《Dark Slate》Chapter 7: A New Friend
As i looked at her face. She had a sad expression a with tears running down her face.
I helped her up."are you okay?"
"y-yeah." She said in between sobs.
"does it hurt." I asked concerned
"yes, but i'm used to it." She said whipping a tear from her eye.
"stay still, okay." I told her.
"hmm?" She hummed in confusion
I used healing magic to heal all her wounds and bruises. There was still blood stains on her so i took out a small canteen, that i carried to drink water, and used it to wash her face and then i dried it with wind magic.
"Do you feel better." I said with a smile.
"yeah." she said as she touched her face.
Looking at her face now she is a really cute kid. Her crying slowly died down, and we began walking down the road.
"why were those kids throwing rocks at you." I asked
"I'm an outsider and my horns scare them because i'm a demon. Other kids Either stay away from me, or hurt me." She said.
"So if this isn't the first time why don't you just stay indoors?"
"I get bored sometimes, so i go outside to walk. I usually avoid people when i go out, but those kids seemed to be looking for me." She paused and looked at me. "Do i not scare you."
"Of course not i think your horns are cool." "C-can i touch them?" I asked hesitantly.
"umm. . . sure." she said
With her permission i touched them. I've touched animal horns before in my previous life, and these felt similar. But hers were more polished and had a smooth surface.
"ohh wow, i wish i had some." i said excitedly.
"You really think they're cool?" she asked. with a faint smile.
"yeah they are." I said meeting her eyes.
She gave me a smile in return.
"Ohh that's right. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arata Arumani. what's yours?"
"My name is Nia Claristel."
"Well, it's ice to meet you Nia." I extended my hand. "Since we're now friends do you want to go play together?"
"huh? friend?" she said confused.
"yeah we're friends now, or do you not want to be my friend?" i asked her
"W-wait. I do. I do want to be your friend." she said quickly. "It's just that. . . I never had a friend before." she paused "i've lived here all my life and no one apart from my parents and maid have been nice to me."
"Well now you have me. If there's anything you need come ask me about it."
"Are you sure? Other kids might not want to get close to you because of me, and what if the ones that were throwing rocks come back?" She asked concerned.
"If they come back looking for you i'll be here and beat them up, or scare them off with my magic " I assured her.
She smiled at me as a reply. But seemed to have something on her mind.
"Okay then, let's go have fun." i smiled back.
"yeah let's go."
Okay so now i have no idea what to do. what do kids of this world do for fun. Should i just bring up a game from my old world.
"So is there anything you want to do? What do you do for fun?" I asked her instead.
"hmm i usually just walk around for fun." She then stopped walking. "Look at that."
In front of us some distance away was a big fenced area with farm animals, and a stable with horses. Nia stared at it with excitement.
"you like animals? Want to get a closer look, i know the farmers there." I offered to her.
her face lit up with excitement, but immediately fell afterwards.
"What's wrong?" i asked.
"It's not just kids that don't like me. The adults don't want to see me near the village." She said sadly.
"hmm. I have an idea." i then took off my coat.
"what are you going to do?" she asked curiously. "Ahh"
She said while i wrapped the coat around her head covering her forehead and hair.
"There now no one will know." Though they might get curious to why she's wearing it like that. I extended my hand "Well let's go."
"yeah, i guess they won't" with a small tear coming out from her eye, She happily took my hand.
And just like that we were off to see the animals at the farm, and i had made a friend.
After some walking we got to a place where there where a bunch of small barns. We walked to the biggest one. And there was an old man there with a big white beard and a hat on. He was the owner. He's a nice old man.
"Hey Mr. Keith how are you doing today?" I asked the owner when we got there.
"Ohh hey, it's you Arata, i didn't think you'd be coming today. None of the workers are really that exhausted today because of yesterdays healing."
"I didn't come to heal today."
"So is there something you need help with?" keith asked.
"i just have a small favor to ask." i said
"well what is it? I'm more than happy to comply with your request." He said with a smile.
"Can me and my friend here see the animals for a little while?" I asked.
"hmm" he looked at Nia who was hiding behind me. Then smirked "So that's how it is." He muttered. "Of course you can. Go right ahead." He then walked past me and said "Good luck out there my friend." he gave me thumbs up and a smile.
Nia went a head of me. I was confused for a second before realizing what he was implying.
