《Beautiful Infatuation》Chapter 58
The entire week went relatively peacefully for Sneha, something that she had not expected after the engagement. Besides Viraj's surprise visit to her in the college during dispersal timings, which were on Tuesday and Thursday, he gave her ample space to study and do her part-time job. On those two days, he just talked to her about their day for about twenty minutes in his car before she reminded him about her job and that she'd be late. However, as a fool, that she is, she made sure to give him a flower as was the new custom between them.
It was already the weekend and as Sneha had expected, the doorbell rang right after she finished her breakfast with her family. It was almost 9 am. Her father just looked at her as she stood to open the door. Neither could he stop her, nor could he stop the person behind the door. But, today was different and he expected his daughter to convince Viraj.
Sneha opened the door and forced a smile.
"Hi." She said hoping he was in a good mood so that she could convince him.
Viraj smiled seeing her give him a warm welcome and quickly stepped inside to hug her.
"You are already ready to go with me?" He asked as he noticed her wearing a mid-calf dress with her hair properly done.
"Uhh... Viraj..." She trailed and looked behind her towards her father.
"What?" He asked as he looked at her father and then at her mother and sister. All were dressed up as if ready to go out. He mumbled a quick greeting to her parents and smiled at his future sister-in-law.
"My bua (father's sister) has arranged a small get-together today as it is my cousin's birthday. So, we were planning to go to her home today. She is my only close relative in Mumbai." She very politely explained, because his permission was crucial if she didn't want his father to go crazy like last time.
Viraj's face fell and became stiff as he understood where this conversation was going. She didn't want to spend the weekend with him, he realized, whatever the reason might be. And, he'd be damned if he'd let her go away from his sight today. He had waited the entire week for this moment!
"Sure!" He said aloud, loud enough for her family to hear. Instantly, her little family sighed in relief and her sister smiled while looking at her mother.
Even his fireball smiled genuinely and he didn't miss it.
"Thank you, Viraj." She mumbled and her body language gave away her excitement.
"Of course. Who am I to stop your father, mother and sister from going anywhere?" He casually added, knowing that his witty girl would understand his real meaning.
Sneha nodded in understanding before her brows furrowed in confusion. Why did he only say 'father, mother and sister', she wondered.
"I...I have to go with them too." She said in a low tone while facing him, her smile faltering.
Viraj faked a surprised expression.
"And, you know my answer." He said.
Sneha quickly stepped closer to him and whispered.
"Please, Viraj. Just for today and tomorrow." She said. She had never imagined a day would come when she'd have to take someone's permission, other than her parents, about going out!
"Oh, so now, it's tomorrow, also!" He chuckled in irritation.
"I mean... I...I promised her that I would come for her birthday. She is getting married soon and this is probably the last time that we'd celebrate together." She tried to convince him. But, he was as adamant as her.
"You gave me a promise as well. You promised that the weekends would be mine. And I kept my promise of letting you focus on your studies the entire week. Didn't I?" He asked in an accusing tone.
It made her speechless.
"Just this weekend, Viraj...Please!" She still requested...hoping he would change his mind. To add more emotions, she gently held his left hand in her cold hands.
Viraj looked down at her hands and then at her. After a short pause and deep thinking, he finally spoke. It was a rare event when she'd ask him something, he knew. And to him, it didn't feel right to deny her little requests.
"Fine. But, I have a condition." He said.
She furrowed her brows again.
"I'll come to your cousin's place too." He said with a small victorious smile. He knew she would never agree with it and true to his expectation, she left his hand instantly.
Sneha knew she couldn't take Viraj with her to any of her relative's families. It was neither safe nor right, according to her. Her bua would definitely scold her for bringing a criminal to her home. Moreover, they wouldn't be able to have any sort of fun or conversation with the mafia leader under the same roof.
She thought over it before making the final decision.
"I'll come with you." She told him with a straight face. Her sadness was obvious in her eyes and expression. And, why wouldn't she be? She had planned so much for tonight with her cousins. And, Viraj had to ruin everything!
