《The Gamer Magician》Follow my new story "Return of the Wandmage" on Royal Road!



I'm uploading at least one chapter per day for the first couple weeks. After that, I'll probably spread it out to Mon, Wed, Fri.


The Gamer Magician Book 1 is fully edited and sent to both my publisher and audiobook publisher. I don't have a date on when it will be released. You guys will be the first to know. I'm currently working on Book 1 of this new series. Super excited about it because the concept has been in my mind for so long. The magic, hopefully, is my take on the Force from Star Wars.


Wands are an integral part of the magic. They aren't Harry Potter wands that choose its owner.

Wands in the new story are MODULAR. This means there are specific mechanical parts that do certain things to the magic, or what mages and magicians call 'hum'. Adjusting parts to gain a possible edge helps mages survive. Mages are equal parts mechanics and cultivators.

Technically, there are only three spells a mage can use: force, mind, and sense. But it is the additional mechanical parts of the wand and how mages use them that create really cool effects. WANDS CAN BE ALMOST ANYTHING. Some wands can be a stave-type, like a typical Gandalf wizard would use. Others can be shields, brooms, bone replacements for body enchaments, and one guy even turned his wand into a lantern.

From this first chapter, you'll see that Kiden's wand is his SWORD. If their parts break or they don't prepare properly for a fight, they are either at a disadvantage or will die.

Why did I only use force, mind, and sense as the limited spells? Well, I wanted to get away from the typical elemental magic of fire, water, etc. That doesn't mean we won't see magic that looks like the elements.


Using only force, sense, and mind forces the characters to THINK and anticipate what their enemy's wands can do in the field of battle. Answering what the enemy's magic seems to do versus what it actually does is crucial to win fights. Instead of Avatar the Last Airbender fights, think more Hunter x Hunter mind games.

The other thing I wanted to do was to get away from insane power scaling. The strongest mages in this world can't destroy mountains or level city blocks. At most, they can take down fifteen or twenty men per spell. That may not seem a lot, but that's an insane amount in a war, and this is the highest level of mastery. Even at the end of the series, Kiden might not ever reach that level of skill and proficiency.


Kiden is not a native of the country for this story. My inspiration for him is a mix of Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke, Maximus from Gladiator, and a lot philosophy I've absorbed and practiced based on Greek Stoicism, Zen Buddhism, and Daoism.


Lots of mystery. Kiden is competent within his own strengths, but other than that, he doesn't return to the past knowing everything that led up to the final fight. He wasn't even on the same contintent for most of that period, only joining the fight when he returned to find his own sundered and his people dead. This world isn't so much vast as it is deep. I'll be referencing stuff you'll most likely never see in the main story, if not only once. As Kiden would say, "There are skies beyond skies. Shadows within shadows."

If you've read this far, thank you. If not, go check out the first chapter! Thanks for all your support so far.

Take care. Be kind. Stay weird.


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