《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 108 : Dongfang Zhengyi


Zhengyi was relieved when he heard something from inside the hole. The sound of the iron rod being hit was not loud at all, but was quite audible to the person right next to the hole. Shortly after, Yixiong emerged from the hole.

"Where are the others?" Zhengyi looked into the hole when he realized Yixiong had only come home alone.

"Dage still has other things to do. Yiren said Dage would stop by the drugstore for a while. I don't know what kind of medicine he wanted to buy," Yixiong answered.

"So, where is Yiren now?"

"Of course, he's still in the passage. He's got to stay there. He'll be back with Dage."

"Then, the things that Dage brought with him? Where are they now?"

"Here, it's all with me," Yixiong pointed at the plastic bag containing the things they had taken away earlier.

"What time will they be back? Shouldn't we all be on standby here to await a call from the kidnappers?"

"Take it easy. I think they'll be here soon too. Don't worry too much." Yixiong patted Zhengyi's shoulder, smiling.

Xiongge must be trying hard to calm me down. I can't seem to panic.

"Okay! You rest for a while inside. I'll just wait for them here," said Zhengyi.

Yixiong nodded. In a flash, he went straight into the house. Zhengyi walked to the terrace near the kitchen. He took a chair that was there and carried it towards the hole. He put the chair right next to the spot. After that, he sat there.

"Why didn't I think of something like this yesterday? It's much better than squatting until I'm sore at the edge of the hole," Zhengyi muttered to himself.

Zhengyi then waited for Shanquan and Yiren to return. Unlike what Yixiong had just said, it turned out that the two friends didn't arrive soon after. For a moment, Zhengyi thought that something terrible had happened to them. But quickly, he pushed aside the lousy image that appeared in his mind. The underground mall was a very crowded place. It was almost impossible for criminals to injure people intentionally in such a crowded place. Although they might also had a little trouble in the underground passages. However, Zhengyi was sure that these would definitely be easy to overcome.

Zhengyi turned towards the kitchen. At first, Zhengyi thought Yixiong would only come into the house for a moment to drink some water or lie down on the sofa a bit. After that, he would return to the backyard to be together with Zhengyi, awaiting the arrival of Shanquan and Yiren. But after Zhengyi waited so long, Yixiong didn't show up. Apparently, his friend really rested at home.


I think he's exhausted. I must not forget that he is older than me.

The old adage, which said that waiting was a very tedious job, was not nonsense. It had been proven true. In no time, Zhengyi was dozing off in the chair. He almost fell asleep. Fortunately, a familiar sound emerged from below the hole, namely the sound of metal being hit.

"They've finally arrived! Two minutes from now, if they hadn't arrived, I would have fallen asleep here!" Zhengyi grumbled to himself.

Shanquan and Yiren emerged from the hole.

"Why did you take too long?" Zhengyi grumbled a little.

"Where's Yixiong?" Instead of answering Zhengyi's question, Yiren asked back.

Zhengyi pointed towards the house. "Maybe he's resting. Or maybe he's asleep inside."

Shanquan smiled. "Sorry, I had some business to attend to. The important thing is that we're back now. So now we can both wait for the call from the kidnappers."

"Caihong hasn't shown up yet?" Yiren asked.

Good grief! I don't remember that at all!

"Now that I'm here, it means he hasn't come yet. You're so weird," Zhengyi said.

Yiren just laughed. "Sorry!"

After placing the iron plate in its original place to close the hole and returning the large pot to its original position, they entered the house. They found Yixiong lying on the couch in the living room.

"It turned out that my guess was right that he fell asleep here," said Zhengyi.

Yiren shook Yixiong's body. "Wake up! Come on, wake up!"

Yixiong squirmed. He opened his eyes. "What time is it now?"

"It's not ten o'clock yet. But now we have to get ready to receive calls from the kidnappers." Shanquan opened his mouth.

"Why are you sleeping here?" Zhengyi asked.

"I didn't sleep. I fell asleep while waiting for Qiuzhen to come home," Yixiong replied.

It's just the same!

