《Blue Road》Episode 11 (Part 1)


Fawn insisted that they couldn’t and shouldn’t get into any more distractions and detours unless they help with their goal. The sky turned into a lighter shade of blue. Richard didn’t see the sun, but had a feeling it was early in the morning. He didn’t see that many people out on the city streets. What time is it now? How long had he been out for? It didn’t take him long to think about that, as they arrived at the front of the crimson tower.

Richard and Fawn crept over to the windows and peeked inside the building. Authoritative men wearing black suits and sunglasses discussed something while carrying suitcases.

In the center of the room, a familiar gray-haired figure stood, listening in on the plans. Maxie glanced over and squinted his eyes. Richard hid back against the wall to avoid getting caught.

People are already in there, and they’re from influential positions of power. Richard crossed his arms and sighed. “Well, drat, now what?”

Fawn shrugged. “I don’t know. I never thought the Mayor of all people would own this tower, unless he lives there?” Not to mention the heavy amount of security. “Why would my parents’ voices take me here?”

“You sure you heard voices? And that it was your parents speaking to you?”


“I think I have a theory of sorts,” Richard replied, crossing his arms. “They might lead you to where the killer could be and try to stop them quicker.”

“It might narrow things down,” Fawn agreed. “But we still don’t know who this person is.” She tapped her chin and thought up an idea. “Maybe I can use my power to sneak into the place and find information about them.”

Who are you referring to? That was what Richard wanted to ask, but there were other important matters to ask that took top priority over that one. “Are you sure that’ll work? You know your powers don’t last long and considering there’s a lot of people inside...”


“You have a good point, getting caught would be catastrophic.”

“Hey, who’s there?” A muffled voice from inside inquired.

“Uh oh.” Richard and Fawn panicked and dashed from the place before potentially getting spotted.


Richard and Fawn hid behind some walls, a significant distance away from the tower. Once Fawn checked and confirmed the coast was clear, the two of them stopped to catch their breath.

“Ok, we need to have a change of plans,” Richard suggested.

“I know.” Fawn nodded. “But I’m not sure what to do anymore.” She placed her hand on her head. “I’m stumped on what we should do now.” She looked up at him. “Do you have any ideas?”

Before Richard could respond, the same laughter as before echoed around them. He glanced up and noticed a little girl with blonde hair strolling through the streets. It almost seemed like she was laughing and sobbing at the same time.

“You ok?” Fawn asked.

“Yeah, hold on,” Richard replied.

He walked over to catch up to the girl, with Fawn tagging along behind him. Fawn didn’t know why they were following her or what it had to do with their plan. She decided not to question it for the time being. Hopefully, Richard knew what he was doing.

“Um, excuse me?” Richard called out to the blonde girl.

She promptly stopped in her tracks and turned around to face him. The girl wore a light blue dress with white socks, no shoes, and had puffy eyes.

“Huh?” The girl’s eyes widened as she tried to wipe away the tears. “Yes, can I help you?”

Richard bent down on his knees to get to her level. “Yeah, are you lost?”

“Oh, no, not at all.” The girl shook her head. “I’m just looking for my mama and papa, but they’re not at their usual place.”


“Oh, is that so? Well, why don’t we— uh, I help you out?”


“Let’s start with the basics. Can you tell me your name so we can find your parents easier?”

“Um, it’s Ashley.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is—”

“Wait, hold on!” Fawn interrupted. “Richard, do you not see what you’re doing right now?”

“Yeah,” Richard insisted. “And I can’t just leave her be!”

“I’m aware, but don’t you find it odd that you heard her after coming out of the office building? That can’t be a coincidence. There could be some ulterior motive—”

“Don’t be silly.” Richard waved it off. “I’m sure she has her reasons.” Maybe Ashley tried to search for her parents at the place before. Or she might’ve roamed around and heard their voices too, thinking her parents were nearby.

“Ok, but I’m keeping an eye on her, just in case,” Fawn muttered as she stared at the other girl.

Ashley giggled, not feeling as blue as before. “You’re funny.”

Richard looked away, scratching his cheek. “Sorry about that, you must think I’m crazy, talking to myself like that.”

“Not really. You seem interesting, both of you.”

“Well, thanks, but I—” Richard paused. “Wait, did you just say...?”

“Hold up, you can see me?” Fawn pointed at herself.

“Yep!” Ashley chirped. “I hear you loud and clear, too. Not only that, but you look familiar.”

“Sorry, but I’ve never seen you before.” Maybe she’s mistaking me for someone else? How do I look familiar to her?

“That’s pretty neat,” Richard replied, “Now we can talk normally.”

“Wait, you’re not going to question this?” Fawn asked.

“I never said that, but how would we know why that’s the case?”

“Fair point.”

“Wait, what were your names again?” Ashley asked.

“I’m Richard, and this is Fawn.”

“I’ve heard of your name before, actually.”

“You have?”

“Yeah, mama has said nice things about you.”

“Really?” So, I’ve met her before, but who could it be?

“Can I have something to drink first?”

“Sure thing, Ashley,” Richard replied. “We can stop by a store to get you something while we search for your parents.”

“Good idea.”

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