《Daybreak Palace: Legends of the Guiding Threads》25: Guilt and Confusion


“What?” Tianna asked, unable to think of anything else to say.

“Jerath has proposed to you as the dragon prince of the mountains,” Ruena repeated, “I don’t know what he is up to, so I suggest you think hard about what to do about it. I find the timing too convenient.”

“The timing is convenient?” Tianna asked, “Do you mean he might be proposing because of the ultimatum the council gave me when I was taken to the palace?”

“That’s right. Velcorna’s main excuse to claim her legitimacy for the throne is that you are young, unwed, and have no heirs. She has me, though I have made it very clear I refuse to acknowledge that, and is fully willing to marry again and have another child.”

“But they were going to choose my husband,” Tianna pointed out, “There is no way they will just accept Jerath.”

“They will if you have good backing. They will have no choice to,” Ruena replied, “Especially if you reveal your engagement in a public place.”

Tianna bit the inside of her lip. If she had to marry to get out of this mess it was probably better to marry someone she trusted, but Ruena seemed to think it was a long scheme on Jerath’s part. Tianna was more worried about it not being a scheme. Jerath was loyal and always bound to duty. This was likely just another extension of that.

“I will need some time,” Tianna managed, still feeling conflicted.

“Naturally,” Ruena replied, “Take some time to think, and if you still can’t decide I can arrange a meeting with your fiance candidate before you accept or decline.”

Tianna left the room. It was a slight comfort that she could meet Jerath before officially accepting or declining the proposal, but she had to make some sort of decision before then. If she called Jerath now, it was likely no decision would be made and both of their feelings would be hurt.

Was she even the same person Jerath knew now? Tianna felt like she had completely changed. There was another thing Ruena mentioned. She would need backing in order for anyone else to accept Jerath as her fiance. In that case she should try to set things up to see how possible it was before deciding.


When she thought of powerful backing, one person came to mind. Densooth. Shirisha also came to mind, but even though she was the current Queen no one had seen her in two decades so it was likely she wouldn’t leave her solitude to help Tianna now. On the other hand, Densooth had offered his help and support on multiple occasions.

Tianna sought out Ruena again. “Is it possible for me to meet Densooth?” she asked.

Ruena stiffened and gave her a strange look before answering. “It is, but why do you want to meet him?”

“You mentioned that I would need support in order to choose my own fiance. I want to see if he is willing to offer the support that I need,” Tianna explained.

“If not, I am sure he would be able to give you advice on who else to ask,” Ruena agreed somewhat reluctantly, “I will let him know you wish to meet, but since he has to move in secret it might take him a while to see you.”

“I can wait,” Tianna assured her.

She did not have to wait long. That night, Densooth arrived to meet her. Tianna felt oddly nervous as she approached the room he was waiting in, but mustered up her courage to open the door.

“Princess,” he greeted, “Ruena has briefed me on your purpose for calling me. I had not expected you to receive a proposal this quickly, but this works out perfectly in your favor. Having someone you trust beside you in the castle is always a wonderful thing.”

“You think I should accept because Jerath is trustworthy?” Tianna questioned.

Densooth smiled, “I think you should consider it. You saw what the castle is like. Even when you become Queen it will take time to remove all of those with dark intentions.”

Tianna paused. “Does that mean, if I accept, that you intend to help me?”

“Naturally,” Densooth promised, “Shirisha has commanded me to support you however I can, and my words are the Queen’s words. I recommend attending an event and announcing it there. It would be best to host one, but that is likely too soon for you.”


“Why would it be best to host one?” Tianna asked.

“Because then the event’s whole purpose would be to announce the engagement. You could select just the right people to hear such an announcement as invitees,” Densooth explained, “However, if you fail to provide sufficient enough entertainment it would reflect badly on you instead. Hence why I said it would be too early for you.”

“Does the Queen really have to mingle in noble society?” Tianna asked, already feeling somewhat worn out by the idea.

“If you want them to listen when it is important, you must gain their respect,” Densooth replied, “How you gain their respect is entirely up to you.”

“What about the Black Wolf? I heard he is in the palace?” Tianna demanded.

Densooth leaned back slightly in his chair. “My sources tell me that the Black Wolf is trying to activate your power or in some way make you stronger. Now, I do not know if you will find it good or bad news, but the seal on your magic is gradually opening.”

“Gradually opening?” Tianna asked.

“Yes. That is a good thing. Have you used magic recently to the point that you feel exhausted?” Densooth questioned, “If so, you are opening the seal and gaining magic in a similar fashion as one would train to gain muscle.”

“Is that so?” Tianna muttered under her breath. She thought of the contracts with nature she had made, and how they had all started to feel a bit easier to do after each one. Then would the reason she felt so tired after making a contract with earth be because she accidentally made a contract with wind at the same time?”

Densooth stood up. “I will leave you to your thoughts for now, but keep in mind, I will always come if you call for me.”


Jerath flipped a piece of parchment in his hands over and over. He was in human form, even though it was considered shameful for a dragon to take human form in dragon kingdoms and territories. Jerath found the form oddly comforting and nostalgic.

“What is that letter?” one of his servants finally asked.

His servants had offered to take human form as well to respect him, but he had told them there was no need so they remained as dragons.

“It is advice from an acquaintance,” Jerath replied, “Though it came a bit late.”

“Late?” the servant questioned, a bit confused.

“Yes. I already did what they wanted me to before their little advice letter arrived,” Jerath explained, but did not elaborate further.

Well, if his family found out that the Anonymous Watcher had sent him a letter telling him to marry the future Queen, they would force him to take back his proposal. Dragons hated nothing more than feeling like pawns, and no one gave the feeling like the Black Wolf did. Not only that, Jerath wanted to avoid the news getting back to Tianna. Whatever she thought about his proposal, the last thing he wanted was for her to mistake his intentions as some kind of twisted loyalty to the Black Wolf.

To be honest, Jerath felt a bit guilty for taking advantage of the situation. Tianna was a bright and beautiful person, and despite her being human as far as Jerath could tell, he found himself attracted to her. In a normal situation the Queen would be far out of the reach of a dragon from a small kingdom like his, prince or otherwise. That is why he took the opportunity the moment he saw it.

“I wonder if she likes roses,” Jerath mused under his breath. He had heard humans were rather fond of roses. He might have been able to find out if the Black Wolf’s lackeys had not kidnapped Tianna from Belleas.

“Roses, sire?” the servant asked, “You know her majesty despises them.”

“No, not my mother,” Jerath corrected, “Tianna.” It was amazing how incredibly dull his life felt now that he had returned to it. He hoped Tianna would send him some kind of news soon.

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