《Pokemon Fever》Chapter 13 - Nerves


Chapter 13 - Nerves

Ida shouted something, I couldn’t make it out because they weren’t mic'd up like with the gym battles, and Ren started howling. The scorbunny dashed forward while letting out a deep growl.

As the scorbunny approached, Ren continued to howl her lungs out. A couple feet from Ren, the scorbunny jumped and readied to do a double kick. Once the scorbunny was committed to the move, Ren abruptly jumped in the air flipping forward and batting down the scorbunny with her tail.

Upon impact with the ground, the scorbunny quickly tried to right itself but was pounced upon by Ren. After restraining the struggling scorbunny, Ren just looked up at the opposing trainer as if waiting for a forfeit. Due to their weight difference, she was able to restrain the bunny like pokemon that focused on speed.

The opposing trainer yelled out to her pokemon, who started to gather energy. But they were knocked out by Ren before they could do anything.

“WInner, Ida Novves!” The automated announcer chimed.

As the trainers left the arena with their pokemon, I was marvelling at how strong Ren was. She made it look easy, but that double kick by the scorbunny packed a punch. Yet, she was able to deflect it and follow up. Ida and her must have trained a lot.

“Chiko! Chi-chi!” Chrys seemed enthused by the battle and wanted to show her strength.

“Don’t worry, girl. We’ll register once Ida gets back.”


“Sorry, Chaos. In another month you’ll be more fit for battling.”

“Piny! Pi!” Chaos shrilly cries, getting up and poking me.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You could have defeated that scorbunny easily.” I try to placate Chaos.

Luckily, it works and she twirls and plops back into my lap. I know from experience, you don’t want to be on the bad side of a happiny.


As I sigh in relief, Ida makes her way towards us.

“Nice job with that match. You made it seem easy.”

“Yeah, I was hoping for more of a challenge.” She shrugs, “They went for an all out attack and we trained to counter that. Now it’s your turn.” She smiles at me.

I nod and make my way to the registration machine, carrying Chaos. I try not to show my nerves, but I can feel my hand shake slightly as I register. I want to show Ida that I’m a capable trainer. Also, this will be my first battle in an arena. I know it’s not ranked, but all battles here are recorded and made available for any other trainers to watch.

After registering, I head back to Ida and take a seat next to her. Chrys jumps into my lap alongside Chaos and I start to stroke her leaf as I wait for my match.

Ida takes my closed eyes and silence as a cue not to start a conversation. I’m grateful for that, because my stomach seems to be upset. I thought I was past these nerves, but I guess not. I’m always nervous before having to do something important. Mindful meditation seems to help a bit.

In the past, it was mainly tests and wasn’t so bad. But now, faced with my first formal pokemon battle, I’m scared. Scared that I won’t be good enough. Scared I won’t be able to achieve my dream.

I only really battled Matt with Chrys, and that was barely a battle. Otherwise, we’ve fought rattata. But they’re just rattata. Maybe we aren’t strong. Sigh, at least that battle with the rattata happened quickly. So I didn’t have time for nerves. That’s how it is with me, I’m all nerves until it starts. Until I’m able to do something other than wait.


As the time ticks by, I feel myself calming and the nerves receding. Puzzled, I open my eyes and upon seeing Chrys’s leaf, remember the calming properties.

“Thanks, Chrys.” I whisper and return to my meditation.

Soon enough, my phone buzzes signalling that it’s time for my match.

“Let’s go, team.” I say with a smile.

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