《Ghost World Academia》106-Kronos And Jau Vs The Sadness


Inside the Corpse Room,

Kronos and Jau are fighting the sad man. Kronos keeps on killing the lifeform that the sad man keeps producing while Jau tries to get past all the corpses and to the sad man.

“DAMN IT! I hate the smell of these corpses!” Jau says. “We just need to take that guy down and we win!” Kronos says to Jau while attacking the lifeform with her bow and arrow. “Yeah, I know but getting past all these corpses is more annoying that fighting that lifeform or this guy!” Jau screams so that Kronos can hear. “Yeah, I know. It smells like shit.” Kronos says.

“You girls are really hurting my feelings by talking about killing me.” The sad man says. “Even after I said one of you will survive, tell me about the fucker who killed my fairy. You just don’t listen to me.” The sad man continues. “Of course, you will die later but you will die later. So you have longer to live.” The sad man adds.

“That fucking guy is not right in his head.” Kronos screams so that Jau can hear. “Yeah, tell me about it. I have been hearing his rants for almost an hour now.” Jau screams so that Kronos can hear. “What happened anyways?! Who killed this guy’s fairy or whatever?” Jau screams to ask Kronos who is far away. “Someone you know!” Kronos says with a scream. “I know?” Jau looks surprised. “No way…He did?!” Jau screams and asks. “No not him but someone who was with us and you might know her!” Kronos screams with an answer. “Huh?! Please make clear statements, Kronos.” Jau looks confused.

“I am talking about the witch, Jau.” Kronos says. “Her? Why would she?! Wasn’t she collaborating with these guys?!” Jau asks Kronos. “Yes and no.” Kronos replies. “Again, your reply puzzles me.” Jau says.


“I see…So it was that witch Felicia who killed my fairy.” The sad man smiles. “Now that my job with you girls is done. You both will be dead.” The man snaps his fingers.

“Jau, I have a bad feeling about this.” Kronos warns Jau. “Me too, Kronos…Me too. I will be there so please- GYAAA!!!!” Something pierces through Jau’s leg. Jau pants frantically. “Kronos? I think he is producing more bacteria.” Jau tries to communicate with Kronos but there is no answer. “Kronos?” Jau looks behind her to see that Kronos is standing in a single place.

“Kronos?! You alright?!” Jau looks concerned for Kronos. “KRONOS! SPEAK TO ME!” Jau tries to scream at the top of her lungs.

“See, she can see and feel everything but, she can’t move. You see that’s my second key. I can stop one person’s movement completely from head, to their lips, to their chest, to their thighs, knees, legs, hands, everything. They become like a statue if they smell my blood. Which the corpses have. I decided she was a bigger threat than you, so I stopped her movements.” The sad man suddenly showed a happy smile.

“So, first, I will kill you. Then her, Miss Ogre.” The sad man says.

“GUGHHHHH!!!!” Jau felt something pierce through her right hand this time. “I will torture you and then kill you. It’s not your mistake. You didn’t do anything. It’s just my turn on, that’s all.” The sad man laughed as Jau looked angrily at the unfortunate man who was now happy.

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