《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 105 : Duanmu Shanquan


They didn't stand there long. Less than a minute later, they left the place. With quick steps, they went up to the floor where there was a document copying kiosk. Shanquan didn't want to be there for long. They would only print a few documents.

"This photo will not look good if it's just photocopied." The shopkeeper who served the document pawnshop at the shop commented when he heard Shanquan's request.

"We know. But please just photocopy it. It doesn't matter if the result is a bit terrible." Shanquan smiled.

We don't need the perfect result.

"You see, Sir, our shop also provides services for re-photographing old photos that no longer have film cliches." The shopkeeper offered another product.

Ah! Were they instructed to offer products in this way?

"So, the result will be a photogravure?" Yiren seemed quite interested.

"Photogravure and photo sheets printed on photo paper, Sir!" The shopkeeper's voice sounded so excited.

Yiren looked at Shanquan.

Do we really need this?

"The re-photo process will take a long time or not?" Shanquan leaned forward.

"The re-photo process didn't take long at all. It only took a few minutes. But the photo printing process might take a little time," said the shopkeeper.

Okay! If I refuse, maybe this shopkeeper will continue to persuade us! It could take a long time!

"In that case, first this photo will be photocopied, just like the other documents. After that, then this photo will be re-photographed."

It was true that the process of taking a photograph did not take long. After the process was complete, Shanquan and Yiren chose not to wait until the photo was finished printing. The photocopies were already in their hands. Undeniably, that was the most important thing. The printed reproduction photo could be taken at a later time.

After that, Shanquan looked for a pay phone. He called Hanrong at his home. As he had promised Yingyue, Shanquan told Hanrong not to tell anyone about Yingyue's presence at Dafeisi Tower. From their previous conversation, Shanquan already knew that Hanrong would definitely be relieved to hear Shanquan's decision like that. His assumption was not wrong. Hanrong promised to keep Yingyue's presence in the building a secret.


They then prepared to return. The thick clothes and unusual make-up made Shanquan feel a little uncomfortable. He paused for a moment to fix the position of the hat he was wearing. Yiren, who apparently didn't realize it, kept walking at a fast pace. While changing the position of his hat, Shanquan saw something. With half running, he approached Yiren.

"You go back first. I have some business to attend to." Shanquan's hand held Yiren's arm.

Yiren stopped walking. He turned. "Dage, where are you going?" His brow furrowed slightly.

"I'm going to stop by the drugstore first. I have something to buy."

"I'll take you there. After that, we'll go home together."

"No need. If the medicine I'm looking for isn't there, I'll look at another shop later. I'm afraid it will take a while. So you can go back first."

Shanquan handed Yiren the photos and notes they had photocopied.

"What should I do with these things?"

"After arriving in the hallway where there is the candleholder, you hand over these things to Yixiong. Let him go straight home. I don't want Zhengyi to be home alone if it turns out that Caihong arrives early. You replace Yixiong to guard that place. You wait there until I come!"

Yiren looked deeply at Shanquan. Apparently, his eyes showed disapproval. But he nodded. In a flash, he went downstairs to the bottom floor to enter a secret passage leading to their backyard.

Shanquan stared at Yiren's back until the figure of his best friend disappeared from his sight. He then walked in circles for about five minutes. After that, he stepped into a certain part of the shopping center in the underground station. He looked into every stall in that section. After doing that a few times, Shanquan smiled.

He saw a figure standing in front of a simple inn in the mall. Shanquan quickly followed the figure. Shanquan wore shoes that had rubber soles so that the footsteps he made were not heard. Even if they were heard, the sound of his footsteps would not attract attention because the atmosphere was quite crowded there.

When he had caught up with the figure, Shanquan poked the person's shoulder straight away.


"What are you doing here?" Shanquan's voice was quite loud. He was sure that the person must have instantly realized who it was who poked his shoulder.

The figure who was taller than Shanquan stopped walking. Instantly, he turned around. This time, he faced Shanquan. They both stood facing each other.

"Biaoshu!" the figure exclaimed in a low voice when he saw Shanquan.

"Good evening." Shanquan smiled.

"Why is Biaoshu wearing this kind of clothes and make-up?" The man frowned.

"I have certain reasons. However, there are other things that are more important."

"Let's not talk here." That person invited Shanquan to keep going.

Less than two minutes, they were at their destination. Shanquan looked around him. They were already in the reception room of a simple inn within the subway station complex. The clerk manning the reception desk looked at him. But he said nothing.

"Qiuzhen! You said you'd be home at ten. Why are you here now?"

For a moment, the person's face looked confused. But he quickly regained his composure. "Good evening, Biaoshu!"

Shanquan smiled. "You should be carrying a backpack or purse by now. But I can see that you didn't have anything with you. So it's very likely that your bag or backpack is already in one room at this inn. You didn't come here to check in. You came in here to pick up your things before you checked out and headed home."

"Biaoshu is right! Right now, I have something to talk to you about," said the person.

"What a coincidence! I also have things I want to say. This is very important," said Shanquan.

"Let's talk in my room. It's not comfortable standing here. This place is too open. Too easy for people to spy on. After all, Biaoshu must have intended to do everything clandestinely. From the costumes and make-up that Biaoshu is wearing now, Biaoshu must be hoping that people won't be able to recognize Biaoshu easily."

Shanquan chuckled. The two of them then walked into the inn's corridor leading to the rooms. That person, who turned out to be Qiuzhen, the friend they were waiting for to return home, guided Shanquan to the room where he was staying.

"When did you arrive in this town?"

"Two days ago," Qiuzhen said.

"I believe you have good reason not to tell us about this."

"Songfei asked me to come pick up his belongings at Dafeisi Tower. I was supposed to keep it for a while. He also said not to tell anyone about this. He seems to be very careful. I respect his request not to tell anyone. The original plan was that I would only return home after this matter regarding Songfei's belongings was settled." Qiuzhen sighed. "But, it turns out that a lot of things, that I didn't expect, have happened."

"You have the key to the unit that Songfei rented at Dafeisi Tower?" Shanquan asked.

"Songfei sent me the key."

"Then did you manage to retrieve and keep Songfei's things?"

"No! Because Biaoshu took it first."

"That blue bag?"

"Right! That blue bag."

"Why did he tell us to take the same thing?"

"When did he ask Biaoshu for help?"

"He called two days ago. He asked if I had received the package he sent. So I think he sent it two days before he called me."

"Nine days ago, Songfei's package arrived at my office in Yuezhao. However, because I was on duty in another city, it was only four days ago that I actually received the package. Maybe Songfei asked Biaoshu for help because he realized I didn't come to Dafeisi Tower to pick up the goods," Qiuzhen said.

Shanquan nodded. "Look! I don't have much time right now. As soon as I tell you the important news, I have to go back home. I'll tell you more when you get home."

"Why the rush? We can all go home together at ten o'clock. Wasn't that what Biaoshu had originally planned? Biaoshu can tell friends at home that Biaoshu happened to meet me, who was stopping at this mall under Zhonghang subway station before returning home," Qiuzhen said.

"I can't! Something big has happened."

"What happened?"

"Xinxiu has been kidnapped!"

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