《Stardust》Chapter 1.4 - White - Passing The Torch


It didn’t took a long time to realize what kind of magic I got. I literally stopped time! Jake was not moving at all. He just floats in the air right in front of me. But little did I know that this was the only thing I could do and nothing else. It wasn’t an Offensive type. It doesn’t look like a defensive type. It also doesn’t seems useful like a Utility type. What type is my magic?

Then at that moment, I tried to do the unthinkable. I focused my mind and thought of what I visioned in my head. Then, in a blink of an eye. I was hiding inside the same closet as before. I just rewind the time!

“Wait...If returned back to this time then...I still don't have my magic." I realize that but I didn't have the time to worry about that as I quickly shrugged it off. "Anyway, I got to do something to prevent Flash from being killed. This is my only chance.” I said that to myself.

I kicked the closet door and made Jake fell to the ground. Without any hesitation, I immediately ran to him and went for a right forearm to his head just as he was sitting up. I’m not wasting my time, I won’t let Jake use his fire magic. Just as he tries to stand up again, I went for a left kick at the left side of his head. I followed by a hook to the right and hitting his right side of his head. At that time, Jake was already standing up. I immediately went for a clap at his head. My hand hits his ear. This made him stumble a little because of the momentarily deafness. I finished with an uppercut to his jaw. Jake was sent centimetres away and fell next to Flash.

“You got some skills, Kid. What’s your name?” asked Flash.


I confidently said, “My name is Cyclone White. Call me White.”

“Hold on, so you are his ancestor huh?” asked Flash again.

I nodded in agreement.

“Then I trust you-” Flash tried to finishes but.

I interrupted, “I know, I already ate the Infinitum crystal. I went back in time to save you.”

“Then that makes it easier to explain, White.”

I looked at Jake who was still lying on the ground and said to Flash, “I’m guessing you have some business with him?”

“Yeah, here, this is yours.” Flash threw the Infinitum crystal at me and I caught it.

“Where are you going now, Flash?” I asked him.

He replied, “I still have some unfinished business with the people that asks to hunt me down. Thanks to you, their hunting stops today.”

“Can I help?”

“No. You can’t. Listen up.” Flash sternly voiced at me.

I don’t know what he was about to say, but what I know was that it might not go well at all.

Flash continued, “You know what you have to do right? You must continue The Stardust.”

“What is The Stardust?” I asked him to make sure.

“It is a group. A party. A team of friends that trust each other. They were once founded by your great ancestor, Cyclone.”

“A group? But I thought Cyclone had joined a bigger gig when I heard his stories.”

“What did they tell you?” Flash questioned me.

“They told me that Cyclone was the leader of an organization.” I told him.

Flash laughed and said, “Well in my version, that organization was crumbled by non other than your ancestor’s small group.”


Flash started to explain, “You do know the differences between how big is an organization right? For starters, a Group or a Team or a Party consist of peoples who worked together. While, a Faction or an Alliance as they called it formally, is a combination of many Teams. Next, an Organization, where it consist of a number of Factions. Finally, a Government or Kingdom consist of all organizations along with country leaders. Your ancestor’s small group destroyed a huge corrupt Organization.”


“And the reward?” I asked.

“The reward was anything. But Cyclone only asks for a single thing.”

I braced myself in preparation of just in case it is something bad. But it wasn’t it. It was something more warm.

“He asks that his legacy will last for generations but...he doesn't want it to be written down in history. That is why non of your family knows the truth. Only few members of The Stardust able to remember it and I happen to be having a name called, Cyclone Flash.”

Wait. Cyclone Flash? We’re related?! I didn’t expected this development.

“Don’t worry, I’m just a distant relative of yours that still follows Cyclone tradition. At a certain point in time when he was still not married, he had a child with a women from a big kingdom. I was born from that women’s lineage. After that, he had a family with a different woman where the current descendant is you and your siblings along with your relatives that still follows the tradition.”

I was kind of shocked by this huge revelation. But I continued to listen.

“Not many of our relatives followed the tradition but those who still follows were apparently destined to be something. Your father kept the tradition because he experienced something in his lifetime. Same as mine. Same as all of our grandfathers and great grandfathers.”

“But does that mean that…”

“Yes, this moment might be the moment where Cyclone has chosen you, among your siblings to continue his legacy.”

At that time, I suddenly had a feeling of a big responsibility handed toward me. I had the urge to continue Cyclone’s legacy. At that time, I ate the crystal and undergo the same process as when I first ate it before. Afterwards, I got a sudden feeling in my body.

I questioned Flash something, “Where do you get this crystal?”

He simply replied, “I stole it from a corrupt organization. I guess you probably know what you are supposed to do next.”

“I get it now. You act as the conduit in my journey and now your mission is over. But what’s next for you?”

“What’s next for me is to make sure you do you job. To make sure you ‘write your own story’.”

“What’s the organization name by the way?” I quickly asked before he leave.

“You don’t need to know it right now, you just got your magic. Hone it. Train it. Master it. One day you will know their name when you are truly ready.”

Flash carried Jake and walks away.

I stopped him, “Wait, where are you going?”

Flash smiles and said, “Making sure you write your own story! Farewell, Cyclone White!” He really didn't answer my question though.

Flash walks away out of the area as I watched him from behind.

Flash whispered to himself, “Farewell for the last time, Cyclone White…”

He then uses his Super Speed to transport himself to his destination. I wonder where he went, because that was probably the first and last time I saw him in my life. I never get to see him again after that.

I looked at the time in my watch and realize that I better hurry up finish the garden duty. I hurriedly ran back to the garden. Afterwards, I decided to meet up with the rest of my friends at the library and discuss about this strange developments.


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