《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》V2 Chapter forty


Pyr watched as it’s mother punished it’s new sibling, sending it away to slumber, before bringing it back into being again, and again without mercy.

The wisp’s gaze drifted to the glass containers nestled around it in it’s home, the contents bubbling away under it’s flames. It disliked having it’s home invaded by such things, however mother needed to it perform such tasks for her. Mother’s flames were weak after all, so it was understandable she would seek out it’s power.

Mother finally let it’s sibling rest, casting the second born back into slumber. When mother’s gaze landed on Pyr, the fiery wisp wrapped it’s flames around vials to show her it was already performing a task so as to avoid enduring her attentions.

When mother turned away, Pyr’s let it’s form relax into a puddle within it’s home. Foolish mother, she did not know it could heat these containers without needing to remain in this place. It would not tell her, least she force more tasks upon it.

High pitched shrieks filled the room, and Pyr stretched it’s flames out to curl around the edges of it’s home. Ah, mother was finally eating the food she’d been keeping trapped. Pyr could sense the creatures death, and wondered if mother would allow it to sample the food after she was done. Mother often fed it the remains of her meals, and whilst they were not as filling as those that Pyr itself killed, it would not forgo a meal.

It watched a the many legged creature left the room, with mother and the four legged one following it out. Mother had not eaten, not even a morsel.

Pyr waited, sensing the meal losing it’s sustenance the longer mother was gone. A long tentacle silvered across the table, reaching for mothers meal.


Angrily, Pyr lashed out at the dark one who was attempting to steal from mother. She had not given the food to it! The dark one recoiled from Pyr’s flames as the wisp alighted from it’s home, and moved to hover over the meal. It would protect the food until mother returned, then, when she saw how it had defended the meal, surely she would let Pyr have some once she was finished eating.

The longer mother was gone, the hungrier Pyr grew, it’s eyes drifted to the caged food it protected. Surely mother would not punish it too harshly for having some of her food, besides, she had been gone for a very long time. The food would only be wasted if Pyr did not eat it.

Pyr sent a flickering tendril of fire into the cage, tasting a small section of the food. Power flowed from the food, much more then wafted from it before.

Pyr draped itself over the morsel, gorging itself on the power of the food.

Its hunger grew as its flames devoured the meal.

Hungry, it was so hungry. Pyr’s flames sought out the food within the room, stopping mere inches away from one of the the dark ones.

No, Pyr pulled back it’s flames, its body shuddering with the dark hunger building within it. It could not eat the dark ones, nor the small burning ones. Mother would be upset if it ate them, and Pyr would be forced into slumber for a long time waiting for her to forgive it.

Pyr knew from trips with mother that there was plenty of food outside the this place, it would feast there, and return to mother once it’s hunger was sated.

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