《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 23- Return


I was weak.

The assassins were a cruel reminder of my current reality. I spent the last few days going over every possible thing I could have done differently over and over again in my head. In what ways could I have supported my mother in combat? How could I have changed the situation with any of the spells I learned? My martial arts and magic were useless against the strong of this world.

My weakness was suffocating.

Thousand Roses always told me I had a problem with patience, which is why I never ended up finding a disciple. I could use some of his patience right now.

"Elaine, how is Darius holding up? I haven't seen him speak since the incident."

"I'm not sure." My mother sighed before continuing, "Jo, you know I went through something similar when I was a baby. The trauma from that incident shook me for years, and it took me years to practice magic again after. I hope he doesn't go through something similar."

She looked at me with a look of longing and sadness. The pain in her face didn't budge me. A few nights ago, I almost lost my mother. I thought naively; that I would have plenty of time to get strong. In ten years, I'm confident in my ability to get strong, but I didn't have ten years. My strength couldn't be built up overnight, and there was nothing I could do to speed that up. The confidence I had built up in my two years of learning magic was shattered by a single assassin. No matter how strong I thought I was for my age meant nothing to the strong.

"Darius, those men aren't coming back. You'll never see them again."

Mr. Keller tried to console me with warm words, but unfortunately for him, I wasn't so innocent. Nature and the tragedy that came with it were known to be unavoidable. The truth was war was the same. It was harsh, it was cruel, and there was almost nothing that could be done to stop it.


"He's right Darius! I'll never let anyone come close to hurting you ever again! Your mother isn't so weak as to lose to a bunch of nobodies! Your father and I will protect you for the rest of your life!"

Sometimes I forget I'm not the Beast King anymore. I still imagine being in control of the situation. When something really tough comes along, I can just blow it away. What a delusional fool.

Mr. Keller chanted something under his breath, and an air dome surrounded my mother and him. I closed my eyes and focused Qi into my ears. Not even airflow could stop my hearing.

"You just reminded me I need to tell you something. Elaine, there has been no word from the East at all. We have had zero information coming or going from the Black Castle. None of the messengers or scouts that have been sent have returned. In spite of the fact that we lack information, the King plans to take action tomorrow, regardless of the nobles stonewalling tactics. The nobles are hell-bent on stopping him, but he made a decree this morning."

My mother stood up and slammed the table before saying, "What the hell? One week without any information at all? Why did you wait this long to tell me?"

He removed his glasses before rubbing his eyes, then replied sternly, "Elaine, you haven't been in the right mental state. If I told you a few days ago that something was strange in the East you would have stormed your way over there. You could have been a liability to yourself and Darien if you had gone off while still shaken!"

"Fucking bastard! Joseph, if something happens I will make it my mission to make your life a living hell." Mother kicked her chair into the wall before walking toward me.

"Elaine, wait just a minute before you storm off!"

She bent down and looked me straight in the eyes before whispering, "Son, I love you. I have to go for a little bit Mr. Keller is going to watch you while I'm gone. Your dad and I will be back in a few days. He's back in the capital so I'm going over to pick him up."


She was a terrible liar. Memories of a torn family roughly invaded my mind. Deep within the recesses of my mind were memories I had long forgotten. My mother leaped out the door and ran down the stairs. The Tower had no windows and there was only one entrance and exit to the Tower.

"She'll be fine, little one. She's going to get your father right now, we've just gotten some pretty good news."


I was sick of being treated like a child. I just needed more time!

I sat in anger and sadness. I wondered if I was cursed to lose my family in every lifetime.

"He's back!" My mother dashed back into the room only a few minutes after leaving. "I just got word! He's back! Darien made it back!"

My neck strained from turning it too quickly.


"A messenger came the moment I was leaving the Tower. He just entered the Royal Capital this morning and will be here soon!"

"Seriously!? Do we know what happened?" Joseph nearly leaped out of his chair while placing his glasses back on his face.

"Not yet, but I'm sure we'll get an explanation soon!"

The cold darkness which seemed to surround me disappeared like a dream. It was the first time in days that I felt hopeful.

"Mom, he's alright?"

"He is! He's alright, Darius! He's alright!" My mother let a little bit of her joy leak out in the form of tears. I had never seen her cry, even as we were surrounded by assassins in a hopeless situation, but she cried for my father.

I guess I did as well. My emotions were far more difficult to control in this lifetime.

My father didn't arrive until the sun had already set. I ran out of the Red Tower with my mother and Uncle Joseph excited and brimming with joy. He came with a few soldiers and mages, and he and Tobias were carrying a casket with them. The solemn looks on their faces and the atmosphere surrounding them led to one clear thought in my mind. Someone had died, someone important. I looked around for Elijah expecting to see him in the group of soldiers or mages...

My heart sunk into my stomach. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. Anxiety took over my body as I felt my heart gripped with panic.

"Mom, where's Elijah."

She looked as though she had the same thought as me as she lifted me into the air.

"Mom." My voice cracked against my will.

It didn't take long to figure out who was in the casket. When my mother and I started crying, my father, Tobias, and many others joined us. As the sunset over the mountains and forest, many fell into mourning. The Red Tower, Renee, and Elion had lost one of its greatest knights in battle. I had lost my first friend in this new world.

I looked at the sunset and made a new vow. A promise that I would give this life my all, no matter the difficulties or challenges that came my way.

No matter who I lost along the way.

A vow which I would take directly with me to, Argon; where I would show them a small taste of what I once was.

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