was only one way he could think of that let her know. He mentally cursed himself, he wouldn't be the only one in this world with Abilities. She had The Sight as well, and by the smirk on her face, she knew Trevor also has it.

He let his arms hang on his sides and slowly walked towards her, until they were about 2 meters from each other. She raised a brow at him, but didn't say or do anything else.

"I'm sorry for bein' rude. I'm not usually an eejit, so let's introduce ourselves. My name is Trevor MacFerris." He nodded at her in greeting.


She nodded back at him. "Shiar Radmila, granddaughter of Beros Radmila, the Unintended General and Keeper of Korgala Fort."

"A very fine and grand title. Ye must be proud of yer ancestry."

"Yes, but you exaggerate its importance. You still haven't quite answered my first question. What are you doing here in these woods?"

"Bathin'" He replies with a smile and she just rolls her eyes.

"Alright, no more actin' the maggot, er, I mean messin' around." Trevor had tried suppressing his colloquialisms before his trip for America, but here he was speaking them again.

"So, I'm just out here practicin' my skills. Lost my clothes and money at some point."

"How in Gendan's Light did that happen?" Shiar asked, seemingly believing him but still suspicious.

"I don't like recountin' it. That moment sure made me seem like a bollox fucking gobdaw." He adds a sneer at the statement, giving a false impression of regret and anger.


"Oh, sorry again for that. Ye probably couldn't understand half of what I said."

"It's ok. We all have sayings from home that are hard to get rid of."

"Sure look, thanks."

She shakes her head at him, but he notices the faint curve of a smile on her lips. Good, that means his charming attitude is working.

"Anything else I can help you with? Maybe give you some clothes?"

He instinctively glances down. He tries pushing down his embarrassment through a cocky smirk, but he can feel a blush possibly showing through his fur.

"Ye probably won't have anythin' that will fit me, but maybe some information would be good. I don't know much about the region or its people. I know there are some settlements nearby, but that's all."

Shiar sighs and points in a direction through the forest. He knows it's where the forest village he saw is.

"Go through there and you will reach a town called New Frehlt in a few days. If you want go somewhere else, or if you are in trouble there, head north towards the Hatengar Mountains and you'll find Island's Abundance within the Saven Riverlands. It will add almost week to travels, though."

She pauses, so that Trevor can let the information sink in. A notification pops up and tells him that his Geography (Aldara) Skill has leveled up and he just waves it away.


"The people are nice and understanding, as long as you don't cause them trouble. They'll be suspicious of you when you enter, but if you explain yourself then they'll let you through."

"Sure, understood. Will I find other beastkin or Alfei in those towns?"

That brought another pause from Shiar. It's obvious that he asked the wrong question as she squints her eyes, trying to discern if he is joking or not. The quiet lasts for a minute before she speaks again.

"Most of the population of New Frehlt are Beastkin and Dryads. I saw a few Alfei, even some Gnomes and a Satyr."

His ears perked up and his jaw dropped. He would've though she was lying but her face only showed seriousness, and some amusement but that seemed to be towards his reaction. He is in a fucking full-blown fantasy world!

Shiar suddenly turns her head and averts her gaze, using her hand to block her view towards Trevor. He could see the slight hint of a blush coming from her cheeks.

"Your tail is lowering."

He squeaked in surprise and grabbed his tail, followed by an even bigger squeal as he saw a certain thing rising out. Without thinking, he put his hand on the nearest tree and teleported back at wear he left his grass skirt. He realized too late at the mistake he made and looked at the Alfei's reaction.

She was definitely shocked, her skin had paled and her mouth was practically touching the forest floor. Trevor mumbled some curses to himself, he did not want her to know about that Ability. It literally said that it was a divine blessing.

She closed her mouth and seemingly regained some of her composure. She started glaring at him, concentrating on something. A split second later, she let out a cry of pain and bent over while covering her eyes. Trevor took a step forward and reached a hand out in worry.

"Are ye alrite? What happened?"

She raised her head at him, squinting as if she looked at the sun for several seconds. She quickly took on a look of confusion as she saw Trevor's confusion reflected back at her. After around ten seconds, she shifted her back up and continued to rub her eyes.

"You are definitely a strange one, Trevor MacFerris. A strange and curious Beastkin, seemingly without shame."

"Fine, but what happened to ye?" he asked, still worried about her health.

"Nothing you should be worried about. I think this should be when we part, unless you have any other tricks you want to show me."

He thought about it for a moment, his mind brought off her earlier pain. He really wanted to leg it out and go back to camp, but he also felt like impressing Shiar some more. In the end, he decided there was no harm in showing a small portion of his power. It's not like she could tell his full capabilities, right?

Using his mana Abilities, Trevor created a strong gust of wind around his body drying his fur. It was something he discovered on his walk to the river, though it didn't count as a Skill for some reason. He would like and try finding the rules that constitutes for gaining a Skill, at a much later time.

The spectacle created some of the reaction he was expecting. Shiar raised both of her eyebrows in shock and amazement. Trevor grinned in satisfaction.

"Well, it was a grand craic talkin' with a fine woman like ye, Shiar. I hope we will meet again, when I'm not naked and cleanin' myself."

The joke actually brought out a chuckle from her. With a flourishing bow, he turned around and, hesitantly, put the itchy grass skirt back on. He needed to make another one soon, as this one was becoming undone and slightly torn.

"I will look forward to it. And please be careful of the essence monsters, I've heard there have been more sightings than usual in the forest."

He stopped and looked back over his shoulder at her.

"Did you just say monsters?"

"Yes. Isn't that why you are here?" she asked in a confused and inquisitive tone.

Trevor tried discerning if she was joking or not, but nothing in her face gave way to that. There was only one word that summed up his current thoughts.


He grabbed on a tree and left, making multiple jumps at his maximum distance until he reached his camp. When he finally came back, he sat down and let out a long breath. He has a lot to think about now.

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