"Good decision. Go and change into jeans. Also, wear comfortable shoes." He commanded in his usual tone.
"Why?" She asked while looking at her dress briefly.
"This dress is not appropriate for the place where we are going." He explained.
"Okay..." She mumbled hesitantly and turned around to walk toward her room.
He faced her parents again, only to find her father looking at him with a disappointed face.
'What was he expecting?' Viraj wondered, but on the exterior, he flashed a small smile and walked inside.
Sneha's father faked a warm welcome and made him sit on the sofa as he offered him breakfast. Viraj, however, politely declined.
"I'll drop her tomorrow night, uncle." He informed her father gently when Sneha had completely gone inside along with the other women in the house.
"She really wanted to go with us." Shankar, Sneha's father, carefully added, hoping that at least, he would be able to change his mind.
Viraj was taken aback by the statement and he looked at him with raised brows.
"I am sure she does. But, we also have plans that were made a week ago." He answered.
Shankar nodded...contemplating whether he should continue or not. He decided to go with the latter.
Sneha entered the car after Viraj opened the door for her. Without meeting his gaze, she quietly buckled herself with the seatbelt.
'What is this perfume?' She wondered when her eyes fell on the backseat where a huge bouquet of roses lay peacefully. She rolled her eyes at them. They held no meaning to her when Viraj couldn't even accept her one little wish!
Soon, she saw him enter the driver's seat. So, she quickly faced the window glass and looked outside. His sigh was easily audible in the confined space as he looked at her angry expression. Hoping that the delicate flowers would calm her down, he turned around and grabbed the bouquet.
"For you." He said and pushed it in her direction.
She knew what he was giving her. The odour was that intense!
So, she faced him, took the flowers, and kept them on her lap.
"Thank you." She muttered lowly, without any expression.
"Your 'thank you' does not sound genuine." He said playfully while looking at her, who was still looking outside.
'Because it is not.' She thought but otherwise, kept silent.
"Sneha..." He called again for her attention.
"What?" She finally spoke after a short pause.
"Why are you upset with me?" He asked. It was one thing that he absolutely hated, and he had observed it in himself many times since the moment he met her.
"Shouldn't I be?"
Sneha turned to look at him.
"I told you that I really want to go to my cousin's house."
"And I agreed!"
"I...I can't take you there!" She finally said.
"You know why."
"I don't know."
'Because you are a criminal and a murderer!' She wanted to say.
"Because it is not considered right to bring fiance to family function before marriage." She lied.
"Then, it is not my fault if your family has such strange customs. Now, look at me." He said.
Sneha didn't immediately comply.
"Sneha..." He added sternly.
Finally, she looked in his direction.
"Drop this sad face, now. I am sure you will like the place where we are going." He said excitedly and caressed her cheek.
She only nodded in response hesitantly, without any excitement.
"Why are we here?" Sneha asked in an unsure tone as she looked around her. They were standing on a muddy road with lanes of hills welcoming them. She couldn't understand why he brought her to a hill station that was so far from the city. It was already afternoon!
"This is where our trekking begins." He answered her excitedly as he took out a small bag from the car and carried it on his shoulder. She noticed him parking his car beside another grey-coloured one under a well-maintained shed. She wondered whose car was it.
"Trekking?" She couldn't help but ask. The path looked so difficult and steep. What is wrong with him, she wondered.
"Yes. Now, come." He said excitedly and grabbed her hand in his.
"Viraj, it will be dark till we reach the top. How will we come back before sunset?" She asked, worried about her safety. The dense vegetation screamed of snakes and whatnot!
"Why do you worry so much? I am here with you. You are absolutely safe with me."
"And, I have taken care of everything. So, just enjoy the trip." He said and they started the climb.
"How can I enjoy it when I don't even know where I am going!" She complained while pulling herself up on one of the stones. The path was similar to the ones in her hometown.
"Just somewhere special. And let me give you a hint...It is a place that very few women have ever seen." He tried to excite her imagination. Perhaps, that would make her happy, he wondered.
