《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter Thirty Six. The High Command Meet.
The three officers had exited the ground car in front of the stairs that lead to the main entrance of the palace. Another two vehicles carried the staff members of the three officers. Waiting for them was the Head Steward and Assistant Lea Cania who held a red covered folder in her hand, both wearing the palace uniform. A formal bow and the Head Steward welcomed them to the palace. Curious onlookers watched with interest, kept back by palace security.
“Welcome Marshal. This is a sad occasion, but you will always be welcome here.”
“Thank you Steward.” The Marshal bowed back. Then with formality. “I have come to surrender my sword to our Master.”
“The Dark Lord awaits you.”
The Head Steward turned and the officers followed him. Once in the Main hallway they turned down a side corridor and into a yet another different, elegant room.
The Dark Lord rose from his throne as they entered. As usual he was wearing his dark pants, shirt and shoes, while from his shoulders flowed a black robe. Also on the dais stood numerous members of the Circle of Ladies. In contrast to the Dark Lord, the Ladies were colourful in their flowing robes, each dress and colour unique to the Lady. The Head Steward moved to stand at the left side of the Dark Lord with Lea standing behind him. To the Dark Lords right on the dais stood Lady Luca, the assembled officers had gasped when they saw her, standing dressed in shining armour of old. Behind them the Ladies stood in a semi-circle.
Off to one side stood the First Councillor with several members of his staff. With them was Sabra Boon, News reporter. Recovered from her trauma at the execution of Lia Du Passa, she had requested access to the arrival of the Star Commander and the resignation of the Marshal. To her surprise, she had been allowed to attend both ceremonies.
The three senior officers stepped forward and saluted. Standing behind them, their staffs did the same.
“Welcome all, this is a sad though inevitable day Marshal.” Said the Dark Lord.
The Marshal stepped forward and bowed to the Dark Lord. Undoing his sword belt, he wrapped it around his swords scabbard and presented it to the Dark Lord. “Sire, I surrender my office.”
The Dark Lord accepted the sword. “You have done well in your office. Few could have done better.” Turning to his left, he passed the sword to Lady Dana then nodded to Lady Andrea.
“Marshal, this is a time for celebration as well. For your services to the Empire we bestow on you the Empire Meritorious Service Cross.” Lady Andrea stepped forward and placed the ribbon around his neck. “Congratulations.” She murmured.
The Dark Lord smiled. “There is a memento that the Ladies would like to give you, Marshal.” He glanced at the Ladies. “Sydney.”
The beautiful red head stepped to the front of the dais. In her hands was an ancient sword in a scarred and battered leather scabbard.
“This sword was last carried by Lady Jura, many thousands of years ago. In memory of the many battles that you fought for us as well as the Empire and in place of the one that you have surrendered, we would have you accept this one.” Holding it in both hands, Lady Sydney offered the sword.
Ress Lissor looked startled, then awed, as he accepted the sword. “Lady I am … this is too great an honour ... I accept.”
Accepting the sword, he held it with reverence. With a bow, he stepped back.
Still smiling, the Dark Lord sat back down. Studying the Star Commander he addressed his top military advisor.
“Star Commander, you have a recommendation for me?”
“I do, sire. But I have not approached the officer yet.”
“So go ahead.” The Dark Lord was still smiling.
“Yes sire.” He slowly turned to Mont De Templer. With a sigh, he addressed the Grand Admiral. “I am sorry Mont, but you are my choice.” He extended his hand. “I can’t think of anyone better or more qualified.” As the two shook hands, the assembled officers cheered. Sabra Boon watched, almost consumed with interest.
After a fraction the cheering died down and the Dark Lord stood and spoke.
“Grand Admiral Mont De Templer, do you accept the post of Admiral of the Legion?”
Taking a deep breath, Mont De Templer nodded then spoke. “I do my Lord.”
“Then step forward.”
The Grand Admiral stepped forward stopping at the foot of the dais. Reaching out, he took the Dark Lords hands
The Steward stepped forward, Lea’s folder in his hands. Lady Luca drew her sword and laid it across Mont De Templer’s throat.
“Are you ready to take your oath of allegiance to The Dark Lord and the Empire?” The Steward asked.
“I am.” Mont De Templer spoke firmly.
Holding the red folder open and up where it could be read, the Head Steward instructed the admiral to speak loudly. With a smile the Legion officer complied.
The oath completed, the new Admiral of the Legion stepped back and saluted. The First Councillor also congratulated the new Legion Commander. The post of Marshal or Admiral of the Legion is actually the senior Legion Command although out ranked by Star Commander. The latter position actually works through the office of Admiral or Marshal of the Legion.
After the congratulations had subsided, the Dark Lord spoke again. “I will meet with the Star Commander, The First Councillor and the Admiral of the Legion. I apologise to the rest of you but in reparation, a meal has been prepared. Chief Usher?”
As before, although the Dark Lord did not raise his voice, the doors opened immediately.
“The meals, they are ready?”
“Indeed sire, the kitchen and I have done our best.” The Chief Usher replied.
