《Severing Time & Space》Desperation, part II


Wu Jian woke up some time later. As he opened the shutters to his bedroom, he gazed upon the evening sun and realized he had probably missed dinner… though whether that even mattered in their situation was another issue entirely. Did they even have enough food left to feed everyone?

Our supplies are running low. That includes food. How many more days can we survive like this? Well, I suppose it won’t matter soon.

He decided to forego any exercise, but he didn’t neglect to stretch his body. It was important to remain limber. Standing straight, he breathed in, then lowered his torso and breathed out, extending his hands to touch his toes. He held the pose for ten seconds before standing back up. Then he held a different pose to stretch the muscles in his quadruceps.

As he was going through his stretches, a knock sounded at the door.

“Little Jian? Are you asleep?”

“I’m awake, Mother. Please, come in.”

The door slid open and Mother stepped inside. She looked as tired as everyone else, with bags under her eyes, a slumped posture, and hollow cheekbones. As the Wu Clan’s primary healer alongside Wu Shaolin, she had a lot more work to do than he did. It didn’t help that she was a cultivator at the ninth stage of the Hunger Realm. Her affinity was for water, which was the primary element used in healing. Sadly, she didn’t have much in the way of combat capabilities.

“Have you been resting properly, Mother?”

His mother smiled, though it looked tired. “When I can, though I fear that’s not nearly enough. In either event, your father is asking for you. He, Taohua, and the elders are making a decision on what we should do about this situation. He wants you there.”

“I understand. Let me get dressed.”

At the moment, Wu Jian was wearing nothing but his underwear. He put on his black pants, a sleeveless shirt, and his black hanfu. After cinching it together with a belt, he followed Mother out of his home and traveled with her to the meeting hall. Father, Wu Taohua, and the elders were already waiting there. They all turned to him and Mother when they entered.

“You’re here, Jian. Come and sit. You must be hungry,” Father said, gesturing toward a place beside him. A small single-person table and pillow sat there. Atop the table was a plate of rice, some meat, and a type of dipping sauce.

Wu Jian’s stomach chose that moment to release an unrestrained growl. He could feel his ears heating up as everyone there smiled at him—well, except Father. He might have been smiling, but it was hard to tell.

Father had a preternaturally resting bitch face.

“I am hungry,” Wu Jian admitted.

“Then come and eat.”

“You go on ahead. Your mother has more work to do,” Mother reached out to run her hand through Wu Jian’s hair before turning to leave.

Wu Jian didn’t argue. He walked over, sat down where directed, and picked up his chopsticks. The meal was simple. In fact, it was probably the simplest meal he had ever seen, but for someone who hadn’t eaten for almost an entire day, even this looked like a feast. Picking up some rice and meat, he dipped it into the sauce and inserted the food into his mouth.

It’s so plain, yet so good.

While he ate, the others began talking.

“How are the protections holding?” Father asked.

“They are still holding… but they won’t last long,” Elder Wu Jinsu confessed with a bitter shake of his head. “I suspect they will last a day… maybe two. However, the protective seals were never meant to protect us for a prolonged period of time. And the seals have been worn away after going so long without use. To be perfectly honest, I am surprised they even worked at all.”


“We have an even bigger problem than the protections running out of power,” Instructor—no, Elder Wu Lin said. His face and voice were grave. “We’re all out of medical supplies and nearly out of food. We don’t have enough to feed everyone in the clan. If something isn’t done soon, our clansmen will starve.”

The Wu Clan had not been prepared for a prolonged siege like this. A siege was a military blockage of a city or fortress, with the intent of conquering by attrition or a well-prepared assault. Their enemies' first assault had failed when Ming Shen, Juishi Meirin, and Wu Ming were killed. Several other attempts had been made, but they also ended in failure.

Since their attempts at breaking in had failed, it seemed the Fierce Tiger Sect, Ming Family, and Juishi Family had decided to simply outlast the Wu Clan. This wouldn’t be a problem if they were prepared. Unfortunately, the Wu Clan had not stocked up on enough food and supplies since they never expected this to happen.

Our lack of foresight is coming back to bite us.

Generally speaking, the Wu Clan would go into the city once a month to stock up on supplies. The farm would also provide enough food to feed the entire clan and sell off the surplus. It had been nearing the end of the month when the siege began, meaning they were already low on food and supplies. To top that off, their farm had been poisoned. Wu Jian didn’t know if that had been their enemies intent. However, intentional or not, it did not change the facts.

