《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 081 : Beihai Xinxiu


After the bus passed, Xinxiu walked at a quick pace towards Zhonghang Subway Station. When he got there, he immediately headed to the platform to catch a train that went to the nearest station from the housing estate where Yingyue's relatives lived.

"Have you heard of the fire incident in the elite housing complex?" A train passenger asked the person next to him. It seemed they were friends.

"Of course I have. My father has been making a lot of noise since this morning. He was worried that a customer might cancel an order because his house caught fire."

His friend answered with a serious face. "Your father has a lot of customers from there?"

"Not really! But there are some who live in the housing complex. They usually order enormous quantities of goods. If something like this happens, they will definitely focus on thinking about things related to their house, rather than ordering things which aren't really that urgent."

"That's strange, isn't it? There had been more than one fire in such a short time!"

The news on television didn't mention anything like that!

"More than once? What do you mean?"

"You don't know? Around one o'clock at midnight, there was a fire in one house there. However, the fire was quickly extinguished. Maybe in less than an hour, everything was done. All the fire engines had left the scene. Apparently, at around half-past five in the morning, a fire broke out in a location very close to the location of the first fire. This time, the fire quickly spread in all directions, so there was a big fire."

"I don't know about that. No news of the first fire."

"That's the oddity. Even when someone asked about the news, the police said they didn't know."

"Then how do you know?"

"One of my neighbors is a firefighter. Last night he was supposed to go home. But before he could go home, a fire broke out. He was one of the personnel assigned to extinguish the fire in the first fire. After returning to the fire department, he called his house and told his family about it. I don't know why his boss forbade him from coming home. Then there was a second fire. He had to go back to the housing complex."

"Did you hear this from his family?"

"That's right! They are indeed people who like to tell stories."

"It's strange that all the news on television only reported one fire." The friend shook his head.


I would love to hear such an interesting conversation. But, alas, I have to get off the train soon!

The journey did not take long because there was only one station between Zhonghang station and Xinxiu's destination station. As soon as he got off the carriage, he directly rose to the surface. Unlike Yingyue and Caihong, who took the car, Shanquan and Yixiong took the train like Xinxiu had. So, it was very possible that Shanquan and Yixiong had not yet arrived at their destination. Xinxiu hoped that if he walked even faster, there was still hope that he would still be able to catch up with Shanquan and Yixiong. But as he walked along the highway directly above the subway station, Xinxiu saw neither Shanquan nor Yixiong.

I forgot that both Dage and Xiongge had a habit of walking at high speed.

After almost arriving at the intersection, he could see the pedestrian bridge located right at the intersection. Just at that moment, there was someone who stopped his steps.

"Excuse me, do you know this address?" The person asked Xinxiu. He handed a paper to Xinxiu. On that piece of paper, the complete address of a house was neatly written. Xinxiu was dumbfounded to read the address. The house, coincidentally, was also within the housing complex that was Xinxiu's destination.

"Ah, you just follow this path." Xinxiu pointed to the road to the right of the intersection. "After about five hundred meters, you turn left. From there, you just go straight."

The person looked confused at Xinxiu's explanation. Xinxiu guessed that the man didn't understand what he was saying. Xinxiu's accent was far different from that of most people in the city. However, during the one year, Xinxiu lived in that gigantic city, there was never a person who didn't understand his words when Xinxiu explained something.

"Could you take me there? That's if you have some free time!"

Xinxiu hesitated for a moment. But then, he saw behind them was a sedan that had stopped. The man pointed to the car. Their destination was the same. By car, of course, Xinxiu would get there faster. But Xinxiu realized he had to be very careful. He didn't know the person. After all, Xinxiu and company were in an unusual situation. They must always increase their vigilance. Xinxiu must not fall into the trap of bad people.

The car door opened. Quickly, Xinxiu turned his head. A child got out of the car. He was a boy about seven or eight years old.


"When do we arrive?" The boy looked at the man who was conversing with Xinxiu. His gaze was hopeful. But that wasn't what caught Xinxiu's attention. The child's accent was unfamiliar. Xinxiu had never heard of such an accent. Maybe the child was from a place so far away.

"Wait a minute, Young Master! I'm asking this gentleman!"

"All right! I'll take you there." Xinxiu nodded.

There's a kid in this guy's car. So, it is unlikely that they are members of a gang of criminals.

"Thank you, Sir." The man nodded respectfully.

Without further ado, Xinxiu got into the person's car.

Car running. Because the vehicle had stopped earlier, they were in the far left lane. From there, the car couldn't go straight, let alone turn right. At the intersection, they had to turn left first. After a few hundred meters, the vehicle could only turn around after finding a U-turn.

Xinxiu sat in the front seat next to the driver. The person who had spoken to Xinxiu earlier was sitting in the back with the child who had gotten out of the car. The driver looked so careful. He ran the car at a low speed. Several times they were honked by the vehicles behind them because they were going too slow.

The place to turn around was not only a few hundred meters but almost a kilometer from the intersection. When he finally saw the U-turn, Xinxiu was very relieved. When the car turned around, it turned out that the flow of vehicles passing through the highway was so abundant. It made the car was forced to wait for the opportunity to turn around. By that time, the car was already halfway around. The position of the car was stuck on the U-turn.

After about thirty seconds, there was a gap. Enough for the car to go forward. Xinxiu could see an SUV traveling at high speed from the left. But the car was still quite far from them. Just as the car started to continue to make a U-turn, which had previously been stopped, the SUV suddenly picked up speed. The driver of the car that Xinxiu was riding in seemed hesitant. Maybe he thought that if he stepped on the gas, the SUV would most likely hit the sedan's back door. It happened so fast. The SUV continued to drive at high speed. Inevitably, the vehicle hit the front door of the car Xinxiu was riding in. Pounding right at the door beside Xinxiu's seat.


The SUV hit the car Xinxiu was traveling in.

Even though Xinxiu was wearing a seat belt, his body was hit hard against the car door. Xinxiu was still conscious. Although his body and head ached badly, he could still move his arms and legs. He looked to the left. The SUV that had just hit them was still running. The car retreated about two meters.

Rapidly, Xinxiu turned his head to the right. The driver was unconscious. It looked like his head had hit a hard part of the car's dashboard. In the back seat, the situation was the same. The boy and the person who had asked Xinxiu earlier seemed to have bumped into each other. The two of them were still conscious, but it seemed they couldn't immediately move their body parts freely.

Several people got out of the SUV. Several other cars also stopped. Two people, out of nowhere, tried to open the vehicle's front door. Xinxiu didn't know if they were trying to help him or not. One of them then broke the car window. He stuck his hand in. The man's hand opened the car door from the inside. Xinxiu was too weak to resist. After the door opened, the other person untied the seat belt Xinxiu was wearing. They then got Xinxiu out of the car. Apart from the two, another person arrived, who quickly led Xinxiu away from the vehicle.

Behind the SUV that had crashed, there was another SUV. The three people brought Xinxiu into the car. After that, the car speedily walked away from the place. The entire chain of events, from the collision to the men taking Xinxiu away from the scene, was so quick, less than two minutes.

Inside the car, Xinxiu groaned. One man who brought Xinxiu there began to cover Xinxiu's mouth and nose with a wet white cloth. The liquid stuck to the fabric was inhaled by Xinxiu in a flash. It was fragrant and slightly sweet. Similar to the smell of acetone liquid. Xinxiu felt the scent was only almost identical because it didn't smell exactly like the smell of acetone. It was more like a mixture of acetone and hospital disinfectant. Xinxiu was still conscious at that time. But a few seconds after smelling the liquid, he drooped. Xinxiu was unconscious.

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