《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 59 - The change begins


The hatching of the Behemoth was felt by the goose and all of the guardians, all of whom could feel the instant they sensed its appearance in the world that it was more evil and powerful than ever before. The goose in particular was shaken by the appearance of the Behemoth, it hadn't imagined that the raven would be able to hatch it so fast or that it would emerge with so much power. The oracle felt its emergence as well, and she was furious. She materialized in Robert's living room within moments of the beast's emergence, before the goose could inform Robert and the others about what was going on.

"Well, what are you going to do now?" She asked the goose sarcastically.

"Obviously this necessitates a change in approach," the goose answered sheepishly.

"You think!"

"There's no need to yell."

"No need to yell?! That thing is out there now, and you haven't managed to find and awaken any more guardians for weeks!"

"We have to wait for when the time is right."

"There is no time for that any more, you need to hatch that egg now!"

"It's not that simple! The only way to find the owl and the rooster is if they want to be found, and nothing has happened to give us any clues about where to find them."

"We know where the leviathan is."

"I was hoping to wait until it had calmed down a bit before we made that journey."

"Like I said, there's no time for that anymore, with the Behemoth now free things are going to start picking up, I just hope you're ready for that."

It didn't take long for the ramping up of events that the oracle predicted to start unfolding. Four days after the emergence of the Behemoth, Jim Balmer announced to the crowd at a campaign rally Charlotte that he had brought a special guest along with him. The special guest was Chris Dixon, who emerged on stage, shared a warm embrace with Jim Balmer, and proceeded to give one of his trademark fiery speeches. After his speech, Jim Balmer walked over to the lectern and announced to the crowd that as of that morning Chris Dixon had joined the campaign as a senior adviser, a role that he would continue to perform in the White House if they prevailed in the election. The crowd cheered as loudly for this announcement as they had for Chris when he came out on stage after being introduced as the special guest. Following Chris's addition to the campaign team as a senior adviser, the tone of Jim Balmer's campaign underwent a dramatic transformation, becoming increasingly provocative and bellicose. Jim spent less time talking about restoring faith and values to the country and more time talking about the need to defend against the enemies of America that were attempting to destroy it from within with their open border, anti-business, pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality policies. The leader of this anti-America movement who, if elected, was going to turn the United States into an unrecognizable third world country by stripping away everything that made it the greatest country in the world, was Tom Groff, the presumptive Democrat nominee. Jim Balmer attacked Tom Groff relentlessly for wanting to flood the country with illegal immigrants, endanger America's energy security, make America less safe and stick it to farmers. Jim's supporters were really enjoying the new direction that the campaign had taken and his rallies, which were always raucous, were now, to those who didn't count themselves among Jim Balmer's supporters, downright scary. A new routine had become popular at his rallies, where Jim Balmer would ask the audience what they should do about certain people and the audience would respond in unison "SHOOT THEM!":


"What should we do with all of the Antifa thugs who want to take our country away?"


"What should we do with all of the welfare ticks who want to tax our hardworking citizens to death so they can keep laying around doing nothing?"


"What should we do with the pussy vegan tree huggers that want to take our cars away and put our ranchers and farmers out of business?"


"What should we do with the illegal immigrants that are flooding across our border and want to replace us?"


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