"Hey it's not like th-" Before i could finish the sentence He pushed me forward.
"Go get her." he said with a goofy grin.
Well whatever. I just smiled back and followed after Nia. We went to a barn where there were small goats. We picked up some of the baby goats and cradled them in our arms.
"wow he's so cute." Nia said as she patted its head.
We saw several other animals and once we were satisfied we left.
As we were walking on the dirt road again i asked her about introducing her to my parents.
"Hey Nia can i ask you for a favor"
"Yes. of course. what is it?"
"Can you come over to my house so i can introduce you to my parents?"
"I told you i can't come to the village." She looked down as she said that. "Why do you want me to meet them?"
"i don't live right on the village." i said "And i told my dad that i had friends, and he asked me to introduce them to him. But the truth is i didn't have any until i met you."
"So were you just trying to use me to prove that you had a friend." She looked sad.
"No that's not it." i said quickly "I know it sounds like that, but that's not my intention. I really do want to be friends with you"
"So, we are friends?" She asked downcast.
"yes. We are." I looked at her straight in the eye, and smiled. "if you do this for me i'll do anything you ask of me."
"there is one thing." she said as her mood was going up.
"Okay, what is it?"
"umm. . . C-can you teach me magic." She asked nervously and desperately for a response.
"Yeah i can do that." Maybe that's what was on her mind earlier.
"huh? Really? just like that?" she said confused.
"Yeah it's not a problem. How old are you though?"
"i'm 5." she answered.
I read on a book that some races tend to pick up faster on mana manipulation more than others. Since shes a demon it should be possible for her to learn it at that age.
"I'll tell you the steps, but the rest remains on you to do it."
"I promise to do my best." she said happily.
"Well follow me to my house." i said.
I took the lead and went straight to my house. Me and Nia had small conversations sometimes, but she never looked awkward or uncomfortable. It seemed that she was just happy to have a friend around.
After a while of walking we were at the arched entrance.
"well this is it. what do you think of it?" I asked
"it looks nice." she said nervously. Due to meeting my parents.
"Don't worry it'll be fine." I told her.
"What if they don't let you play with me." She said looking down again.
"If that happens i'll sneak out to see you." I put my arm over her shoulder trying to calm her down. "Okay."
She nodded with a smile, but she still seemed down.
"Ohh and say that we met some time ago. Just in case they ask." I added
I knocked on the door then walked inside. i looked towards the living room and found my whole family sitting down on the couch. All of them doing their own thing.
"I'm back." I drew all their attention. "Father i brought my friend like you asked." I looked back outside to Nia "Come in." but she hesitated.
"What is he talking about?" My mother asked Leon.
"Ohh. . . umm. well it's complicated." Leon said.
"Just tell me wh-" Mother cut herself off as Nia walked inside the house.
The room went silent. Everyone dropped what they were doing and were just starting at her with a mix of confusion, surprise and disbelief.
"I'd like you all to meet my good friend Nia Claristel." I said breaking the silence. "Nia The tall man there is my father, Leon. The tall woman is my mother, Emma. The plain looking girl there is my older sister, Hanna. And the small one is my little sister, Mia."
'hmm the name Nia and Mia sound similar i hope i don't get them confused, but more importantly why is everyone still silent.'
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING PLAIN LOOKING!!" Hanna said as she smacked me in the head. "H-hello N-Nia nice to meet you."
"H-hello nice yo meet you too." Nia said
"Come on every one said hi." I said looking at the rest.
"hi" Mia said. She's probably still too young to know what she is.
"H-hello there N-Nia." Leon said hesitantly. "could you wait here for a moment." he told her then dragged me away and Mother followed.
"what is the meaning of this?" He asked. Not mad, but confused.
"I brought my friend. Just like you asked." I said simply.
"Leon what is he talking about?" Mother asked more confused than ever.
"Well Arata said he had friends. So i asked him to bring them over so i could meet them." Leon said. "I didn't think he was going to bring anyone, much less a demon girl."
"So that's what happened." Mother muttered "Listen Arata, i'm not opposed to you guys being friends. It was just a surprise to see you bring home a person like her."
"Yeah, same with me. Honestly I thought you were a loner. I guess not." Leon said teasingly.
"Well shouldn't you guys introduce yourselves properly." I said
"Yeah your probably right." Leon said. Then we began making out way back to Nia.
