《The Brotherhood Archive:Crossroads(Revised)》No chapter this Week,


Yes, I know I'm reposting this. Yes, I know that I'm just running it through an editing software. And just posting it.

However, it has come to my attention this is this part and I have some thoughts about this part and the next that follows it. I will try to have them both up next week, but I need some time to think about my...wording and explanation of something that happens there. Maybe my approach to it. Because I can't or rather I really don't want to change what happens. I just want to present it a little better, if that makes sense.

So I need to, well, sleep on it. Because that people is how you fix all plot and character problems. Do you overthink on it while staring at a wall?


You sleep on it.

Plus, my sitting out an update this week has enabled me to work on the new contest story. What about the old contest story? When are you finishing that?

I'm still working on it. I said it would be sporadic. However, I do have a new part waiting in the wind.

Though the new contest story is going to be that, short. It's so short that I'm nervous about it making it to the 8K mark. I'm halfway done with it. And no, it's not going to be anything gaming related. It's not a progression story. No power fantasy. There maybe some crossing of a different realm. It's mystical realism. Something I wanted to write for a long time and to be honest, this contest entry is likely the last new story I'm going to post to RoyalRoad.

I've a lot of thoughts I've just been holding back the last several months. Perhaps after I finish Hy-Ruh-Ha complete revisions, I'll talk about it, but not right now.

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