“And your best is very good!” The Dark Lord nodded his head.
“Thank you sire.” He turned to the officers, who were looking at the Dark Lord and the Ladies. They were clearly curious about what was to happen, but were concealing it. The Chief Usher, motioned to the staff officers, “Gentlemen, if you would follow me.” He turned and, with stately thread, led the way down the corridor.
One of the officers trotted up to the Chief Usher and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could speak, the Chief Usher fixed him with a gimlet eye. His “We do not run in the palace,” was delivered in a crushing tone. The officer, an experienced combat veteran dropped back, chastened. The other officers hid their grins. Except for Marshal Ress Lissor, he did not concern himself with such discipline at this time.
Following on with the officers, Sabra Boon listened with interest to the talk. An attractive brunette, she remembered after she had recovered, what she had been told by Rita. “What you hear or see in the place, stays in the palace.”
“That’s going to put a crimp in my reporting.” She replied.
“I understand. I am going to train someone to take my place.” Rita smiled. “Interested?”
“Not in the slightest. I like digging into people too much.” She gave a wan smile. “I guess I pretty much disgraced myself.”
Rita shook her head. “Forget it. That wasn’t fun for anyone. Not the soldiers who carried it out. Not even Him.”
Sabra stared at that. Rita smiled. “He may be used to death but he doesn’t deal it out without reason. Otherwise all the traitors will have lost their heads by now.” She sighed. “Write up what you want to say then bring it to me. This is not to censor you but to make sure that what you say won’t upset Him. Please realise that what is happening here is really new for the palace. Hey, I am Legion, the first Legion Officer stationed in the palace for thousands of years.” Rita smiled, getting another wan smile in return.
“I guess I have to earn my way in.” Sabra gave a lopsided grin. Received a smile back.
“Let’s go meet the rest of the team. Then you can get to work.”
Speaking a quiet word first to the Ladies who nodded and getting the same reaction out of the Head Steward, The Dark Lord turned to the three men. “Please follow me, gentleman.”
Following the Dark Lord through a suddenly open, hidden door, the officers and the First Councillor found themselves in an interior corridor. Wondering how it worked, but reluctant to ask, they just followed the Dark Lord, who walked down the corridor, turning into a room where they found the Ladies Dana, Andrea, Luca and the Dark Lords usual companion waiting for them. They had already changed from theirs long dresses into their standard, although strange clothing.
“All the Ladies wanted to be here, but we are enough of a group as it is.” He waved his hand at the repast set along one wall. “Please eat, then we will talk. First Councillor, you have waited a long time for this, please be patient for a little longer, I wish for the Head Steward and his staff to be here as well.”
Fortuitously, Grada, Madla, Ferni, Lea and Rita all entered as the Dark Lord spoke.
“And there they are.” The Dark Lord smiled. “Eat.” He waved at the table.
As everyone ate, they mingled. The three men chatted with the palace staff, while the four Ladies spoke to each other mostly but did exchange some light chat with the others present. Vis Vistricer and Mont De Templer both noted how the palace staff, who would rank as middle grade or low flag officers in the Legion, were completely at ease in this group. It underscored to them the power that they held.
The Dark Lord, his cape removed, flowed through each group, using his often hidden charm to calm all those present. Even, in this case, the Ladies.
At one point, he introduced Rita to the two highest officers in the legion.
“Lieutenant Commander Rita Caenett, gentlemen. Perhaps the Marshal has mentioned her to you?”
“Yes he did.” Vis Vistricer nodded, his shrewd eyes assessing the officer in front of him. Mont De Templer also looked at her with interest, however Rita looked uncomfortable at being suddenly presented to the two highest officers in the Legion.
The Dark Lord continued. “The Lieutenant Commander was seconded here at my request after discussing her talents with the Marshal. He assured me that her career will not be affected by this sideways move. A person to replace her has been engaged and the Steward assures me that her tour here is coming to an end soon.”
“Indeed not, in fact such experience may be a help to her career!” Mont De Templer remarked.
“I agree in fact I have a very important post that is waiting for the right person in my office.” Vis Vistricer put in.
“I think not.” The Dark Lord smiled benignly. “I believe that the Commander was in line for the command of a light cruiser or second in command of a heavy.” The Dark Lord received a thankful look from Rita.
Vis Vistricer was undeterred and showed his strength of character. “My Lord, I respectfully disagree. The position I had in mind was palace liaison. You now know this officer very well, do you feel you can trust her?”
“Artfully put, Star Commander.” The Dark Lord murmured. “Indeed I do. In fact in her first week in the palace she was one of a small group who carried out a dangerous task for me very well.”
“And sire, the Steward, would he say the same?” The Star Commander was relentless and also now intensely curious. As was Mont De Templer, however, they both knew that they would never ask and that the commander would never tell, even though from their briefings they felt they could guess what the task had been.
“That, you would have to ask him.” The Dark Lord answered. “But I believe he would.”