And the fact was they were in big trouble.

“I say we should have the young and those who cannot fight flee. The least we can do is ensure that some of us survive,” said Elder Wu Jinsu.

“But will our enemies really let a group of us go like that?” asked Elder Wu Lin. “I don’t mean to put a damper on your spirits, but what’s to stop the Fierce Tiger Sect from sending off a contingent to annihilate the helpless before they can reach safety? Is there even a place nearby that’s safe?”

“They can go to the Zhou Clan,” Elder Wu Jinsu said.

“The Zhou Clan has to maintain their neutrality. They cannot help us. Sheltering us from another clan may be seen as aiding and abetting someone from the Shang Kingdom, which will lead to sanctions being placed against them. They won’t risk it,” Elder Wu Son said.

“Then what do you propose we do?” asked Elder Wu Jinsu. “Surrender and hope they show us mercy?”

“That’s not an option.” Father swiftly cut in, raising his voice and swinging his arm in a swift chopping motion. “The Ming Family are our bitter enemies now. They will not show us mercy, but even if they did, I would never accept mercy from them after what they have done. I, Wu Yōushì, would rather die than give that bastard, Ming Han, the pleasure of seeing me surrender.”

“Then we’re back at square one.”

Wu Jian finished eating and listened to the conversation. No one seemed to be able to agree on what to do. Elder Wu Lin wanted to meet the enemy head on in a last, desperate gambit. Elder Wu Jinsu thought that was suicide and wanted to have the strongest members sacrifice themselves to buy time for the people who couldn’t fight to flee. Elder Wu Son was undecided. It seemed he could not figure out what to do at all.


A glance at his Father revealed the man’s eyes brimming with exhaustion. He was still recovering from his injuries, so he could not fight even if he wanted to, and yet despite that, he was doing what he could to hold the clan together.

Wu Jian felt a spark of pride burn within his chest. His father was strong. He had the kind of strength Wu Jian longed for. It wasn’t strength of body but strength of mind. Even in a hopeless situation like theirs, Wu Yōushì refused to bend.

That was what led him to speak out.

“I think we should meet them in battle,” Wu Jian said.

Everyone went silent. The elders, Father, and Wu Taohua looked at him in astonishment. It was like they had forgotten he was there.

“Why do you think we should that?” Father crossed his arms.

“Because we’re out of time and out of options. If we attempt to flee, they will simply chase us until we are too tired to fight. All of our clansmen will be killed. However, if we meet them head on, we at least have a chance to survive. We just need to take out their leaders.”

There was an old saying that if you cut off the head of a snake, the body will fall. While this didn’t necessarily apply to families, clans, and sects, killing the enemy leaders would certainly damage morale. Each leader was the backbone of their forces and far more powerful than normal members. If they could take them out, not only would the enemy’s morale drop, but they would lose the most powerful members of their forces.

“That’s a fine thought, but the question remains: Can we even take out their leaders?” asked Elder Wu Jinsu. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. “Hu Li is at the fourth subrealm of the Asura Realm, Ming Han is at the ninth subrealm of the Hunger Realm, and former Elder Wei also reached the Asura Realm not too long ago. The only Asura Realm cultivator we have is Lord Yōushì, but he is too injured to battle right now.”

No one spoke for the longest time after this, but then, Wu Taohua suddenly raised her hand into the air, bringing all attention to her.

“Actually, we do have another cultivator who reached the Asura Realm not long ago.”

“Y-you’ve reached the Asura Realm?!” Elder Wu Jinsu shouted in shock.

Wu Taohua nodded. “I reached it not too long ago. I believe all the battles we have fought has placed so much stress on my dantian and meridians that I broke through by sheer willpower. I was somehow able to reach the second subrealm realm.”

Elder Wu Lin placed his hands against the ground and leaned back. “I’ve heard of that happening before. They say being forced into life and death situations can force people to break past their limits and discover a newfound strength, but this the first time I have seen such an occurrence myself.”

Hope seemed to sweep through the elders and even Father cracked a smile. Wu Jian was shocked but also happy for Wu Taohua, who he knew trained every day to be of use to Father. However, Elder Wu Son put a damper on everyone’s spirits not long after the good news was delivered.

