《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 63: Kill or be killed.


Chapter 63: Kill or be killed.

I think we have just found a new world to explore. I'm sure that this discovery would be held as the most monumental findings in the history of Gregorian empire and I can't wait to share this news with everyone.

- Unearthed from yhe remains of an unknown fallen soldier in the desert of Northern continent before they closed the Great Fortress.


A/N: Hubert is the father of Lucas.

"This is not good." Hubert said in a solemn voice while staring deeply at the approaching creatures.

"They're far too many, we need to do something to stall them or our soldiers would not be enough to stop them all." He added before commanding everyone to hold their position at the top of the wall.

"Sir, were ready." Hugo reported to Hubert as he lead the other knights of the city towards the defense line.

"Hugo, thank goodness you're here. I would not be able to stop them all by myself, I will need all the help that I could get." Hubert said in a tired voice as the stress of handling an entire city in the middle of an ongoing war with the fog has starting to take a toll on his body.

"And we're ready to provide everything that we can since this is also our home, and our family is still behind us waiting for us to get back." Daniel seriously said while warily looking at the approaching tide of monsters.

"God! they're too many." uttered by one of the young soldier in a loud voice as his entire body shakes from fear.

"New recruits." Michael whispered besides Lucas as his gazed settled on that young man.

"Do you know him?" Lucas ask in ignorance as he is not present during the recent recruitment of soldiers in the city for he is busy with the construction of the underground shelter.

"Yeah, it's one of the recruits that volunteer to joined our army in fighting, to keep our city safe during the invasion of this fog." He answered shortly.

"But he's still too young to joined us, I even looked much older than him." Lucas said in alarm.

"No he is not, he is already 15 you just looked more mature, but the youngest people out of everyone here is you, young master." Michael says with a steady voice while emphasizing the last part and he looks like he is not even bothered by the approaching army of mutated creatures.

"And being a member of the army at the age of 13 is normal thing at almost everywhere. Well, except for us, as your father doesn't want to force anyone younger than 15 to join. Unlike in other places where a young man in there 13s are conscripted to join the army by forced if there's an ongoing war." Michael muttered in lost as he explains things to Lucas.

"Wait...What?" is the only response that Lucas managed to say before Michael interrupts him again.

"Young master, you are far too young to understand everything. I've seen a lot more worst than this before, but you grew up in the safety of this city, oblivious to the cruelty of the outside world. All the knowledge you have about the world outside of this wall comes from those books that you have read in the library, but those are old books, and a lot of things have already change outside as nothing remains the same." Michael ruthlessly says as he looked at Lucas with little contempt on his eyes.


Lucas knows that what Michael's says about himself is right, and although he already have all the memories of the original Lucas of this world he still has a different concept and perspective of his old self from earth, compared to the aboriginal people of this world who knows the cruelty of this era. He also knows that even his own ancestors on earth has also undergone the same thought process during ancient times, but he is different, since he is someone who grew up on Earth where law and order ruled the society. The only thing that change, is that bad guys have become more cunning to do there deed in hiding all of there tracks under the eyes of the law.

But Lucas is also aware about his privileged transmigrating to a body of a young noble man, he has more freedom to do anything he wants compared of being a normal citizens of this land or worse is being cage in the body of a slave as they all have lost everything.

Lucas was about to reply to Michael when suddenly they were interrupted by his father.

"Although that is true, I'm also aware about the-" Lucas said when he was abruptly reprimanded by Hubert.

"Michael, Lucas this is not the time to talk, we have much more important thing to do, go back and get to your position." says by Hubert as he scolds the two young knights from distracting the other soldiers.

After saying this Hubert immediately went back of directing the soldiers reminding them of what to do when the monster have reach the city wall.

"Where did they come from? we haven't even seen many of these creatures inside of that fog during our patrols." Suddenly uttered by one of the Archers as he prepared his arrow and dosed it on fire.

