《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 60. Burning Light


“Well, this was fun. A beer, anyone?”

The others looked at me with strange looks in their eyes.


Before anyone one of them could answer I could feel something swelling in the stomach of my monster.


At my command, the blob threw out the apostle it ate, which was glowing brighter than a star.

“What is happening to it?!”

War jumped on the ground all excited, her red dress changed into a pitch-black armor.

“No… This should have happened… I should have done that…”

“Don’t you dare- SHIT!”

Before I could stop him, Darkness disappeared from my sight.

I couldn’t tell what was happening exactly, but one thing was sure: Things were going to become quite annoying.

I slammed my hands on my chair and concentrated.

“Mold Construct: Rearrange!”

The Blob under me seemed to explode before rearranging before me, becoming an armor.

In the meantime, the human torch kept on floating in the air, shining too bright to even be seen, obviously transforming into something else, something powerful.

“Like hell, I will let you do that. The left arm of a giant!”

The tentacles were still holding onto the boulder and slammed it down upon the shining hero.


It was body pointless, the boulder and the tentacles, which were holding it turned into dust.

“Alright then it’s time for Plan double V: WAR, KICK HIS ASS!”


Laughing she ran toward the light, her hands dragging behind her.


From nowhere two gigantic hammers appeared which she threw at the glowing thing.


From the glow, the voice of a woman could be heard. followed by three rays of lights fired out from it, incinerating the hammers, and hitting poor War right in the heart, making her collapse on the ground.

“…Shit. This is hopeless. Time to run.”

Luckily, my armor was complete by the time and was quite sick.

A layer of green flesh and bones formed into armor, with a tail that was the sword of the giant and an extra pair of giant arms that grew out of my shoulder.

Using these powerful appendages I jumped in the air, reaching towards the nearest house.

Then it lost it.

There was no sound or anything, it just happened.

I was in the air, then in the next second, I was on the ground, my two extra arms blown to bits, with blood pouring out of my mouth.

“What… happened.”

Using my power, I pushed myself out of the armor in a way that only my upper body was out in the air.

“Light, giver of life, the symbol of holiness, give me strength!”

The ball of light started to dim down as something slowly landed on the ground.

“You gotta be kidding me.”

It was an angel.

An angel clad in holy silver armor, holding onto a sword burning with white flames.

On its back were four shining white wings.


It wasn't just that.

Hugging the back of the knight, was a woman, seemingly made from the purest light.

“May God have mercy on your soul.”

The knight slowly lifted his sword, burning brighter and brighter by the second.


As if each of my cells gained consciousness, my body screamed at me.

To fight or flee from the thing that was before me.


“DAMN it!”

I slammed my forehead, turning into that thing.

The familiar feeling washed over me, as I turned into a swarm of insects and spores.

In his form I flew right up in the sky, hovering over the angel.

“No sinner shall leave my sight. Holy Crucifix.”

From the tip of his sword, a burning cross formed that flew towards me.


Instinctively I tried to block the attack by raising both of my arms, but when the attack reached me, my body… split.

The cloud of flies made up my body parted letting the attack through before returning into one form.

Wow, that was… horrible. And exiting at the same time.

“Can I do this at will?”

“Holy Slash!”


I separated my body in two to avoid the incoming attack.

“Questions another time! Let’s see how this works… Wait for a second! I am dumb!”

Snapping my fingers, I turned my power on, disappearing from the knight’s sight.

Not stopping, I turned the intangible part on and fell through a building.

feeling safe, I turned back to my normal self, by slapping my head.

“Damn it! That was scary! I almost didn’t make it! Are all the other apostles like that?! What the hell have they been doing to be so strong! I need to get away! I am not prepared for this! This is supposed to be simple!”


The voice of that knight could be heard from the wall resonating from outside.


“…Why would I care?”

She wasn’t important to me; I had no connection to her.

“This is quite good actually. While he is busy torturing her, I can sneak away in peace. Should I take the women and the kids with me? Nah… too much to bother. It’s a shame but my survival is more important than theirs. Also, I can easily-“


Screams echoed through the streets into the house.

“War? Damn, he is really giving her the business. Sucks to be… her.”

For some reason, there was an ache in my chest.

“What? I am feeling… regret? Why? She is nobody? She is just an apostle like me and that’s the only connection we have. She just sheltered me because of work. She just gave me food. She just… Damn it!”

I stomped on the ground in frustration, breaking the already rotten wood under my feet.

“…Guess there is still a little bit of humanity left in me.”

I sat on the ground scratching my head.

“Lest think. He said, five minutes, so I have that amount of time to think. What do I have on me?”

Taking a deep breath, I made the blade I installed in my right arm shout out from my wrist and stabbed myself in the stomach.


Grinding my teeth. I opened the wound as wide as I could, and I took something out of my body.

It was my dimensional bag, surrounded by special magic, which protected me from becoming molded.

I opened my bag and started to search for anything that could help me.