When we got there hanna And Nia were talking.
"Hello Nia nice to meet you. Sorry for acting weird before it was just a surprise to see someone like you here." Leon said
"Its Nice to meet you. Thank you for being friends with our son." Mother said.
She stayed silent. Probably overwhelmed
"See i told you it was going to be okay." I told her
"yeah, you were right." She said with a smile.
"come on let's all eat lunch together." Mother said.
We made our way to the table and sat down. Nia sat next to me. Then Mother served each of us a bowl of pottage.
"How did the two of you meet." Mother asked as we ate.
Me and Nia looked at each other for a second, and right when i was about to answer she spoke up instead.
"Some time ago I was being bullied by some kids from the village, and Arata saved me. We started spending time together since then. I've never been liked by the villagers or other kids so i've never had a friend. I got nervous when Arata asked me to come here because i thought you wouldn't like me either. But i was wrong. So thank you for accepting me." she said with a smile.
"It's okay you don't have to thank us, you and Arata are friends so you're welcome here anytime." Mom said as she put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile.
We continued eating our food and had small conversations until we finished.
"Hey since your here now can we start our magic training now." Hanna said after we finished eating.
"okay." I looked at Nia. "Come with us, i'll teach you magic like i promised."
When i said that her face lit up immediately. We moved to the front yard. I told her the steps to follow and she began meditating.
Because she is a demon i expect she would draw out her mana by the end of today or tomorrow morning. It's easier for her because the demon race is naturally stronger than most other races.
I wanted to try something new. Earlier this morning i shaped wind magic with a wooden sword. i want to try doing it again with fire.
I got the wooden sword and engulfed it in fire, since i covered the sword with mana it won't burn it. I then focused the fire at the edge of the wooden blade and took a swing. At the same moment i swung i released the fire that i had focused.
The fire went flying fast at the direction that i swung. It looked like a line of fire. it then crashed at the stone wall leaving a crack the size of the blade. I'll call it a Fire Slash.
I continued doing it for a while then i tried it with wind again. I swung and a line of wind went flying through the air and when it crashed it made another crack in the wall.
"cant wait to use this against Leon on our next duel." I muttered.
After a while we were done. We were sitting down resting.
"I have to go soon. I told my parents that i was only going to be gone for a little while." Nia said sadly.
"that's fine we can continue tomorrow."
"okay then, i'll be going now." she said getting up.
As i saw her walking away i stopped her.
"Hey wait." i called out to her.
She turned around quickly. "What is it?"
"I'll walk you home."
"you don't ha-" i cut her off.
"What if those bullies come find you again. they'll hurt you."
She stayed silent.
"come on let's go." I started walking.
She quickly came to walk beside me happily.
She didn't live that far away from me. We didn't run into any trouble when we were walking. We didn't talk all that much either. She just seemed happy to be with a friend.
"so this is your house." it looks similar to mine.
"Is this goodbye?" she said sadly.
"Well yeah. For now."
"when will we see each other again?" she asked.
"How about this. Now that i know where you live. I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning. Does that sound good."
"okay i'll be waiting." she said.
"okay see you tomorrow." We said our goodbyes and i started walking back.
It's now been about a week since i met Nia. I told her that i would pick her up in the mornings, but i train with Leon in the mornings so when i pick her up i bring her to my house and she waits until i'm done with training.
She was able to draw out her mana the next day after she started meditating. She has an affinity for Fire and water. She said that she also wanted to learn the sword so i started teaching her what Leon taught me.
Leon also told me about the demon race. According to him the demon race live far away in another continent that is ruled by demon lords and above them the demon king. Each demon lord rules over a big city, while the demon king rules the main capital.
The demon lords of the cities don't care for the people only what they provide. If something you provide is not to the lords liking they'll put you and your family to public execution or at worst, torture. Many demons are punished daily due to the rules the lords put in place. They are known to be very greedy, hold grudges easily, and very powerful.
Although they are very powerful they still bow down their heads in the presence of the demon king whose strength is said to be on par with the leaders of the 4 ancient magic races.
Many demons abandon their land due to the harsh treatment of the people. The closest and safest place they can run to is here in the human region. Some kingdoms accept them into their land in exchange for information, labor, or military power. It's a good deal for them since they are payed for their services and granted a better life. But they are still disliked by many people.
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