《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》V2 Chapter twenty


The stars above the temple shone brightly, and Basurn, the single red planet of the Kaledonian planetary system, was in close enough orbit that it could be seen east of the moon Cynta. With my fur cloak wrapped tightly around me, I stood with Noctus on the highest floor of the temple, him staring out at the temples surrounding us, me gazing up at the stars above.

My mind was in turmoil as I tried to process everything I’d learned. Noctus had been right, I’d been shielded to the point I was living in a bubble of naivety. Now that he’d popped that bubble, I felt conflicted over everything I’d done since arriving in this virtual world.

Noctus claimed that living in worlds where everyone was essentially immortal, had warped people's morals, and I found myself unable to refute his words. Hadn’t I killed dozens of people without care, or regard for how it would affect them? At one point, I’d even been prepared to use other residents of this world for experimentation, merely because they intended to rob me.

The gods claimed to prevent torture, but apparently they had a loose determination of what was considered torture, if the stories Noctus told were to be believed.

As the vampire spoke of the realities of virtual life, I felt as though I’d been submerged in a pool of icy water. I’d heard stories of people being killed repeatedly from those in the guild. Sadie, the sweet sixteen-year-old girl who played as elf, had been in such a situation before joining the guild. While I’d pitied her for what had been done, I hadn’t seen those actions as anything more than normal.

Even in Avalon I’d heard of those things happening regularly. Before now, I’d never considered the implications of such actions. How could dying again, and again, being hunted like prey, living every moment of your life in fear of when you’d be attacked next, not be deemed a form of torture? How could people think it was acceptable to act in such a way? That wasn’t even the worst of the atrocities committed by both players, and digital citizens alike. In truth, it was the tamest, and most accepted part of virtual life.

A low raspy sigh broke through the fog of self deprecating thoughts swirling through my mind. I looked over at the vampire, who was leaning against the wall of the tower, his eyes still focused on the window.

“You still haven’t told me how Dreadmere managed to get so much control over Airus,” I murmured, noticing his gaze was directed toward the distant mountain city.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’ve been hearing some interesting rumors of late.” The vampire sighed again, turning his head to look at me. “What I know for certain is that the Dreadmere of Kaledon is not the same one we knew in Avalon. They’ve been bought. By whom, I don’t know. What I do know is the guild is buying life plans for those on basic government plans, and bringing them into Kaledon. Those citizens they are ‘buying’ have all signed contracts with the guild to work for them for a set term with no additional payment in exchange for those premium life plans. From what I’ve gathered, most of the population in Airus are ‘owned’ by Dreadmere. They’ve been pushing everyone out, and filling the city with their own people.”

“That’s basically indentured servitude!” I exclaimed, eyes going wide.

“They’re calling it an advance payment of wages,” Noctus drawled, shaking his head. “Most of the idiots they’ve brought in are singing their praises. The Dreadmere guild are their saviors for bringing them into a more advanced world, saving them from the shitty earth replications the government runs. What’s a few years working for the guild, in exchange for access to better worlds, and transfer into a capsule that is acclaimed to extend their lives beyond those the government builds?”


“Everlife, and the other high end capsule manufactures may claim their capsules can sustain a person in stasis for two hundred years, but just because they say it, doesn’t make it true. There is no proven case of life sustained for a period of more than seventy years. We aren’t in a full cryogenic state, our bodies still age, our hearts still beat even if slowed. Eventually, that heart will cease to beat regardless of what they do.” I ranted, gesturing at my own chest as I spoke.

Noctus eyes followed the movement of my hand. I narrowed my own eyes at him as his gaze stopped on my chest, before moving upwards to lock onto my neck. I’d already fed the vampire twice, the first time almost resulting in my death. But thanks to my body's natural response of reverting to my vulpine form when weak, Noctus had been broken from his feeding frenzy by the change.

