《Beast World》Beast World #4: Bright New Future


'He came from the light. What in the Brood Mother's name am I supposed to make of that?' Gharna thought to herself as the two have been sitting in silence for several minutes at this point.

'And what in the Hunt Father's name happened to him?!' She said looking at Michael. He seemed to be as deflated as a flat tire and as mopey as a wet towel.

'How did I get beaten by that? Gods. Please tell me I am not going crazy, yet.' She said with a snort and huff, but her jelly like legs that barely began to semi function, gave her the reality check she needed to remember, that their fight was not a dream.

"Sigh... when my den sisters told me I would find myself someone to make my legs soft like Enki Worms, I am certain this is not what they meant." She said to herself as she snorted a laugh at the whole situation. After the stress this whole endevour caused, she needed something to laugh at.

Soon enough though, this calmer mood gets interrupted by sounds of steps approaching from the outside, three sets of them. From the cave's entrance 3 figures could be seen. It seems Yenna brought in reinforcements and by that it means he brought Rok and Azhul.

While Azhul stood at 6'3" and Yenna was just about 5'2", Rok stood at a medium 5'9". The trio of them were panting, Azhul using her long polearm like axe to prop herself up.

"Gharna! I brought help! Are you alright? Where is the thing you said you saw in there?" Yenna yelled out as he squinted his eyes, taking a moment to spot his sister as well as something crouched on the stone near her. "Is that it?" The younger boy asked confused.

"You called us her for... what even is that?" Rok said as he began stepping inside, his eyes finally spotting Michael still sniffling as he was curled up, with his knees at his chest.


"Dunno, but if we go by the crying, means Gharna took care of it proper." Azhul said as she seemed to calm down, sighing with ease as she leaned against the cave's wall.

"Well, actu-" but Gharna got swiftly interrupted by Yenna who snorted. "Well duh. My blood sister might be terrible at certain things, but fighting isn't one of them."

Rok then simply approached the thing from behind and he huffed with confidence as he put a three toed foot on its back. "Hah, I couldn't see how this meek thing would give Gharna trouble. Look at it." He said giving Michael a light shove while keeping his foot on him.

"If you would have listened, you would have heard me tell you, I didn't beat it!" Gharna yelled out snorting and oinking annoyed.

Rok looked at her surprised. "You didn't bea-" but instead of the sentence's end, a squeal left his maw, as now a fist was lodged against the underside of his crotch, a fist coming from the thing he just had a leg propped on.

Rok, much more akin to a tree crumpled forward whining, the furless Michael then standing up which made, Yenna and Azhul flinch and stand up in a more alert pose.

"W-wow wait... It's way bigger than I thought." Yenna added actually feeling intimidated by Michael, who stood at 6 feet tall, had a decently muscular body build, with a wider ribcage than most.

"Truffles... this isn't good." Azhul added as she now realized why Gharna is sitting down. "Did it hurt you?! Are you bleeding?!" She yelled out, now with the halberd axe ready.

"N-no! No! No! It punched me two or tree times, but then it basically let me tire myself out. Actually it is not a threat! I mean... it is... strong... but I don't think it has ill will."

At which point Rok could be heard screaming again, which prompted the two women and the younger boy to stare in his direction. The three then got second hand cringe, from him, who was laying flat on his belly, while the furless creature, basically had him held by the ankles, legs lifted up and apart and was getting a few stomps on the boar man's crotch from behind, with some decent heavy duty mountain walking boots, while barking something angrily.


"Not ill willed?!" Azhul said incredulously as she began running up.

"W-well to be fair, Rok did step on it!" Gharna replied as she tried to get up, which she did, but she was certain, she couldn't walk.


"God, asshole bullies, of course you exist in all dimensions!" Michael growled out between gritted teeth as he was getting some under the belt retribution on the one who decided to use him as a stepping stool while he already was feeling like crap. Whether he truly was a bully or Michael was just simply venting his current situation frustrations on him, it's harder for the young man to say.

Before giving Rok a 6th well placed stomp, he finally spotted something even larger than the boar person he fought before. To Michael this was something akin to a boar titan charging him with a large weapon.

"Well, shit. Guess this is where I die now..." he chuckled nervously as he staggered back, his previous fight only now showing its effects, although he could move just fine, he knew he was going to be too sluggish if he had to strain himself like he did before. A semi active, mostly sedentary student and video game enjoyer life, wasn't exactly the formula for athlete level physical performance. So decided to wait out the storm, he braced himself for something up close and personal.


"STOP! In the Brood Mother's name! Bloody stop!" Gherna yelled out loudly enough with a high pitch oink, enough to pop sensitive ear drums.

"It is lost! It is bloody scared and separated from its den." The 6' 2" tuskir woman said angrily as she tried to keep up on her shakey legs.

This was enough to make Azhul to stagger in her track and quite loud enough to make Michael cover his ear.

The larger sow huffed as she held her halberd more like a staff now. "Fine. Then we will take him with us and discuss with the den mother what to do. I will grab Rok, since I believe our... lost guest, has done quite a number on him. Yenna. Help Gharna walk." Azhul said as then stared with a focused gaze upon Michael, while lifting Rok and hoisting him over a shoulder, small half concious groans coming out of him.

As Yenna would nervously enter, she would help Gharna stand and prop her up at which point, the swine woman looked to Michael and she would extend a hand towards him.


'Well this is a rather unique situation. The one I nearly tired to death, now understands how actually fucked I am and actually wishes to help, after clearing misunderstandings.' Michael thought genuinely surprised by this.

'I am genuinely salty by this. I got someone's sympathy possibly or at least their willingness to help me out with less words than I would use when trying to convince my bullies to stop picking on me. Man... this is just a big fat L to humanity in the face of... boar... people? Tusk-kin? Ugh... I'll come up with something.'

As he took a minute to decide, he sighed relaxing his shoulders and slumping his back in a tired manner, as he took Gharna's three fingered hand and nodded to her silently, but with a clear thankful appreciation.

Michael, along with Gharna, Yenna, Azhul and a passed out Rok, then began the descent back to the Tuskir den.

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