Zhengyi looked at the clock hanging on the living room wall. "Qiuzhen said he'd be home at ten. But I don't think he will arrive exactly at ten. He could be home at half-past eleven or even twelve."

Shanquan looked at Yixiong. "If you're really sleepy, you should just sleep in your room. Let us wait for Qiuzhen to come home and wait for the calls from the people who kidnapped Xinxiu."

"It's okay. I'm not sleepy now!" Yixiong insisted on joining the wait.


"Wash your face first," said Yiren to Yixiong.

"I don't think Yixiong is the only one who has to wash our faces. We all should wash our faces, so we feel refreshed," said Shanquan.

After that, they all took turns washing their faces in the bathroom.

"Are any of you feeling hungry right now?" Yixiong suddenly said that while rubbing his stomach.

Yiren laughed. He looked at the faces of his friends one by one. "Do you think we should eat before we receive calls from the kidnappers?" Yiren answered Yixiong's strange question with a question that was no less strange.

"Isn't there a lot of leftovers from our dinner last night?" Zhengyi said.

"It's not just our dinner last night that still has a lot left." Shanquan smiled. "The lunch we bought for Yiren and Zhengyi has not been fully eaten either." After saying that, Shanquan walked straight to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

Shanquan's three friends walked in groups, following Shanquan. Their footsteps could be heard so clearly.

Turns out Xiongge isn't the only one hungry!

"Well! That's right! There are still a lot of leftovers!" Shanquan pointed to the contents of the refrigerator. He then looked at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. "I think we still have a little time. Enough to fill our stomachs."

Yiren took a glass. Then he took a bottle out of the fridge. The bottle contained cold water that they had previously boiled to a boil. He seemed to be more thirsty than hungry.

Before they could take the food, there was a sound coming from their gate. Someone's coming. Tonight they did not lock the gate. Zhengyi walked into the living room to open the door. After the door opened, a figure walked in. He looked tired. He was out of breath as if he had been running after something.

"You drink first," said Yiren. He gave a glass of water filled with cold water to their guest, who had just arrived.

"Thank you, Uncle," said the man. He took the glass from Yiren's hand and drank the water instantly until it ran out without a single drop.

"Is all your business done?" Zhengyi asked.

"It's all right, Uncle! Now I can concentrate on our problem."

"Caihong," Shanquan said, "we were just about to eat. Would you like to join?"

Their guest, who turned out to be Caihong, couldn't hide his surprise. Perhaps he did not expect the house's occupants would feel hungry again so quickly. They had had dinner before.

Eating is an important ritual in our group.

Zhengyi laughed. "This is our habit. Always eat to overcome nervousness."

Caihong also laughed. "Okay, Uncle. I'll try to eat some."

Fortunately, what Dage hoped for, did come true. I had completely forgotten that I had to be on standby in case Caihong came at any time. If only he had come earlier, I don't know what to say!

Zhengyi shook his head at the thought. Shanquan looked at him. It seemed that he also realized what he was thinking.

Maybe Dage realized I had been negligent. Luckily, everything went well.

"Okay! Now let's eat first." Shanquan smiled.

Yiren took the food from the fridge. He reheated the food briefly using the microwave. After that, with the help of Yixiong, he served the food at the dining table. They all sat down at the dining table to eat the dish.

"Did Miss Diwu call you when they arrived at your apartment?" Shanquan asked Caihong.

"Earlier, when I was in the exhibition building, I had a chance to call my apartment. They are fine. Even Mrs. Diwu said that Miss Lüqiu looked thrilled," replied Caihong.

"Thank goodness," said Shanquan, "I was a little worried about her."

"Don't worry, Uncle. I've told Miss Diwu to report every six hours. My employees are on standby at the exhibition hall, so even if I'm not there, there's always someone who will receive news from Miss Diwu."

Uh? Have to give news every six hours? Doesn't she need sleep?

"Thank you," said Shanquan.

"You're welcome, Uncle!"

They then quickly finished their second dinner. Just as Shanquan finished swallowing the last piece of his meal, the clock on the wall was already ten o'clock.

"Now is the time," said Shanquan.

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