"I have no idea but they're definitely not from around here. It's impossible for them to go unnoticed by us since we always have patrols that go inside of that fog to guard the city perimeter." Replied by one of the older member as they all solemnly stares at the incoming monsters.

"I thought that magic beast tide is the worst thing that I would ever fight in this place but I'm taking it back, since there's nothing more hideous than these creatures at all." Jokingly said by an old veteran soldier trying to lighten up the mood as everyone looked so solemn.

"Yeah I agree with you, but god what happen to them? it seems like they're all covered in this black......sludge?" murmured by someone in the crowd as the first creatures crawl out of the mist.

"Is this your first time seeing one them?" A soldier with a large shield said to one of the rookie as he proceeded to explain his own experience.

"They might have different appearance but all of them have the same characteristics of being covered on that thing and we encountered them a few times in the fog during our patrol, but we all managed to overwhelmed them with our strength and numbers." He said as he tries to encourage the rookies as he knows that he himself is feeling a little fearful of this incredible sight.

"Remember if you got any wounds or scratch from any of this monster, immediately consult our healers if you don't want yourself to turn into one of them. As you might all know this monster carries this parasites in their body and they can pass it on to any of us by wounding us with their claws or from their bites so be alert at all times. But fear not, as we have the way to cure you from this thing as long as the parasites haven't infected your brains. We also an antidote in our city and we have enough for everyone here." Hugo yelled as he explains everything towards everyone as some of the rookies don't have enough knowledge about this mutated creatures and it might caused some chaos if some of the rookies get infected of this parasites without knowing the consequences.


At the end of Hugo's speech he raised his hands to show a small bottle of potion that gives out a small glow of light, that all the knights are very familiar with, since Ethan have already prepared this potion a week after the fog trapped them inside their city. It was a diluted solution of mana potion that knights used to train theirselves, it was extracted from the fruits that has been collected by Gaspar, as every drop of juice of that fruit contains abundant mana that can makes anyone's body explode if they directly consume it. Well, everybody besides Gaspar.

"Look at that" A soldier shouted as the first monsters have shown its appearance afar exiting the thick fog.

It is a 4 legged creatures with 3 different heads that looks like it came from 3 different beings, but somehow got combined together in one body resulting in this abomination. The biggest head is located at the middle, and it is also the only head that has sharp antler like things while the other two, looks like a skull of a deformed animals that

Lucas could barely recognized. It also have sharp claws that leaves deep slashes everytime it steps on the ground as it runs towards them.

As the first monster revealed its form more creatures of abominations have finally shown up creating an army of unknown species of monster. They all have different looks from one another and none of them have come from the same species. It's more like an almagation of different breeds of beast resulting into the creation of new abomination that is unique from one another.

One of the most aggressive monster has the head of a bird like creature as the beak on its head is very prominent, but it's missing it's wings and it was replace of tentacled like things attach from its back that it use to grab anything in it's surroundings to throw upon it's enemies. Even using other monsters as weapons as it throws a small rat type creatures, that is as big as a dog towards the soldiers on the top of the wall but Callisto's shield have managed to deflect it in time.

While the fallen rat type creatures have been flatten by the strong impact but not enough to directly kill it, since the black sludges on its body keeps on wiggling to try and heal the damages it suffers from but one of the archers interrupt it and used an arrow dosed on fire to shoot it's head that finally kills it.

While on the other side is a bipedal creatures running on its two legs and have a head of a plant like flower that blooms and shoots out condense form of black mist that corrodes most of the things it touches, as one of its attack landed in a small tree growing at the foot of the city wall that has now been reduce into a file of ashes and smoke in instant.

But the most alarming thing is actually not these land type creatures but the multiple monster that is now flying towards the Florentine city, each one of them looks intimidating due to their size and unpleasant form. Although they have large wings on their back none of them can be called as birds anymore as the mutation have already change them beyond recognition.

