《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 59.Light vs Putrefaction


“They have started!”

“Someone, bring some popcorn!”

“Beats here! Who do you think will win!”

“Five Temples on Putrefaction!”

“Are you nuts? A Heroic Spirit on Light!”

“You just think he is handsome!”

“20 Temples on Light! Die Putrefaction, for my potatoes!”

“Sweety please calm down, you don’t have that many-“

“Quiet, Mama! You saw what he did with my Crimson Duke of York (fantasy potato type)! He needs to pay!”


I screwed up.

The feeling of the two powers in me at the same time made my body all tingly in a fucking bad way.

These two didn’t like each other and if I keep them activated any longer, my body will disintegrate!

Finishing this as soon as possible is my top priority.

“Holy Rain!”

When the angel boy threw his feathers around the place, I jumped on the deformed monster which moved me out of the way.

“Deploying Crossbow.”

The crossbow integrated into my left arm appeared and I gave a shot at the angel.

“Holy Barrier!”

Materializing his shield, the arrow got set at flames in midair.

“Annoying. Then what do you think about this?”

With the increased speed, I jumped into the air, my spear in front of me.

At the same time, I made several other monsters jump from the roofs, planning to overwhelm this guy with numbers.

“Holy Burst!”

Without any warning, the golden boule he was sitting in, exploded in a ray of light, which burned my face slightly.

The other monsters weren’t so lucky, they were charred black, becoming completely useless.

“Holy Weapon Combo!”

Still shining like a bloody comet, he flew at me and started to swing his sword wildly.

As I was blocking and praying with my weapon, I realized something.

I was flying.

These wings on my back weren't just there to make me faster, they could also keep me in the air and make me fly around.

“Just… Knock it off!”

I pushed him away with a kick to the abdomen.

It was weird to have wings, even if I couldn’t tell them, I could still tell that they were there even without looking.

With a loud thud, I fell to the ground, the wings dampening my fall greatly.

“You are really annoying the heck out of me.”

I grabbed my weapon in both of my hands and aimed.

“Flames born from hatred and loss, burn my enemy to cinders. Hellfire Bolt!”

This was strange, I wanted to use the usual Fire Bolt prayer, but somehow the prayer came out different.

From the pitchfork a ball of scourging flame shouted out, flying directly at the angel boy who evaded it by flying up in the air.

“Right. Flight.”

I looked behind me, at the dark streets of the buildings.

“The hell are you waiting for, War? You don’t want a taste of the fun?”

Soon several black arrows and spears flew out of the houses, all going towards that guy.


“This should give me some time. Didn’t expect that girl to have such a sneaking skill with that mouth of hers.”

I looked at the snake I made, that hadn't moved the entire battle.

“This isn’t enough. I need something… Bigger.”

With my palm on the ground, I connected with the mold, whispering through the mold.

“Come to me, my children. Come and offer your existence to me.”


Joshua Riker’s (The apostle of Light) POV:

I couldn’t stop moving. No idea what that guy did, but these black arrows and spears kept following me, no matter what I did, and I could see that there were more and more of them flying out from a dark corner amongst the buildings.

“Holy Lance!”

Creating a lance of pure light, grabbed it and threw it in the direction the attacks came from.

The whole block exploded with a blinding light, stopping the flow of attacks, and making the arrows that were chasing me disappear.

“Now’s that done, I need to- What is that thing?!”

Behind Putrefaction, a mass of green flesh has gathered, which keeps on growing, with monsters directly running into it, to be absorbed into it.

When he noticed me, Putrefaction smiled, which somehow made the mass behind him shape itself… into something.

It looked like a giant's arm, with its hand ending in a great sword made from bones stuck together by the mold and green muscles.

“Mold Construct: Right arm of a giant.”

The enemy apostle smiled as the monster behind it moved, slamming its sword in my direction.

Even if that sword was huge, it was too far away from me, so I didn’t worry too much.

Big mistake.

As the weapon was going down, the blade extended, becoming a wipe that hit me right on my left shoulder.

Screaming in pain, I got slammed down on the ground, feeling the pain of my bones being pulverized.

Through my ringing ears and screams, I could still hear the words of that bastard.

“Oompa Loompa Doopety Dife, I’m gonna end your fucking life! ”


I couldn’t tell what it was, but something heavy just fell on my legs, breaking them.

I screamed again, louder than I ever did in my life.


What did I do to deserve this?! I just wanted to help people. I wanted to give them a home.

The weights on my body slowly lifted, and several appendages lifted me up.

Through my tears, I saw a scene from hell.