"Is that so?" She mumbled and tried to free her hand from his.
"What?" He asked when he felt her try to free herself.
"It will be better to walk without holding hands. The grip will be stronger with free hands." She explained to him the logic that she used in her hometown while walking on rough terrain.
"What if you'd fall? I won't be able to..." He raised his concern but she beat him to it.
"I won't. This is much easier than the mountains in my village. I am used to this." She boasted.
Viraj raised his brows in surprise before leaving her hand.
"Okay. Just be careful. Let me know if you get thirsty or tired. I have two water bottles in the bag." He reiterated and walked behind her...just in case.
After three long hours of climbing the hill, Sneha and Viraj finally reached the summit, which was artificially flattened. It was private property, she realized, as she had seen the ownership board some meters behind her.
Huffing and wiping the sweat, she finally walked on the plain surface. She had only walked some distance when her eyes fell on something that made her stop in her tracks. Her eyes widened in reflex as she stood with an amazed expression. The light breeze of the hill played with her hair that she had tied into a bun two hours ago.
Sneha came out of her shocked state only when Viraj hugged her from behind. His hands rested on her stomach, as he spoke.
"Did you like it?" He asked.
She didn't know what to say as she looked at the huge garden of tulips. Huge was an understatement. It was a massive garden! Lanes of tulips of all possible colours were swaying gently with the calm wind.
They looked mesmerizing!
And, she couldn't remove her eyes from them.
Being a Geography student, only one question came to her mind.
"How is this possible?" She asked aloud.
Viraj left her body and stood beside her while looking at the beautiful flowers.
"What?" He asked and looked at her.
"How can tulips grow in Maharashtra?" She asked in surprise.
"Well, love can make a man do anything." He answered her.
Sneha instantly looked at him. She wondered if he planted them! But, they just met...and tulips need at least three months to blossom.
"Here, comes the owner." He added when a tall and lean man was approaching them from some distance. It was now that Sneha noticed that there was also a villa opposite the heavenly garden.
"He planted them?" She asked.
"Yes. For his wife." He answered. Before he could explain further, the man stood in front of them and hugged Viraj in a brotherly manner.
"I am glad you finally came to see my little piece of heaven." The man said excitedly and met Sneha's curious gaze.
"Thanks for accepting my request at such short notice, Vinay." Viraj hugged him back.
"Don't start with the formalities, bro!" Vinay complained and finally faced Sneha completely.
Viraj chuckled and pulled Sneha closer to him by placing his arm around her waist.
"Meet Sneha, my fiancee." He said and looked at her proudly.
"Hi, Sneha! Finally, I got to meet you. You became quite a buzz in our circle and I was dying to meet you in person." Vinay said and extended his hand for a handshake.
She gently accepted the greeting and forced a smile. This man's aura screamed bad-boy. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt with matching shorts. His entire body was inked with images that made no sense to her. He even had two piercings on his ear. And, he had an easy tone that showed that he worked in the entertainment industry.
"Come, I prepared some snacks for you both. The journey might be tiring!" Vinay added and guided the guests to a nearby table with four chairs.
As much as she wanted to deny it, she was starving. The three hours journey by car and another three on foot had made her stomach literally grumble at the sight of food. Viraj had given her some light snacks on the way, but a proper meal is unbeatable.
"I thought you would leave in the morning itself." Viraj asked as they took their seats.
"I had planned so. But, then I couldn't miss meeting your fiancee. It's not every day that the great Viraj chooses a woman for himself." Vinay tried to pull his leg. Viraj could care less about it. Instead, he felt proud of himself. He had never thought he would want a woman so stubbornly as he wanted Sneha. But, one look at her, and he would melt like butter. This feeling was insanely beautiful, he realized!
"But, don't worry. I won't be the third wheel in your romance. I will go now...after having the snacks." He said and served tea to Viraj and Sneha.
Sneha mumbled a thank you while holding the cup of tea. As the men engaged in their friendly conversation, she looked in the direction of the tulips. She fell in love at the sight again. It really was a beautiful garden and she hoped her sister would see it too.