“Stop eyeing my neck, I’m not feeding you anymore than I already have.” I grumbled, bringing my hands up to cover my throat.

Chuckling, Noctus pushed off the wall, stalking towards me with a predatory gleam in his eyes. “And how would you stop me, little fox? You’ve barely got two tails.”

“Did you know I can banish people from the temple?” I asked conversationally, not moving an inch as the vampire drew closer. “I can also excommunicate you.”

“Excommunicate me?” He laughed, reaching out to intertwine his fingers through my loose hair. “I’m not a follower of your god, what good would it do you to excommunicate me?”

“I shudder to imagine what this precious skin of yours would look like under the sunlight without use of the daylight salve.” I crooned, taking hold of the vampire's wrist, and pulling it away from my hair, tracing my fingers across it with a coy smile.

“It’s so cute watching you trying to play a game I’ve long since mastered.” He whispered, and I glared up at him in annoyance, shoving him away with a scowl.

“You would lose the ability to gain the benefits of my patrons' domains, no potions, tinctures or salves will be effective for you. It’s a very serious matter,” I informed him, taking a step to the side, and moving towards the door which led out of the observatory room.

“Interesting, and you can do this to anyone?” Noctus asked, as he followed me out of the room.

“If my patron agrees that the punishment is fitting. As the entire city of Airus has learned, or will soon learn when they discover that the mountain is one big dead zone where my patron's domains are concerned. As I told you before, I forsook the city, which is basically the excommunication of an area, as opposed to an individual.”

“How delightful,” the vampire purred, glee filling his voice. “Airus is all but worthless now. Ah, to be a fly on the wall when they realize they’ve won a city none will wish to enter.”

I nodded with a shrug, glancing over my shoulder at the vampire as we continued down the stairs.

“I was kind of hoping Dreadmere might get run out of the city by the chancellors for causing the forsaking, then maybe there might be some groveling involved. I hear Airus is the best place for mining certain resources,” I informed him.

“Perhaps,” Noctus murmured. “Whether they can keep their hold on the city after this incident will depend on how much control over the city they’ve gained. What happens next regarding the city's response, will be informative to say the least.”


Reaching the library room, I hesitated, glancing over at the vampire. “Did you want to see the rest of the temple now?”

I’d taken him up to the observatory because it was the best place to see the surrounding mountains where the gods had built their temples. Other than that, he’d only seen the hall of origin, and the room I’d offered for his use.

“Another time,” he said, combing his fingers through his hair. “I haven’t had a decent sleep since being imprisoned. Those bastards kept me in a cell that was enchanted to shine with bright light, ensuring there were no shadows I could use to escape.”

“Alright then, er… Do you remember the way back?” I asked, glancing over at the desk where a stack of books I’d picked out to read sat waiting.

“I’m sure I can find my way,” Noctus chuckled, heading for the door. “I’ll come find you tomorrow night, as I suspect I will sleep through the coming day. My body needs time to recover some more.”

As the door to the library clicked closed behind the vampire, I dropped into the chair placed behind the desk and leaned my head back to stare up at the ceiling in silent contemplation. As I stared up at the ceiling, I saw something I hadn’t noticed previously. In golden lettering, was a quote from the Kybalion, a book from the nineteen hundreds which detailed the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

"The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals—a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."

A fitting quote to be placed within a library, and one that reminded me of the purpose the temple I was in should serve.

I need to quickly add more people to the temple clergy, or I’m going to find myself with no time for my own studies. I’ve got unfinished projects piling up, and keep adding more things onto my to do list, crossing nothing off. I grumbled internally, as I shifted to sit upright in the chair, and turned my attention to the desk in front of me.

“What does one need to create a temple dedicated to learning?” I mused, grabbing one of my dwindling supply of vellum bound notebooks, and my fountain pen. “I’ve got a head for Astrology on the way, and I guess one for Transmutation if the instructor from the academy shows up. Even if he isn’t a good instructor, he’s better than nothing for now at least. I need to get my hands on Finnic in order to work out where Tris hid Kelnose, so I need to add people to the hall of alchemy until then. I don’t want people just running around the temple unsupervised, even if the books can’t be removed from the buildings.”

