《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 104 : Duanmu Shanquan


Shanquan was already wearing a fairly thick leather jacket, sunglasses, a hat, and a mask covering his mouth.

Why is Zhengyi looking at me with such a strange look? Is there something wrong with my appearance?

"I think Dage should not wear accessories that are too weird and excessive. If Dage's costumes and make-up are too flashy, people will get suspicious." Zhengyi leaned his head forward as he observed Shanquan's appearance.

"Is my appearance too much?" Shanquan looked at his friends one by one.

As I recall, there are a lot of people who look like this out there! Even people who are much older than me wear weirder clothes sometimes.

"I think Dage's appearance is still considered normal. Not at all excessive," said Yixiong. "But I don't know what the others think."

"Right, I think this is still reasonable!" Yiren said.

Hearing the words that came out of the lips of his two friends, Zhengyi just nodded without showing a disappointed face or anything like that. He said nothing more about it.

"In that case, I'll just wear these clothes and accessories." Shanquan nodded happily.

"Dage won't go there alone, will he?" Zhengyi changed the subject.

Once again, Shanquan looked at the three friends one by one. "Which one of you would want to take me there?"

"I do!" Yiren raised his hand and raised his index finger. "These past few days, I haven't experienced anything as exciting as all of you!"

Zhengyi laughed. "Haven't had an exciting experience yet. Aren't you even luckier? Life is even more serene."

"If I just want to live in peace, why should I join you to live in this city? Wouldn't it be better if I just stayed in my hometown?"

"Right!" Yixiong nodded vigorously. "One of our goals for migrating here is to live a more colorful and turbulent life. Now, it is the time to experience these things."


"Okay! Yiren, you come with me. Now change your clothes. But don't take too long. We don't have much time!" Even though Shanquan smiled, he spoke those words in a firm tone.

"Don't worry. I can finish changing clothes quickly," said Yiren.

"Who's the other person who wants to come down into the underground passage?" Yixiong looked at his friends. "There has to be someone standing guard next to the chandleholder on the wall before the entrance to the room with the dressing table, right?"

"What if you are the one who go there?" Shanquan looked at Yixiong with a smile.

"Okay." Yixiong nodded without arguing in the slightest.

It turns out Yixiong really wants to come along.

"Now, please get Songfei's bag." Shanquan patted Zhengyi on the shoulder. He then looked to his right side. "Yixiong, you take the rope we usually use when we go down the hole. Ah! Don't forget to prepare a flashlight and a plastic bag."

Zhengyi went into his room to get Songfei's bag. Shanquan did keep Songfei's bag in the wardrobe in the room Zhengyi was in. Yixiong immediately walked towards the shed, where they kept a lot of the things they didn't use.

In less than two minutes, Zhengyi was in front of Shanquan, carrying Songfei's blue bag. Yixiong thrust a black plastic bag into Shanquan's hand. Promptly, Shanquan opened the blue bag and took out the things he wanted to bring. He put the objects into the black plastic bag in his hand.

"Now, you put this bag back in the cupboard," said Shanquan.

Zhengyi nodded.

"I'm ready!" Yiren came out of the room just as Zhengyi lifted the bag.

"So fast!" shouted Yixiong. "Could it be that you have actually prepared the costume earlier?"

Yiren just laughed at Yixiong's words. He didn't say that's not true.

"Let's go now!" Shanquan moved his right hand.


"Wait a minute," Zhengyi shouted. "There's something important that we forgot."

"What is it?" Yiren looked surprised.

"Caihong said that he would be back here before ten o'clock. What if he comes before we all get back here?"

It was so quiet. Everyone looked at each other.

Ah! How could I not take that into account?

"If that happens, I ask you to try to keep Caihong from entering the house." Shanquan patted Zhengyi on the shoulder.

"So I have to keep Caihong out of the house?" Zhengyi asked.

Shanquan nodded.

Zhengyi's face changed slightly. "Such behavior is completely unnatural."

"I'm sure you can do it."

"What should I do in the front yard?"

"You just need to talk to him. It's up to you what you want to talk about."

"Is that even possible? He will find it such a strange thing. After all, the people watching our house, if they were still watching, will also be suspicious."

"Try as best you can. Hopefully, we'll all be back here before Caihong comes."

"But shouldn't I be on guard at the edge of the pit?"

What should I answer?

"You do have to keep watch at the edge of the pit, but if Caihong comes, you leave the backyard, do as I said."

"So I have to stand guard at the edge of the hole but also have to be carefully waiting for Caihong to come?"

Shanquan nodded. "Don't close the kitchen door so you can hear someone knocking on the front door. It's late, so you can probably hear knocking on the front door from the backyard."

Zhengyi still looked doubtful.

"Can't you do it?" Shanquan wanted to make sure his friend was up to the task.

"Oh! It's a tough task." Zhengyi complained. "But please don't worry. I'll do my best."

"All right! Now let's all go to the backyard!"

They all then headed for the hole in the back corner of their backyard. Together, they slid a large pot over the lid of the manhole. Zhengyi jogged after them after keeping Songfei's bag in the closet.

"Now Yiren and I are going down. After we get to the bottom, Yixiong, you can only start coming down to catch up. Remember, before we get to the bottom, you have to stay here."

Yixiong nodded.

The few times they descended into that dungeon had made them much more proficient. In a relatively short time, Shanquan, Yiren, and Yixiong were already at the bottom of the hole. Because yesterday, Yiren and Xinxiu didn't cover the east door in the basement with those cupboard-like things, so right now, they didn't have to bother to enter the hallway.

The three of them walked at high speed. A moment later, they were in front of a candleholder that tilted to open the door to a room with a dressing table.

"You wait here." Shanquan nodded as he glanced at Yixiong.

Shanquan and Yiren continued their journey. It wasn't long before they reached the bottom floor of the Zhonghang subway station. For the umpteenth time, Shanquan passed the Shindongchaang gate on the bottom floor. The two of them paused for a moment in front of the gate.

"Passed by this place a few times, but didn't even have a chance to stop by." Shanquan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the arch. He took a deep breath.

"That's right, Dage! Sometimes things like that happen. We don't have time to visit a place, even though we often pass by that place," said Yiren.

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