“Then why should I waste that valuable attribute when it is handed to me? The Lieutenant Commander, being a person we could both trust is a valuable conduit for both of us. After all, if you trust her, there is no reason why I cannot do the same.” The Star Commander was showing the reason he was that Star Commander.
“You make a cogent argument Star Commander and I am loathe to interfere with Legion internal matters. Perhaps we can agree that it could be for a limited term while she trains another for you.”
“As you command sire.” Vis Vistricer turned to Rita. “Without reviewing your file, I believe that you should get an immediate promotion.” He turned to his friend. “Do you have an objection Mont?”
“No, Vis I don’t. Also, after two years, you will get command school and a ship with further promotion.” He turned to the Dark Lord whose face was expressionless. “Do you agree, my Lord?”
“Well, it’s not me you should have agreement with but the Lieutenant Commander.” He turned to Rita. ”What say you.” Came with a raised eyebrow.
There was a fractions silence, then Rita nodded. “I do want to get back to the legion sire.”
The Dark Lord didn’t laugh but he did smile and with a glance at the two officers, murmured, “If you have a problem, call me,” to Rita. This disconcerted the two commanders, but they hid it well.
The Dark Lord looked around. “I see that all have finished eating.” He waved to a number of chairs set in a random pattern. “Please be seated,” He said as He appropriated a seat by the fireplace. “The time has come for me to draw back the curtain and tell you of the menace facing us.”
The group grew tense. “But not quite yet.” He smiled. “There are some items that I wish to deal with first.”
He turned to Les Doman Resta. “First Councillor, the status of the trials of the treasonous councillors and di Naska, also Catt and Trop, please?”
“The two separate cases are now before the Grand Court, my Lord. They were taken directly there when the lower courts held that only the Grand Court had jurisdiction, sire. Pleadings have been completed and a decision is expected soon. The lower courts did hold that charges of treason were answerable, although they did not rule on the matter.” With a bow, the First Councillor sat down.
“Thank you, now Star Commander, the cases with the Legion?” Eyes turned to the Star Commander, who stood.
“Sire, in my last briefing, all cases that the legion were handling directly were completed. They have now been forwarded to the Office of the Marshal, sorry Mont; the Admiral of the Legion, for review and clemency arguments. About half of those captured at Sag XIV B had serious charges pending on other planets. As this group had no charges other than treason, which the prosecutor’s office found problematical because of their remoteness, those mercenaries were released to those systems. I believe over half of these have already been executed or are awaiting execution while trials in progress for the balance. The remainder who were not charged with any crime have been sent back to their home planets. That is my report.” The Star Commander took back his seat.
“Thank you Star Commander. Now, all three of you. If certain ones demand the right to present appeals for clemency over and above the normal appeals, then I reserve the right to rule on such appeals. To do so, I will review the matter in full and you may tell them that. This applies to Commander Kanna Trop, Slav di Naska, Riar Pur Catt, Vice Admiral Vic Tappa, Rear Admiral Tupper Hills, past councillors Tama Priestas and Tim Deuris. These are the prime traitors and, if they wish, I will deal with them appropriately. The remainder are small players and you may deal with them in any manner that you feel competent too.”
He paused, “Do you have any questions?” Came with raised eyebrows.
“And these minor players sire, if they appeal to you directly?” Mont De Templer asked.
“The Head Steward, has already handled an appeal by one of these in the past. He will speak to that, but if they insist?” A cold smile played on His lips. “The matter will be addressed.” He looked at Lady Luca. “You are a warrior, not an executioner.” She nodded.
“It will be done, sire.” The Head Steward interposed.
“One last question Steward, will the Hall of Hearing be ready for the one day of petitions on the Thirty Second Merecvi?”
“It will my Lord.”
There was an exchange of looks, all present remembered hearing or had read how the last Day of Hearing had turned out. The Ladies of course had been there.
“Not to worry, it is just one day and I am not as I was then, neither are things as they were then. I will dispense justice, but I will not control who comes before me.” He turned to the Steward. “Good Steward. We will take them in strict order as they arrive. Incomplete forms will be returned to the petitioner. Only the first one hundred complete applications will be heard.”
“By your command, sire.” The Steward replied.
The Dark Lord turned back to Vis Vistricer.
“It has come to my attention, Star Commander that Jenna of Christos has arrived in Tihab.”
The Star Commander nodded, unsurprised. “Yes, sire, I was told by Councillor Simone.”
“Good, she is I believe an excellent pilot and such are always needed I hear. We will discuss her future when Commodore Traska arrives, will that be satisfactory?”
“Yes, sire.” The Star Commander felt that he had no choice. He was also not surprised that the Dark Lord also knew of Commodore Traska’s projected arrival.
The Dark Lord turned to Mont De Templer. “I will also hear from you, Admiral.”
“Yes, sire.” The Admiral could not hide his look of disapproval.
“You do not know the full story, Admiral, please withhold judgement.” The Dark Lord asked, with a questioning look. Admiral Mont De Templer did not look convinced.
The Dark Lord sat back.
“Now, to business.” The secretive smile played on His lips.
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