《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 091 : Zhonghang Qiuzhen


The layout of the B4 floor was almost the same as the B3 floor. Maybe the only difference was the space used for a backup power generator on the B3 floor. The other rooms were more or less the same. Qiuzhen tried to open the rooms on the B4 floor one by one.

Not unlike the rooms on the B3 floor, these rooms on the B4 floor were partially locked, and some of the other rooms could easily be opened by Qiuzhen because they were not locked. Qiuzhen tried to turn on the lights in the rooms. But none of the lights he managed to turn on.

Floors B1, B2, and B3 received electricity from the electrical substation outside the building, although the electricity had been currently turned off. The B4 floor clearly did not receive electricity from the substation. Qiuzhen didn't know where the B4 floor got its electricity from. Probably entirely from the backup power generator on the B3 floor. Or maybe the B4 floor had its own power generator located in one room on the B4 floor.

About twenty minutes later, Qiuzhen arrived at the door of a room. He opened the door straight away. Just like the previous rooms, this room was also dark. The flashlight made him realize that this room was much bigger than some rooms on the same floor that he had previously entered. What surprised Qiuzhen even more, was that he saw that there were stairs there.

Qiuzhen approached the stairs. The stairs connected the room with another room on the B3 floor. Qiuzhen remembered that he had tried to enter a locked room on the B3 floor earlier. He failed to enter the room because there was no key to the chamber among the ring of keys he carried. According to Qiuzhen's estimation, the room was right above this room.

Apart from that, there was still one other thing that made Qiuzhen's eyebrows rise. The stairs in front of him were not just stairs going up. But also stairs to go down to the floor below. The stairs connected the room to another room below the B4 floor.


So there's another floor under the B4 floor? This is amazing. Does Songfei know about this? If not, he would definitely be very excited if I tell him about this bizarre fact.

Qiuzhen laughed alone as he imagined the look on Songfei's face. The young man's fondness for things involving puzzles and mysteries was a bit beyond normal. However, Qiuzhen himself didn't really know what a person's reasonable limit should be when they pursue a hobby. Qiuzhen never had a special hobby that made him willing to sacrifice all his energy, mind, and money to do that hobby. He really enjoyed reading and watching movies. But not to the point of being infatuated with books or movies. Even when Qiuzhen was the same age as Songfei, not once had he ever overdid what he liked.

Or maybe it's just me that's not normal!

Qiuzhen decided to go down to the room right below that room. He could feel the blood in his veins flowing much faster. The frequency of his heartbeat increased sharply. Qiuzhen stepped lightly but full of vitality. A moment later, he had set foot on the floor of the room that was on the floor that wasn't even in the plan he had studied earlier.

Just as Qiuzhen had just made his first steps into the room, another surprise was waiting for him. There was a powerful arm gripping him. Qiuzhen tried hard to free himself, but the man's grip only grew stronger. Qiuzhen used his right foot to kick back.

The person released his clinch, but he immediately caught Qiuzhen's left hand. The flashlight slipped from Qiuzhen's hand. He tried to reach the Tonfa tucked in his right waist. Qiuzhen managed to pull out the Tonfa, but before he could slash the Tonfa back, the mysterious person grabbed the Tonfa.

Qiuzhen turned around. Just at that moment, the Tonfa hit his left shoulder. Qiuzhen groaned. His right hand automatically moved up to hold the shoulder that had just been hit by the Tonfa. In the darkness, there was a faint shadow of a hand ready to hit Qiuzhen's head. Qiuzhen's left hand rose to parry the man's attack. The man attacked again. With the Tonfa in his right hand, he hit Qiuzhen's stomach, which was utterly defenseless.


Qiuzhen was pushed back. He turned around. Close combat in the dark like this didn't benefit him at all. That person was much taller than Qiuzhen. Qiuzhen tried to run. That person didn't let Qiuzhen walk away. Qiuzhen could clearly hear the footsteps chasing him. Grippingly, the atmosphere was very dark. He tripped over something and fell to the ground. That person promptly sat on Qiuzhen's back. He used the Tonfa to press Qiuzhen's neck.

"I give up! I give up!" Qiuzhen shouted while enduring the pain.

That person still didn't relax his pressure.

"Let's have a friendly talk! Please, don't use violence!"

That person loosened the pressure a bit. By remaining seated on Qiuzhen's back, the person tied both of Qiuzhen's hands.

"Who are you?" asked Qiuzhen.

The person didn't make a sound at all. Qiuzhen was worried that the person did not understand the words he said. The person might have been from another area whose language was completely different from the one Qiuzhen was currently speaking.

“My name is Machang Shentai!” Suddenly the figure who was still sitting on Qiuzhen's back spoke. His voice was thunderous.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Zhonghang Qiuzhen!”

The person who called himself Machang Shentai stood up. He then sat right in front of Qiuzhen, who was still lying face down.

"Mr. Zhonghang Qiuzhen! Sorry, I had to be very careful."

That person was holding Qiuzhen's flashlight. He quickly shone the flashlight right at Qiuzhen's face.

Qiuzhen closed his eyes. The flashlight was so blinding.

"Who are you?" Qiuzhen repeated his question. He wanted to know who this person really was. Not just his full name or face.

"Before I answer your question, I must first ask you about it!"

"Okay! I'll answer. But please turn off the flashlight."

The person then turned off the flashlight right away. Qiuzhen opened his eyes. The man was silent. It seemed that he was waiting for Qiuzhen to continue.

"I am a resident of one unit in this building," Qiuzhen said.

"This building is empty. Nobody lives here!"

"Certainly not the actual residents living here. I am a tenant of one unit on the tenth floor."

Hopefully, Songfei doesn't mind me claiming to be the unit's tenant.

"Once again, sorry, Sir! I was just doing my job," said the man.

What kind of strange task is this guy referring to?

"May I sit down?" asked Qiuzhen.


That person then helped Qiuzhen to change his position. Now Qiuzhen sat opposite that person.

"What exactly is your job?" Qiuzhen asked while blinking his eyes. His hands were still tied behind his back. That person still didn't want to untie the knot. It had crossed Qiuzhen's mind to scream for help. But he undid it at once. The floor was isolated from other floors. No matter how loud he shouted, it was almost impossible to hear from the other floors. Moreover, the place where Qiuzhen was located was about twenty meters below the ground floor. Obviously, there was no way Hanrong would have heard if Qiuzhen had screamed for help from that place.

"I'm in charge of keeping my coworkers safe!"

Coworkers? So is there anyone else here?

The man turned on the flashlight again. He then pointed his flashlight at a corner of the room. There, there was a bed. There seemed to be someone lying on the bed. Qiuzhen couldn't see clearly. The figure didn't move an inch. Qiuzhen didn't know the person was sleeping, fainted, sick, or even injured.

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