“Talking to oneself is a sign of insanity,” an amused voice said. I let out an involuntary squeak as I leapt out of the chair to face the intruder.

“Noctus you bastard, haven’t you heard of knocking!” I exclaimed, dousing the fireball I’d been about to throw in his direction.

“I didn’t feel like walking all the way back here, and it would have taken too long.” He drawled, moving out of the shadowed corner he stood in. “I noticed several figures approaching the temple from the west when I was enchanting my window to block out any light. As I recall, you said your team was waiting until morning to depart for the temple.”

“They are,” I muttered, briefly focusing on the temple in my mind, but not seeing any indication that anyone was yet inside. “Darius only passed the road leading into Airus recently, so won’t be here for another day or two.”

“Then shall we head out onto the balcony to see if we are greeting friends or foes?” Noctus suggested, waving a hand towards the door. “First impressions matter, and you made quite a striking sight overlooking the hall when I first arrived.”

“If you think an overtired Kitsune, and a half naked vampire makes for a good impression, you’re associating with the wrong kind of people.”

“Your brother is among those I associate with,” he quipped as we left the library to stand at the banister, overlooking the hall of origin.

“I rest my case.” I responded as half a dozen golden spheres of light appeared on the mental map of the temple, heading down the passageway towards us.

Dismissing the image from my mind, I focused my attention on the far end of the hall, ears twitching as the sound of footsteps echoed down the passage. As the footsteps grew louder, I felt strangely calm despite not knowing who might be approaching.

Six tall figures, each clad in a purple cloak with specs of gold scattered across the material exited the passageway, entering the hall of origin without breaking stride. When the group reached the center of the hall, the one in the lead knelt and was quickly followed by the others.

“Blessed be she, Kadia, High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis!” The first figure cried, their voice identifying them as a woman.

“Blessed be she, Kadia, High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis!” Those around her echoed, bowing low to the ground.

“Blessed be she, Kadia, High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis!” The first woman repeated, pulling down her hood to reveal a face with deep blue skin, which was decorated with golden dots that matched those on her cloak. “Blessed High Priestess, I address you in reverent prayer. Please accept my offerings from a devoted mind, and soul. May you grant my plea and guide me in gaining knowledge that befits our realm. Devout am I, to Philosophia Naturalis, and to the stars that guide.”

“Welcome be she, Meissa, Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis! The stars shine bright upon the temple this night, and welcome you home.” I called, the words flowing naturally from my lips, guided by the power that had begun swirling around the hall as the woman made her prayer.

As the woman stood, I realized that the gold embellishments on her cloak were stars, as were the ones decorating her cheeks.

“Those who walk with me, are devout, and true.” Meissa declared, gesturing to the still kneeling disciples.

“Then welcome they shall be, and yours to guide on the path.” I responded, instinctively reaching out towards them with a metaphysical touch. Touching the golden sparks which glowed within their bodies, I connected each to the newly appointed priestess. “Opposite the pillar of the moon, you shall find the path to the hall of your domain. Take this night to rest after your journey, and tomorrow we shall meet once more.”

“As you will it, High Priestess.” Meissa said, inclining her head, as her disciples rose to their feet.

When the hall was once more empty, I confirmed Meissa and her five disciples were within the hall of astrology, before turning around to look for Noctus. Movement in the shadows to my left, caught my eye. I watched as the vampire appeared from within them, clapping his hands with a smirk as he stepped out of the darkness.

“Bravo, what a show.” He cheered. “That’s a sight they won't soon forget! Your tits look amazing when you lean over the banister looking down like that.”


Eyes wide with horror, I spun around to face a grinning Noctus, who winked before disappearing into the shadows.

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