The thought of her sister made her think about what she might be doing at her cousin's house. Fun, obviously! She sighed. She too wanted to go to her relative's house. But, no. She was stuck here...between these two men, who were ignoring her as if she wasn't even here. Not that she was complaining about the lack of attention, but she wanted to be somewhere else! Apart from the sight of the tulips, nothing good happened today. And, now the tulips were also losing her interest.
Involuntarily, she heaved a sigh, that immediately caught Viraj's attention as he was sitting just beside her.
"What happened? Do you want something?" He instantly asked her.
"Huh? No." She answered quickly.
"So, Sneha, did you like the garden?" Vinay asked after realizing that she was getting bored.
"Yeah. It is beautiful." She answered as she saw him look in the direction of the flowers with a gentle gaze.
"I know. After all, every woman is a crazy fan of flowers. My wife loves them too." Vinay said and finally met her eyes.
Viraj lowered his head at the mention of his wife.
However, Sneha didn't like the generalization.
"Not all...women like flowers." She slowly added, taking both men by surprise.
"You don't?" Both asked in unison. Viraj asked in a little more surprised tone. He gave her flowers in the morning, for heaven's sake! The thought of her not liking them made him...uneasy.
"I like them but I am not a crazy fan of flowers..."
"Well, I know my wife loves them. That is why I decided to grow all types of tulips here...for her." Vinay added confidently, which Sneha misunderstood as being stereotypical.
"This is a common incorrect generalization about women. Perhaps, you should also ask your wife about this." She contradicted a little rudely.
"Sneha..." Viraj interrupted her but she didn't care about it. Mostly because, Viraj ruined her planned evening, so why should she care about his friend or whatever?
"No, no. She is right, Viraj. I, actually, never asked her. I concluded because she always smiled on seeing them... especially the tulips." Vinay confessed.
His blunt acceptance made her feel embarrassed and a little ashamed for being rude.
'I don't care.' She consoled herself.
"Vinay..." Viraj was about to apologize on Sneha's behalf when he spoke again.
"It is getting late, guys. It will be dark in an hour or so... So, I should leave now. Come Viraj, let me quickly show you the important areas in the villa so that you'd know your way here." Vinay offered and Viraj stood up to follow his lead.
"Sneha, stay here. I'll be back soon." Viraj lightly tapped on her shoulder to which she nodded.
Five minutes had passed, and she was getting bored now. With nothing to do and her stomach full, she decided to walk in the garden and take a closer look at the tulips. She thought of calling her sister and asking for updates but then decided against it. Why should she ruin her moment with their cousins?
Thus, she stood and entered the middle lane empty-handed. Touching the soft petals with her fingers, she wondered how proud Vinay's wife felt whenever she looked at this well-maintained garden. It was a perfect token of love! At that moment, she even felt jealous of Vinay's wife, whom she didn't even know.
Walking straight for about fifteen minutes, she almost reached the centre of the garden when she realized that the centre of the garden had a circular patch of land void of flowers. Instead, a white marble stone was placed at the middle spot. Curiously, she walked in that direction and stood in front of it. There was a short paragraph engraved on the stone with a blue tulip placed just in front of it.
As she read the engraving, her eyes could only widen...both in shock and pity.
'In loving memory of my beloved wife.
You were and will always be my most precious flower.
Rest in peace, darling.'
Sneha read the three simple lines at least ten times. She just couldn't believe this!
'But he used the present tense for his wife!' She thought.
'Was he talking about his second wife at the table?'
'Are you stupid, Sneha? If he was talking about his present wife, then why would he place this stone of his dead wife here?'
'Oh, God! What if his wife really died and he made this garden in her memory? I asked him to go and ask his wife whether she liked flowers, or not! How can you be so rude, Sneha!' She scolded herself and slapped her forehead in frustration. Her conscience was going insane.
'But I didn't know about this.' She said in her defence.
There was only one way to confirm.
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