《Paladin: Underworld (Reboot)》Forewarning: Author's Note


In retrospect I do find it ironic that the chapter with the least amount of changes, took the longest but college life will do that to you. Nevertheless this definitely a project I was hyped to do. When I first developed the Paladin, I wanted to create a character that would compliment Sarah as an equal rather than a whole team (though I guess Titan does count). This mainly involved taking her overall skills/personality and flipping them around.

However as I started to build more on top of this lovable goofball James evolved into probably one of the characters I enjoy writing for the most. For me he's a great break from Paladin's doom and gloom. Balancing his eccentric lifestyle with more relatable goals I think gives him a unique perspective that I have fun with. Definitely expect a lot more serious and light hearted chapters from him soon.

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