《Violent Solutions》0. Prelude/Mission Transcripts




02:20:37:56 Five hostiles sighted in stationary group, including main target. Position uncompromised. Unit has sufficient munitions for opportunistic takedown. Advise.

02:20:37:57 Measure distance to targets, estimate total visual obstruction.

02:20:37:59 Distance to main target reads as three hundred fifty-six point eight nine five two meters. Average distance to all targets three hundred fifty five point nine four nine eight meters. Total visual obstruction approximately thirteen point nine percent.

02:20:38:00 Recommend attachment of flash suppression device. Use of five hyper-nitro thirteen millimeter rounds authorized for use upon signal by INFOP.

02:20:38:01 Attaching flash suppression device as per recommendation from ARMSCOM and loading five rounds.

02:20:38:16 Complete, main target in sight. Estimated total time for five target takedown is four point nine seconds.

02:20:38:17 Re-confirm identity of main target, Commander-level Warbreed designation Heytor Markez.

02:20:38:19 Confirmed Heytor Markez is primary target.

02:20:38:20 Report all known identities of other hostiles.

02:20:38:21 Identities unknown, group sighted on approach of village before infiltration action.

02:20:38:23 Requesting list of off-limits targets and deep-cover agents from IDCOM, please wait.

02:20:38:29 Request acknowledged, sending secure transmission of visual data to INFUNIT-24503e. Requesting receipt acknowledgment.

02:20:38:33 Acknowledged, visual information received. Remaining four hostiles are not on list.

02:20:38:34 Fire permission authorized.

02:20:38:35 Beginning fire action.

02:20:38:40 Fire action complete. Four confirmed fatalities including Heytor Markez. Fifth warbreed was struck in head but appears to be conscious and semi-mobile. Requesting permission to approach and terminate.

02:20:38:41 Permission denied, return to base.

02:20:38:42 Acknowledged. Going silent for travel.


02:23:10:39 Unit has returned to base.

02:23:10:40 Estimated mission efficiency rating is eighty-one point five seven two three percent. Report to maintenance bay for analysis of visual and locomotion systems.

02:23:10:41 Acknowledged.



18:01:02:22 Planned deviation from cover identity guard route in thirty seconds.

18:01:02:23 Acknowledged, report any issues immediately.

18:01:02:52 Unit has broken from cover identity guard route and found visual cover in zone designated 01-20-A on architectural diagram. Proceeding to target zone A-2 and preparing neurophagic bacterial spray.

18:01:02:53 Acknowledged.

18:01:03:41 Two unexpected warbreed obstructing path to 01-20-A. Please advise.

18:01:03:42 Report identities of warbreed.

18:01:03:43 Huan and Hosay Jeraldo. Not on no-kill lists for mission.

18:01:03:44 Confirmed from transmitted visual. Utilize integrated blade and neutralize silently.

18:01:03:45 Neutralizing.

18:01:04:10 Targets neutralized. Unit undamaged but disguise compromised due to blood spatter. Proceeding with haste to 01-20-A.

18:01:06:31 Applying neurophagic bacterial spray to designated area.

18:01:06:40 Complete, primary objective finished, advise.

18:01:06:41 Exfiltrate and return to base.

18:01:06:42 Exfiltrating and returning to base.

18:17:44:13 Unit has returned to base.

18:17:44:14 Estimated mission efficiency rating is seventy-four point one one eight one percent. Report to unit storage for temporary decommissioning.

18:17:44:15 Acknowledged.



06:10:31:45 Requesting search of cultural information for term 'frondosa', local to use in tribe 2935D

06:10:31:46 Search request submitted, estimated time to response four point two three seconds. Describe relevance of request.

06:10:31:47 Unit is engaged in group conversation. Term was used to describe unit's cover identity, but meaning of term is unknown this context. Unit acknowledged remark but did not produce any outward reaction. Response appeared adequate, but facial stress analysis and eye tracking indicated a rise in suspicion directed towards unit. Further information required to correct potential mission efficiency issue.


06:10:31:48 Acknowledged, submit local sensory recording for use in discovery probability estimation.

06:10:31:49 Submitted.

06:10:31:50 Estimated probability of discovery has risen by ten point eight one three seven percent. Awaiting information results for further action recommendation.

06:10:31:51 'Frondosa', Portuguese, refers to quality of having leaves. Also used as a pejorative by tribe 2935D and other nearby tribes to describe warbreed who are considered to be predisposed to temporary battle hesitancy. Insult is typically followed by display of bravery by the recipient to counter the claim.

06:10:31:52 Acknowledged, recommend that INFOP opportunistically instruct INFUNIT to demonstrate bravery through volunteering for night patrol, solo hunt of predator animal, or sparring match with largest available warbreed. Latter option holds estimated discovery reduction of nine point one two seven one percent, other options less efficient.

06:10:31:52 Acknowledged. INFUNIT will report when opportunity to challenge warbreed designated Wakeem Heraldo is next available.

06:10:31:53 Acknowledged.


06:15:22:21 Opportunity to challenge warbreed designated Wakeem Heraldo is available.

06:15:22:22 Proceed with challenge, lethal force authorized at INFUNIT's discretion.

06:15:22:23 Acknowledged. Issuing challenge.

06:15:22:30 Challenge has been accepted.

06:15:28:04 Wakeem Heraldo terminated. Four other warbreed also terminated. Identity compromised, outer shell damaged by surprise knife attack, revealing mechanical components of left arm. Estimated twenty-seven witnesses have escaped. Advise.

06:15:28:05 Mission failure, return to base. Do not pursue escaped witnesses.

06:15:28:05 Abandoning pursuit and returning to base.

07:04:52:01 Unit has returned to base.

07:04:52:02 Estimated mission efficiency rating is two point zero zero one eight percent. Report to digital servicing area for full sensory recording audit and subtree analysis.

07:04:52:02 Acknowledged.



03:23:12:03 Co-ordinates reached, setting up mortar on vantage point.

03:23:12:04 Confirmed, target will be in grid area designated A4.6, J9.1 in approximately thirty minutes.

03:23:44:51 Target spotted moving at walking pace with two other warbreed. Group appears to be conversing, not alert. Distance is seven hundred and five point six five meters.

03:23:44:51 Acknowledged, prepare type one fragmentation round as planned.

03:23:44:51 Belay order, utilize type forty-five nanowire bola round, then follow immediately with fragmentation round.

03:23:44:52 Utilizing type forty-five round, then type one round. Estimated total firing time is three seconds. Estimated time to first round impact is eight seconds.

03:23:45:00 First round impact.

03:23:45:02 Second round impact. Anomaly sighted. Target superficially appeared to be warbreed, but internals contain significant non-cybernetic machinery. Possible case of erroneous friendly fire.

03:23:45:03 Confirming other missions in area with central planning intelligence, please wait.

03:23:45:07 Missions in area confirmed. Target termination was intentional. Friendly fire possibility is negative. Mission complete, return to base.

03:23:45:08 Acknowledged, returning to base.

05:19:31:55 Unit has returned to base.

05:19:31:56 Estimated mission efficiency rating is ninety-four point three three seven three percent. Report to digital servicing area for backup and duplication.

05:19:31:57 Acknowledged.

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