“But that still leaves them with a complete advantage. Wu Taohua has only broken through recently. It is unlikely she has stabilized her cultivation base. Meanwhile, former Elder Wei has been at the Asura Realm for at least a few months. Then there’s Hu Li. He is at the Asura Realm’s fourth subrealm. There is no way someone who has just broken through can contend with people like that.”

While this did put everyone in a somber mood, it did not remain this way. The doors burst open and a mischievously grinning Wu Àiliàn stepped in.

“I heard everything!”

“Woman, do you not know how to knock?!” Elder Wu Jinsu berated Mother, but she wasn’t paying attention.

“I know our situation seems hopeless, but now that Wu Taohua has reached the Asura Realm, I think we can emerge victorious if we play our hands right,” Mother continued.

“What do you have in mind?” asked Father, frowning at the woman.

“Hm hm hm.” Mother placed her hands on her hips, puffed out her chest, and smiled mischieviously. “In a straightforward confrontation, there’s no way Wu Taohua can overcome the difference in strength between her, Hu Li, and Ming Han… but what if we weaken them before she even enters the battlefield?”

The elders and Father shared a glance as Mother gave them what had to be her most devious idea yet.


Wu Jian stood before his mirror. Light flickered from the candle, providing just enough illumination for him to see his reflection. Shadows played across his face as light and dark danced with the fire’s flickering.

I’ll be going into battle soon.

The idea made his heart hammer in his chest, made the blood pumping through his veins feel cold. He wouldn’t deny he was afraid. He was very scared. Yet he would not allow his fear to control him.

These clothes don’t offer much protection…

No longer dressed in a hanfu, he now wore an outfit worthy of combat—loose-fitting black pants, a sleeveless black shirt with a gold dragon coiling around his torso, bandages wrapped around his arms and hands, and gong fu shoes.

Hou Jingshu had once told Wu Jian that the Shang Kingdom’s military wore armor to protect themselves, but that was just the standard military. They did not have many cultivators.

Cultivators often went without armor. There were some exceptions. Enchanted armor existed. They were powerful artifacts that had been enchanted by Seal Array Masters. However, such items were quite rare in a small kingdom like theirs.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Jian, are you in there?” a voice asked from the other side of his door.

“I’m here, Mei. Come on in.”

After opening the door, Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu entered. He turned around to see they were both wearing a variation of his combat uniform. Theirs had long sleeves. Hou Jingshu’s was white instead of black, and Wu Meiying’s was a dark purple lined with gold.

“We heard you convinced Uncle and Aunty to let you fight,” Wu Meiying said.

He smiled, though it was strained. “It wasn’t easy. Everyone was against it, but I would rather die fighting by their side than die alone if they lost. I think Father was moved.”

While Wu Meiying smiled, Hou Jingshu stepped forward and gave him a determined look. “I hope you weren’t expecting to fight without us.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. The three of us are much stronger together than we are alone,” Wu Jian said. “We’re a team.”

“That’s right.” Hou Jingshu grinned as she held out her fist to him. “We’re a team, so don’t even think of doing something dangerous without me.”

Wu Jian smiled as he reached out, but rather than bump fists with her like she expected, he grabbed her fist and pulled her forward.

Hou Jingshu squawked in surprise and stumbled. She froze, however, when he wrapped his arms around her. One hand went to the back of her head and the other wound around her slender waist.

Wu Jian took a deep breath as her warmth pervaded him, as her calming scent surrounded him. He pressed his face into her hair. Hou Jingshu, still frozen in shock, did nothing.

“Don’t worry. I won’t ever do something without you, Jingshu. I plan to always have you by my side,” he said.

“Er… that’s not… um… what I meant…”

“Hee-hee. Same here. I also won’t let you leave us.” Wu Meiying walked up behind Hou Jingshu and pressed herself against the other girl. Wu Jian felt her arms slip between him and Hou Jingshu. “We’re not just a team. We’re a family. And family always sticks together. Just. Like. This.”

“Uh… oh, no… that’s not… Ahhhhh! Would you two stop teasing me?! You know that’s not what I meant!”

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying laughed as Hou Jingshu screamed out in frustration and embarrassed, though she made no move to leave their embrace. It wouldn’t be long before they tried to break out of their enemies’ blockade. Very soon, their lives would become stained with blood and battle, but for now at least, Wu Jian could take comfort in this one moment of peace.

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