"Knights, go ahead and unleashed your most powerful skills. Lets kill this monster us many as we can." Hubert said in a strong voice as he lead the team of knights to attack the creatures from atop of the city wall and strong blood intent can also be felt sipping out from his body that started to affects everyone.

Hubert leads the attacks as he once again used his powerful sharp blade to carve a path towards the army of the monster that kills most of the flying type creatures, except for the three big monster that remains unscratched. Most of the remaining flying monster have various injuries from their body causing some of them to fall while others have difficulty staying on air.

"Does father has a name for this skill? I don't seem to remember reading any information regarding that attack skill from any of our cultivation technique." Lucas said in daze while staring at the might of his father's power's.

"Hugo! You guard the wall I will stop these three from flying over the city, it seems like I need to used some forced to kill this pest." Hubert says before jumping away and flying towards the monster blocking them from proceeding further.

"Wait that's too dangerous." Shouted by Hugo but it only falls to deaf ears.

"Father!" Lucas yells worriedly.

"Master Hubert!" The soldiers and Knights also called when they saw him jumped towards the incoming tide of monsters.

"Hurry! distract them with your attacks, don't let them focus their attention on master Hubert." Hugo yells as he commanded the other knights to used their power from distracting and eliminating most of the land monsters.

Lucas watched everything unfold in front of him as countless explosion and aura skills was released from the group of transcendent knights, causing hundreds of monster to die in bormbarment, but the tide of mutated creatures still doesn't end.

Regarding Hugo everyone is aware that he is the second most powerful knight in the city of Florentine, second only to Hubert and yet this is the first time Lucas saw him unleashed his own power without holding back. The same story applies for the others knights filling the air around them in colorful aura that signifys there powerful rank. This scene has allowed Lucas to further understand how powerful and inhuman a knights are, and it also allows him to quickly see the huge difference of power between their ranks.

Hugo's attack is quite special since his method is different from the rest of the knights where they used sword blade . He uses a condensed aura in a spear form, that flys towards the monsters poking several dozens of them into death. But his attack didn't end there, as it was followed by a wild aura explosion causing monsters nearby to be reduced into smithereens.

Aside from Hubert's attack, Hugo's skill is the second most destructive among them. While, the other knights can only reduce the numbers of monsters running towards them keeping the numbers at bay, so that even normal soldiers could handle the pressure.

The problem is that monster are rapidly filling on the foot of the wall even though the archers and ballistas has been firing non stop.

Lucas and Michael themselves are already included in the fight but since Lucas remaining mana is already low, he can only used ample amount of it, to boost his strength and used random weapons to throw towards the incoming monster treating them like a konai. Although it looks foolish this technique was proven to be effective.

While everyone is busy fighting with monster on the ground, Hubert is occupied by the three flying monsters. Although it is true that he was strongest knights among them, he seems to be having difficulty as his attacks seems to be ineffective in wounding them. However, it's still not enough to stop all of them from flying towards the city.

Trained soldiers especially those that carries huge shield have cooperated with one another and become the vanguard responsible for protecting the other soldiers from other monsters while the swordsman and archers are responsible for killing some of the mutated creatures.

"AAAAHHHH!... HELP.....PLEASE HELP ME I CAN'T....I CAN'T DO THIS." A young rookie shouts while fearfully backing away from a monster thats trying to eat him.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH KID." The veteran soldier said to him as he slam his swords towards the head of the large Frog like creature.

"You should learn how to protect yourself because right now is a moment for you to decide if you want to kill or be killed in this battlefield." He added as an advice before going back in killing more of them.

"Kill or be killed" dazedly murmured by the rescued rookie before his expression change into something new.

"Then I will be the one who's going to do the killing today I still haven't had the chance to confess myself to her so, Die , die, die." saying this thing before slamming his hammer to a smaller pray who approaches his back.

"Ha! see that kid you can do it. You can finally declare yourself as a man. Ahahahah" said by the other middle-aged soldiers before laughing.

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