《The poet and the bard》The winner takes it all


Markus followed Elizabeth and the other ghosts down the hall, leading to the kitchen where Julian and Egad were going over the evidence they had compiled so far. Alison was stood at the end of the kitchen table, speaking up for Julian whenever he would say something.

"So, this is what we have so far..." Egad trailed, not noticing Markus entering the room. "We know that on the night of the party, Derick retuned to the house after he'd been drinking. He was frustrated with the fact Elizabeth had thrown a party and strangled her with a belt. He then panicked, and fled the scene."

"We know that he had someone cover up certain parts of evidence though, because the belt he used to kill her is unaccounted for." Julian added. "Nasty business that, with enough money and influence you can get away with anything...I should know" he smirked.

Markus cleared his throat, catching the attention of both men, dead and alive. Egad's eyes widened, and he stood to greet him. "Ah! You must be Markus! We've met before briefly..., when my sister died".

Markus turned to Elizabeth awkwardly. He was still struggling to wrap his head around all of this.

"Yes, I do remember. I was listening in, no offence but it doesn't seem like much to go on".

"Ah ah Ah! You didn't let me finish!" Julian piped up, straightening his already straight tie. "Picking up from where I left off, after he fled the scene he bought a plane ticket to Arizona, most likely to to lay low until his people could smooth it over."

Elizabeth turned her head. "Wait hold on, how the hell do you know that?"

"Newspaper clipping" Alison explained. She slid a piece of musty looking paper over to Elizabeth. The article read "Famed record label owner Derick Parker retires to holiday home in the states after 'heartbreak' over the death of his biggest star. Mr Parker stated he needed 'a month or two to get away from it all'."


Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "From the get go he used my death to benefit himself. To think I used to trust him...".

Thomas placed a hand on his lover's shoulder. "Rest assured my love, this charlatan will meet the iron fist of justice".

Markus picked up the clipping, examining it. "I remember this." He began. "I remember seeing the news cover it all. I remember how angry I was. I just knew it was him from the beginning, he was always so greedy, all he cared about was exploiting you for your music Lizzy. And once that was done, he exploited your death too. Now only he makes money from your music even though all of the songs are in your name!-"

"Wait, what?" Egad interrupted. "All of the music is still in her name?".

Markus nodded, "yeah, she always said how she never talked to her family, right Liz?" He turned to look at her.

"Yes. I was always sure that every penny went to me and the band, but the funds went directly to me, and I would divide it between the band. So...ah I see now. When I died, Derick had rights to the music since it was under his label." She sighed.

Egad pondered for a moment, then a light bulb went off in his head. "What if...we don't need to have proof he murdered you to get this case reopened?"

"What?" The ghosts said in unison, Alison and Markus included.

"Hear me out! If Lizzy's music was in her name when she died then Derick has now legal claim to it! Because I'm here right now! It's technically registered in my name too! We don't need to start a murder case, we need to start a repossession case. If we kick up a fuss publicly about me having claim to your music Liz, then he'll have to start a case to put it to rest. From there we can start the real plan!"


Julian huffed. "I mean it's a shot in the dark alright, but what do you mean by 'real plan'?"

He waited as Alison relayed the message.

"We can drive him mad" Markus interjected, catching on to what Egad was planning.

"...pardon?" Alison questioned, a look of concern gracing her face.

"During this case all we have to do is drop hints. Here and there, slowly building it up. We need to let him know that we know. Bring up the belt, the subtle exploitation. Soon enough he'll crack. And when that happens we'll have our in." Egad smiled to himself, glad to finally be getting somewhere.

Julian chuckled. "Christ, that like something I would come up with"

Elizabeth sighed, glancing to Thomas who gave her a reassuring smile as he always did. He was always so supportive, always there when he needed her. She was so thankful for him. She took his hand and smiled. "And you think this will work?" She asked.

"There's no way to know for sure, but it's a plan" Markus smiled.

"And a fine plan it is!" Captain adjusted his posture with a proud look on his face. "My, it's been many years since I've had the opportunity to scheme against the enemy! This reminds me of a particularly difficult spot I found myself in-"

"God, we should escape now before we get trapped in his anecdote" Elizabeth joked to Thomas.

"Yes indeed" he chuckled. "To the garden?"

"Yes, that would be grand".


A/N: hey guys!!! So much has happened since I last updated!! Sorry for taking such a long break but I really needed it. I have no clue if this makes sense in any legal way because I made it all up and I am not a lawyer (shocking I know) so take it all with a grain of salt because I'm writing this at 2am!

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