The giant mass grew another arm, this was a mass of tentacles, which held… a house.

It was holding a house that was squashed into a boulder which the tentacles were holding.

It dropped a house on my legs!

The things that were holding me also came from the mass, but they led into a hole that was filled with sharp-looking teeth.

The Apostle of Putrefaction was on top of that thing, sitting on a throne made from that viscous material. The wings on its back were gone, but he kept his pitchfork at hand, which still kept on burning.


“You can come out, you two. Don’t want to miss the chance to kill him, don’t ya?”

I don’t know where they came from but two people were standing next to the throne of flesh.

“We did it.”

On Rot’s left side was a woman dressed in red, her hair crimson red with a black spear on her shoulder.

“No, he is still alive. Kill him.”

The other one was a figure clad in inky blackness only showing his dark eyes.

“Yeah, speaking of it, where in the hell were you hiding?! You left the two of us to deal with him!”

“He wasn’t hiding! He helped me escape from that guy's attack!”

“You did what?”

“… I was around. I helped.”

“Wait…Are you seriously blushing?!

Their conversation was like cold water, shaking me up enough to speak.


“ OMG, he is conscious! Quick Rot, kill him!”

“Calm down. I want to hear it.”

The appendages holding me forced me to look in their direction.

“What do you want to know before you die?”

“Why… did you do this? To… the city? To humans? You are humans!”

The Putrefaction leaned back in his chair massaging his temple, while the woman smiling started to laugh so hard, she almost fell to her knees.


The woman manifested a knife in her hand and threw it at me, piercing my left shoulder, and making me scream in pain.

“He did it because he could! He did it because he wanted it! You believe that everything has to have a purpose. Well, no, we di-“

“War. Silence.”

Two words.

He didn’t raise his voice, yet with two words he silenced her.

Somehow, his voice cleared my mind, making me focus on him.

“You ask me why I did this? Why did I kill, turn, and use these people as weapons? I am sad to say that even I cannot give you an honest answer.”

As he spoke, he took off his hat and started to tear off the bandages, making blood drip on his lap.

“I didn’t spread the mold here by choice. I used it against a monster, to defend myself, which spiraled out of control. I used it against a woman who tried to kill me, throwing this city in hell. I used this power again, gaining an army and using its full power to destroy a country and defeat a king, who I was unable to kill with my own hands. And now I am using it again, fighting against you, who is trying to end me. Heh, now that I am thinking about it, I am quite a pathetic coward. Only react and fight when I am in danger.

When the last strap of fabric fell, I finally saw his face.

His eyes were nothing more than bleeding holes with flames behind them with a cross painted on his forehead.

“If I had to give you a straight answer, it would be survival, maybe even greed for strength. I’m an animal fighting to live. And you know what happens when an animal is cornered. It dies or fights. And I will be damned if I die after arriving at this point. After I am done with you, I will keep surviving, probably keep infecting people, creating monsters. I will keep doing this till I reach my goal. A goal that even gods do not allow me to have.”

There was a heavy silence lingering in the air, its companions looking away in embarrassment.


The blob of flesh slammed its arms down, breaking the houses that were in the way, shaking up Putrefaction in the process.

“Well, thanks for allowing me to get this out of my chest. I am feeling better. Apostol of Light, it was a real pleasure, but I am afraid that it’s time for the curtain. But don’t worry, I promise to use your body with respect and care… once I turned it into a tool, obviously.”

The mouth of the blob opened wide as the tentacles started pulling me closer and closer into it.

“No… no…”

Tried to get away, trying to free myself from my bindings, but I had only the strength to whisper.

The smell of rot was becoming stronger and stronger. Till I was in its mouth.

“Please… no.”

The world around me darkened as pain that I never knew before washed over me, my body ripped and absorbed.

My consciousness slowly faded into darkness, ascending to the land of the dead, seeing the light that will take me.

“The… lig-light…”

[Activating Light Embodiment]





Name: Darwin Tim Right 'Plague Father'

Race: [ True Kayeri (Mechanically Augmented)] LV: 1/10 000 (1/10 000)

Main Class: [Dark Apostle of Putrefaction]

Sub Class: [Life Father]

MP: 5 00/60000

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking] [Mold Manipulation] [Fly manipulation] [Plant Manipulation] [ Decomposing touch] [Rot Embodiment] [Inorganic conversion] [Plague Mist] [Face Switch]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge] [Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision] [Mechanical Skeleton] [Toxic Air] [ High Regeneration] [Organic Clockwork] Demon’s Presence]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life] [The 13th Dark Apostle] [Father of New Race]


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