《Blue Road》Episode 12 (Part 4)


Before the group got any closer, Richard broke off the chains from his arms as light emanated from his body. The lights surrounded the area, everyone covered their eyes before it blinded them. Once the light dimmed again, the group gasped as Richard stood there, having transformed into the blue blob. He took an offensive stance, ready to fight back.

No way. He willingly transformed and took it like a champ! Fawn thought, her eyes glistening.

The thugs hesitated for a moment before surrounding and charging after him. Richard extended his arms and spun around, knocking them all back. He stretched his arms to grab the handlebar above and zipped upward. He swung with his body to propel himself over to kick the nearest thugs, still in front of Ken, and knock them out of the way. Fawn watched the spectacle, impressed he’s fighting back on his own without her help.

“Are you kidding me?” Ken thundered. “What do you think you guys are doing?”

“We didn’t see this coming!” Lightning insisted.

“This can’t be!” Cyborg exclaimed as he got up from the impact. “There’s another blue blob here?”

“Wait, did you say...?” Fawn started.

“Oh, I see,” Richard replied. It might’ve been too soon to retract that earlier statement. “Now I get why you’re trying to get rid of me.”

“Come again?” Ken arched an eyebrow.

“Either you or one of your men know about my condition.” Richard deduced. “That binary code-like password helps my case, as it may have a tie-in to the one back at—”

“What are you talking about? We have nothing to do with your situation! Um, wait, what was the password again?”

“Howler’s the one that came up with it.” A guy with a mark on his face answered.

“Scar, do you know where he is?” Ken inquired.

“At the tower, I’m pretty sure.” Scar mentioned. “I can go get him if you want.”


“Wait, why does it matter? Richard’s just stalling for the inevitable.” Ken pulled out a small pocket knife. “If this is how it’s going to be, then fine, I’ll do the job myself!”

He charged toward him at full speed. Richard grabbed the knife with his hands and tossed him across the room. Ken flipped and landed on his feet, spinning and landing on Lightning’s hands. Lightning gave Ken a boost in the air as he readied a kick toward Richard’s face. Richard extended his arms to grab on to the long bar handle at the ceiling and pulled himself up, barely avoiding the impact.

Ken chased him down as Richard climbed along with the ceiling and swung himself around. He then leaped off from the sides and slammed onto the ground. A crater appeared around him as the area shook. The gangsters tried to stay in balance as Ken found himself stuck near the chaos. Richard clasped his arms, creating a wave, pushing the blonde back toward the chair, nearly knocking it off its original position.

Ken’s hands gripped on the armrest as Richard marched over to him. There was nowhere for him to escape and avoid this. It didn’t help that all his men were down for the count because of the blob’s attacks. He shut his eyes tight and let the tears roll off, never being able to make amends or be at peace with himself.

So, this is it. I couldn’t avenge you at all. Kelly, Ashley, I’m sorry, I failed you both. “Go on, do your worst,” Ken told him.

“Alright,” Richard replied. He clenched his fists and aimed right toward his head, but stopped midway. He then flicked Ken on the forehead.

“Ow!” He yelled, rubbing his forehead. “Huh? Was that it?”

“Yeah, I’m not going to bring myself to do something worse.”

“Really? But, after everything I’ve done...”


“I understand you had your reasons, and you still have someone waiting for you back at home. I wouldn’t put it past you.”

Ken massaged his temples, confused, but also grateful to be alive. “I, I don’t know what to say...” I can’t believe it. If he’s being merciful towards me, there’s no way he can be—

“Ken!” Scar slammed the doors open and stormed into the room, unaware of the situation going on right now. “I can’t find Howler anywhere!”

“You went to search, anyway?” Ken asked, then shook his head. “Never mind that. Why did he leave his post?”

“That’s not the worst part of it.”

Before he could finish the sentence, the group heard muffled sirens from across the area. They sounded almost like police sirens.

“Oh no, that doesn’t sound good,” Richard muttered.

“We need to get out of here!” Ken exclaimed.

The thugs got up from the impact, cracking their knuckles, and brushing the dust off them like nothing ever happened.

“Don’t worry, we’ll hold them off.” Cyborg said.

“You guys just get going!” Lightning added.

“Ok, be careful.” Ken said.

“We will.” He nodded, leading the charge as they ran out to grab their weapons.

Ken rushed over behind a chair and pushed it to the side, revealing a stairway from behind the wall.

“Follow me.”

Ken, Richard, and Fawn dashed up the stairs as the former explained this was a secret compartment built for emergencies like this to avoid capture from the police.

The trio reached the top and came across a metal door with a keypad next to it. Ken inputted the number and opened the door, prompting the others to follow him. In their view was a long corridor of nothing but obstacles of the sort. Ken and Richard climbed on the monkey bars over the deep ground filled with mini spikes. They reached another room and landed on toppling towers made of mattresses (while Fawn floated by and followed). They leaped from tower to tower, trying their hardest not to fall into the lava down below.

Richard questioned why the escape room had to be so convoluted when Ken explained that the spikes and lava are fake, and they’re used to cause fear in their chasers coming in. The duo made it through and got to the last room, where a couple of chutes resided near the floor. The group slid down the chutes and headed down, the inertia and acceleration getting intense for their hearts.


Ken and Richard got out of the chutes and landed on the ground. Fawn phased through the walls to catch up to them. They looked over from the walls, searchlights circulated from The Shadow Heart Estate. Muffled explosions, as well as gunshots, went off in the vicinity.

“Ok, the coast should be clear for us.” Ken proclaimed. “Let’s hurry before—” He turned, about to run, but bumped into someone before finishing the sentence. “Ow, I— huh? Kelly?”

“There you are!” Kelly exclaimed after composing herself. “I knew you’d be here.”

“Wait, what?” Ken questioned, doing the same. “Why are you here?”

“Well, I heard a voice telling me to go to your headquarters. It sounded a lot like...”


“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Um, guys?” Richard spoke up. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but shouldn’t we hurry and leave before the cops notice and catch us?”

“Oh, you’re right,”

“Let’s hurry to our apartment!” Kelly exclaimed.

The group sprinted away to get to the apartment before getting caught red-handed.

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