“Potato bombs, evidently… samples, if I must… documents won't help… Oh, Hello!”

From the bag, I lifted a parchment and the book given to me by the demon.


“The demon powers against the light. Sounds like a cliche you hear in a movie. But sometimes the best stories are made from clichés.”

Smiling, I untangle the paper, a faint red light burning out of it.

“…Da fuck?”


The knight stood motionless in the middle of the flowers, seemingly not breathing.

The woman of light hanging in his neck caressed its helmet, whispering sweet words to it.

‘Do it again.’

The knight looked down at the unconscious War and stamped on her already broken arm.



‘This voice. So, vulgar. Has the time already come? Kill her. Smash her skull in.’

Obeying her commands, the knight reached to her head, grabbing it in both of its hands.


From one of the houses, something came out.

It was a cloud of insects with the head of Putrefaction floating on top of it.

“I surrender. There is no point in killing her now.”

The woman started to whisper in the ear of the knight, who dropped War and spoke in a monotone voice.

“You misunderstand. What I offered isn’t this girl's survival. it was a painless death that I promised that shall fall upon both of you.”

“Your way of speaking… Are you some sort of spirit that has taken over that hero’s body? Isn’t that something we, the villains do? What sort of example are you showing to the others?”

The woman made from light looked up at me, her face distorted by anger.

“This is the way. This is the path our gods have decided.”

“What path? What are you talking about?”

“Apostles were given this power so that we, the mighty gods, can use their mortal vessels to bring order into this world. Still, it’s incredible to see you realize this fast. You are indeed a dangerous one, Darwin Tim Right.”

“Have we met before?” Wait, don't tell me… You were there with the other gods!”

“That’s correct. I was one of the wisest ones amongst our group, who wanted to strip you of all your power and knowledge.”

“Well, thanks for trying to turn me into a vegetable.”

“We are wasting daylight. Your execution awaits you. Do not feel too bad, you and your comrades were never meant to live.

Putrefaction looked at the knight and smirked, irritating the woman further.

“What do you find funny?”

“Hmmm, Oh, sorry. It’s a bad habit of mine to smile when I am in mortal danger. Happens surprisingly often.”

He put his hands over his mouth and coughed into it before speaking again, his grin still stuck on his face.

“Tell me one thing, before you kill me. We, the dark apostles, want to destroy the world or something like that. What do you want? World peace? Equality? Nah, your way of proceeding is too rough for that. What is the goal of your plans?”

The woman seemed confused then smiled.

“I guess telling you this won't matter. Our goal is simple. We wish to remake this world.”

“Remake… the world?”

The woman made from light started to shine brighter fusing into the body of the knight, who also started to transform before my eyes.

Where once a knight was standing now stood a babe.

She was gorgeous, her white skin shining in the sunlight, her blond hair sparkling like the sunlight.

Even her eyes, golden beyond words, looked like small suns in the middle of the day.

Covering her well-shaped body, was a heavy armor of silver, with two pairs of wings behind her back.

“That’s right. This world is wrong, filled with pain and abomination. We, the angels chosen by the gods, shall burn this world to the ground, to remake it to the paradise which God envisioned at the beginning of time.”

“And in this paradise, I believe that there is no place for such a thing as me or my friend.”

“Good that you understand. Now if you wou-“

“No. I do not understand. I do not understand at all.”

For some reason, his smile seemed to turn cold, with a faint green light appearing in the hole in his head.

“To be fair, I never really understood the concept of a paradise. Infinite happiness forever? Who buys that crap? Everything that lasts forever becomes so mundane. What do you think, you guys?”

From the shadows of the vines that covered the houses, several red lights started to shine, with shrieking voices whispering between each other.

“W-What is this?! What did you do?”

As she was looking around, the mist of spores and insects that made up the body of Putrefaction moved, a small party detaching themselves to bring the staff that was laying on the ground.

“Paradise in this world? Don’t you know the saying? Hell is empty, and all the demons are here!”

As he spoke the face of the woman became twisted with fear and horror.

In the distance, amongst the house, giant green arms rose up from the ground, spilling out more black smoke into the sky.

“This is what I am offering to you, oh might angel of the gods. Leave us be, return to the heavens you belong, or I will turn this entire country into a world of rot.”

As he spoke, he slammed his hands together, as if he were praying.

“May the heavenly one choose the right path. Amen.”





Name: Darwin Tim Right 'Plague Father'

Race: [ True Kayeri (Mechanically Augmented)] LV: 1/10 000 (1/10 000)

Main Class: [Dark Apostle of Putrefaction]

Sub Class: [Life Father]

MP: 360/60000

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking] [Mold Manipulation] [Fly manipulation] [Plant Manipulation] [ Decomposing touch] [Rot Embodiment] [Inorganic conversion] [Plague Mist] [Face Switch]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge] [Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision] [Mechanical Skeleton] [Toxic Air] [ High Regeneration] [Organic Clockwork] Demon’s Presence]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life] [The 13th Dark Apostle] [Father of New Race]


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