《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 154


I stared at the piece of paper resting on my desk. My heart thumped roughly in my chest as despair relentlessly assaulted me. So, the Empress will leave the domain and pay me a visit. I wasn't sure how to feel about it since the letter said that she was only visiting for diplomatic reasons and to acquire goods from the marketplace.

Nominally, it wouldn't be an issue, but she was a security hazard. I still have yet to find the mole feeding Velcrest information, and once this leaks, there can be no telling what may unfold. Plus, there was an entire army of adventures here that I would have to corral.

This would be a logistical headache if I was, to be honest. I sighed and placed the piece of paper down on the desk. I received this letter a few days ago, but I've read it hundreds of times. But at this point, it is what it is. "Miranda, can you fetch Cato for me, please?" I called out as I relaxed in my chair and reached out for the goblet of fenrisian ale nearby.

It did much to warm my innards and brought a sense of inner peace. I still had some time to figure out what I needed to do. Should I alert the king? The adventurers' guild? I wasn't sure what I should do if anything at all. I could always keep a secret, and Cato and I could figure it out. That would be for the best, more than likely. It would just be the adventurers that would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

I took another gulp of the ale and closed my eyes. That blasted woman made things so hard. But much like my father used to say, there was an opportunity in everything. All I needed to do was to find it. I still had that slave that I was going to gift to her. I opened my eyes and reached out toward my desk, and pulled out the piece of paper detailing my interactions with the slave.

For starters, it was a strange variant of an elf that I had never seen before. Its flesh was close to silver but with faint gray undertones that matched its shoulder-length hair, which was the color of a freshly formed storm cloud. Their eyes were the color of freshly pooled blood that shimmered like water in the light. It was difficult to tell the gender if there was one since their face was both masculine, yet it held a delicate feminine beauty. It was terribly vexing, but I wasn't an expert on nonhumans by any stretch.


I gleaned very little from the being outside of its age and where it came from. I also doubted its original status as a slave, but I couldn't be too sure at the moment. As for its class, well, I wasn't sure of that either. You could never really tell with those types.

I suppose it should be alright for her to visit. I'd just have to make an official memo about it. Maybe the mole will play their hand. The only thing I would have to look out for is ensuring that neither her chosen nor her daughter comes to harm. If that occurred, then indeed, I fear for this world. It was also wrong of me to put them in harm's way, but I will do what needs to be done.

I pushed myself away from my desk, walked over to the window, and stared across the small town. Hundreds of adventurers were already clamoring about revisiting the domain. Many were shocked that it was closed down, but I had yet to reveal the official reason. I didn't want Velcrest to know I was onto them just yet. The less they knew, the better.

My eyes drank in the town's sight while pondering my thoughts. The sun was nestled in the middle of the sky, and gray clouds were starting to converge. Hundreds of birds filled the air and were but specks against the blue sea backdrop.

The neutral lands had a charm to them that was unmatched by any other. Though that charm came at a cost. The remnant of the war golems from the Assyrian military still prowled the lands and posed challenges to many adventurers. While a squad could take the smaller ones out, there were rumors that there were ones the size of buildings that could tear through even the most battle-hardened of parties.

Even though the war to destroy the Assyrians was far beyond my time, there were still too many war golems running around. Perhaps there was a production facility deep within the untamed wilds. But that was neither here nor there. For now, I just needed to focus on the problem at hand. What do I do with Asteria?

I would do what any suitable host would do. I would spoil her with gifts and do my best to get into her good graces. She's a valuable ally, and the material that comes from the domain is much needed. Already, it saves the crown an immense amount of gold, all for resources that anyone can get a hold of. Which is strange in itself. What's the end goal? I know she was launching a crusade within her domain, so perhaps she is trying to structure her war effort. But even us giving her materials makes little sense if she only sent them back as weapons.


There was so much that I didn't know, and it bothered me. It was like Cato had said. We are dealing with something that we have little information about. It could spell all of our dooms if we aren't careful.

"You called?" Cato's voice radiated through the room and pulled me from my thoughts.

"Cato, do you remember how you desired an audience with the empress of the domain?" I asked as I turned around.

"I do. Why did something come up?" His blue eyes sparkled slightly as he strode through the room and settled into the chair across from my desk. As usual, he wore an indiscreet black shirt, matched by a pair of brown pants. He was utterly normal, even though he was far from it. I looked into him the best I could, but I found that much of who he was, was shrouded in mystery. Even his stats were concealed from my analysis skill, and that alone told me all I needed to know. He was a powerful man, but I didn't know to what extent.

"I recently received a letter from the prime minister of Asteria. The Empress has decided she wants to visit the outside world and our town for diplomatic reasons." I pulled the chair out, and the sound of wood scraping against itself filled the air as I settled back into my seat.

He froze for a moment before he cleared his throat. "Well, that was a surprise. I didn't expect her to make such a move so soon after Velcrest attacked her lands. I wonder what her game is."

"I'm not sure either. As I spoke, I reached out to the letter and passed it over to him. She wasn't exactly in the greatest of mindsets when I visited her last. She was distraught over her daughter and her chosen. Though in the letter, it did say that it would be her, Alessia, and her daughter visiting."

He took a moment to read it before he sat it back on the desk. "I'm not sure what to make of this. But there are a few opportunities that we can capitalize off of." He paused for a split second as he slid the piece of paper back toward me. "For example, I know of a small undead outbreak in the central Patras area. We could potentially capture them and send them to Asteria if the Empress so desires. It wipes our hand of the blame and takes care of an issue that we nominally struggle with."

I nodded in agreement, but my mind lingered on his words. How did he know there was an outbreak in Patras? It's such an unimportant province that news regarding it doesn't really spread around. Just what were his contacts? "Of course. I'm not sure of her stance regarding that matter. After all, they detest necromancers, so I can't speak for her accepting undead from outside the domain."

"It was just an example more than anything. Really, I think it's a step in the right direction for our relations. Oh, by the way, did you visit the Northmen caravan I mentioned?"

He changed the topic so smoothly that I didn't notice it, but that was alright for now. I just needed to figure out a few minor details to take care of first. "Oh yes! I have to say the seal meat they offered was exquisite. It was expensive, but I snagged some extra. They also offered a few things from races I didn't know existed. For example, I picked up a strange staff that had blades on each end. Accordingly, it comes from a beast-like race that exists far south. The merchant said they were lithe avians, with feathers the color of fresh snow and a temperate that could put a minotaur to shame." Naturally, I acquired much more than just that. But it cost me a relatively large amount, not just in gold, but in other materials. Oh, the things that I do to further my position.

"Well, hopefully, we have enough curry favors with Asteria." He stood up and patted the chair. "Anyway, I'm off to find the dissidents and prepare for the Empress's arrival. Have fun." He smirked at me and waved his hand as he walked off, leaving me to my thoughts.

Oh yes, good luck is very much needed. I have a few days, I hope. So, hopefully, I will come up with something that works for all of us.

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